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Dimensions of Entrepreneurship. Prof. Jerzy Cieślik Kozminski University. Dimensions of entrepreneurship. Macroeconomic dimension Business process dimension Individual entrepreneur dimension Subject of PHD thesis ?. Macroeconomic dimension. Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship.
Dimensions of Entrepreneurship Prof. Jerzy CieślikKozminski University
Dimensions of entrepreneurship • Macroeconomic dimension • Business process dimension • Individual entrepreneur dimension • Subject of PHD thesis?
Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship Level of innovation Years 1930 1940 1970 1990 2000
Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship Creative destruction Level of innovation Years 1930 1940 1970 1990 2000
Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship Creative destruction Large corporations Poziom innowacyjności Small business Years 1930 1940 1970 1990 2000
Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship Twórcza destrukcja Large corporations Large corporations Radical innovations in small firms Level of innovation CE Gazelles – impact on employment, value added, exports Small business Small business Years 1930 1940 1970 1990 2000
Evolution of the notion of entrepreneurship Creative destruction Large corporations Large corporations Radical innovations in small firms Academic Level of innovation CE Arts Social Gazelles – impact on employment, value added, exports Public sector Personal life - writing PHD in an entrepreneurial way? Small business Small business Lata 1930 1940 1970 1990 2000
Ambitious forms of entrepreneurship High-tech Knowledge-based Corporate (CE) Academic Knowledge - based Arts Intelectual High-growth Growth-oriented Social International Public Franchising High-tech
Dimensions of small business Subordinated to non-business values Weak side of entrepreneurship Dark side of entrepreneurship Family Dependent Life style Criminal Third Age Grey Unemployed Second Disabled chance Hybryd Imigrant Female Solo X
GEM Level of entrepreneurialactivity and the development stage 2011
Business ownership rates in30 OECD countries in 2008 COMPENDIA Database)