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Construction in EU 2020. OG10 Meeting Brussels, April 28, 2010. SMART GROWTH INNOVATION “Innovation Union” (JW).
Construction in EU 2020 OG10 Meeting Brussels, April 28, 2010
SMART GROWTHINNOVATION“Innovation Union” (JW) • Construction sector will contribute to improve (framework conditions and access to finance for) research and innovation so as to strengthen the innovation chain and boost levels of investment throughout the Union. • Commitment of Construction sector to invest and develop RDI in the sector (see example of PPP EeB) • E2BA and Energy Security, transport infrastructures, healthy and ageing, environmentally friendly production methods • Integration of innovation within the sector • See Outreach programme • Move to performance-oriented contracts and processes
SMART GROWTHEDUCATION“Youth on the move” (GM) • To enhance the performance of education systems and to reinforce the international attractiveness of Europe’s higher education. • “Scaling-up” of construction employees : not only training, but also basic education • Transfer knowledge of construction to youth and specifically girls • Educational problem linked to finding qualified people for the construction sector • Single sector with low skill employees, attractiveness for and integration of immigrants
SMART GROWTHDIGITAL SOCIETY“A digital agenda for Europe” (MH) • Construction sector will contribute to speed the roll-out of high-internet and reap the benefits of a digital single market for households and firms • Role of ITC in the Construction sector • “from a product industry to a service industry” • « client involvement
SUSTAINABLE GROWTHCLIMATE, ENERGY AND MOBILITY“Resource efficient Europe” (LP) • Construction sector will contribute to decouple economic growth from the use of resources • By decarbonising our economy • Materials producers (cement, glass, steel…) will save energy with new production process • New or improved products and services with a significant smaller ecological footprint • By increasing the use of renewable resources • New and existing buildings and districts will use renewable energy to cover their consumption and even produce energy (cf. E2BA) • Less raw non renewable materials are used while constructing works • Waste recycling and reuse is more and more developed • By modernising our transport sector • Providing future smart, safe, sustainable… infrastructures networks • Better spatial planning, reducing urban sprawl • By promoting energy efficiency • New and existing buildings will need less energy for heating cooling and DHW production (cf. 2BA)
SUSTAINABLE GROWTHCOMPETITIVENESS“Industrial policy for the globalisation area” (JV) • Construction sector will improve the business environment, especially for SMEs • By providing transport and logistics infrastructure/facilities for ALL industries, reducing risks on safety… • By opening a new retrofitting market (cf. E2BA) • By facilitating SMEs business though industrializing the construction process (modular/flexible approach…) • By promoting/developing technologies and production methods that reduce natural use and transferring knowledge (demonstration, regulation, training…) on best practices to the construction SMEs community • By promoting the take-up of key enabling technologies (nano, bio, ICT…) such as…. • By promoting incentive performance-based models (regulations…) and promoting ambitious targets to develop a lead market in sustainable construction • Construction sector will support the development of a strong and sustainable industrial base able to compete globally • Construction is increasing export throughout the world (components, equipment, infrastructure works,…) see March 2006 Europe research) • Culture heritage conservation enhances the competitiveness of the European tourism sector
INCLUSIVE GROWTHEMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS “Agenda for new skills and jobs” (ASM) • Construction sector will modernise labour markets, with a view to increase labour participation and better match labour supply and demand. • by facilitating labour mobility ?? • by facilitating the development of skills throughout the lifecycle • Level of knowledge and techniques will increase in construction works • Ageing working forces ?
INCLUSIVE GROWTHFIGHTING POWERTY”European platform against poverty” (IR) • Construction sector will contribute to ensure social and territorial cohesion • such as the benefits of growth and jobs are widely shared?? • and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion are enabled to live in dignity and take an active part in society. • Construction sector will provide European citizens with affordable, resource efficient and comfortable housings, building/urban design that encourages social inclusion, positive social behavior, road safety; reduced pollution and noise…
Other issues • Adaptation to climate change • Health and ageing • Indoor air quality • Helping elderly to stay involved, stay healthy,; living independently longer… • Cultural Heritage