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Do now. Explain the following two words from the vocab list from Friday. Take a blank piece of paper and write these down. 1. What is the Kimberly Process? 2. What is Therimosal ? 3. Baby Boomers
Do now • Explain the following two words from the vocab list from Friday. Take a blank piece of paper and write these down. • 1. What is the Kimberly Process? • 2. What is Therimosal? • 3. Baby Boomers • Kimberly Process is the manner in which diamonds are certified so that people know they did not come from conflict areas (aka Blood Diamonds) • Therimosal – is a preservative used (formerly used) in vaccines. It was thought to be a cause of Autism. • Baby Boomers - People born after WW II up to 1962
Homework – Due Today • Vocab Words: • 101. Ecotourism 106. Carcinogens • 102. Gray Water 107. Carrying capacity • 103. Biomass 108. Mass Extinction • 104. Geothermal 109. Mass Depletion • 105. Baby boomers 110. Tsunami • Reading pages 400 – stop at 420 stopping at Fresh Water Pollution & its control. You will notice more words and greater reading. This is preparation for the AP Exam.
Homework – Due Monday • Vocab Words: • 111. Microclimate 116. Superfund • 112. Kyoto Protocol117. Therimosal • 113. 3rd World Country 118. Levittown • 114. One Child Policy119. Multinucieei aka multiple-nuclei model • 115. Kimberly’s Process120. Clear Skies Initiative • Reading pages Starting at 420-428 (which is the end of the Chapter).
Boards • As tables, use your notebooks only, determine what are the five (there are more) areas from the reading. • 1. Fresh Water • 2. Pond, Lakes & Wetlands • 3. Groundwater • 4. Diverting water (problems associated with) such as dams, Dikes, levees • 5. Over use of water • 6. Impact of bottled water • 7. Desalination
New stuff • What is the negative impact of building a dam for hydroelectric power? • Prevents water from carrying nutrients down stream. Also, re-directs water at the cost of the ecosystem • Why was Hurricane Katrina so devastating? • Below water already, once Levees were breached the water went to the path of least resistance. Difficult to get rid of the water. • Is this picture below real? Yes, the Saudis were trying to get freshwater to the desert. • http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,915637-1,00.html
New Material • Floodplain –
New material • Wetlands three types: • 1. Freshwater bogs
New material • Freshwater bogs formation
New material • Wetlands three types: • 2. Freshwater marsh
New Material • Wetlands three types: • 3. Freshwater swamp
Close books & only notebooks • Discuss and define the following with the use of your notes as a table: • Water table • Artesian Well • Unconfined Aquifer • Ogallala Aquifer (where is it located?) • Impact of available water due to Global Climate Change
New Material • Explain the purpose of wetlands? • Limnetic Zone – sunlight penetrates, great deal of life and photosynthesis • Profundal zone – Darker (but not pitch black) where sunlight cannot get through. Little plant life here, plants would have to reach up through to the Limnetic Zone to survive • Benthic zone – bottom of the pond / lake. Feels silty from decomposing leaves, sticks,… high nutrient, but low O2
Lakes vary in their nutrients and oxygen • Oligotrophic lakes and ponds = have low nutrient and high oxygen conditions • Eutrophic lakes and ponds = have high nutrient and low oxygen conditions • Eventually, water bodies fill completely in through the process of succession • The largest lakes are known as inland seas • Great Lakes, The Caspian Sea
The Ogallala Aquifer • The world’s largest known aquifer • Underlies the Great Plains of the U.S. • What are the current issues with it? • XL Keystone pipeline
New material • Discuss and define the following with the use of your notes as a table: • Water table • Artesian Well • Unconfined Aquifer • Ogallala Aquifer (where is it located?) • Impact of available water due to Global Climate Change
New material • Consumptive versus non-consumptive use • Diagram on page 409 – explain what is happening by only