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Learn about a new method for mastopexy that achieves fullness of the upper pole and proper projection of the nipple without the need for a vertical scar. Discover the principles of conventional mastopexy and the advantages of the 3D breastlifting technique.
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3D BreastliftINGwithout a verticalscarTHOMAS HAFFNER M.D.boardcertifiedcosmeticsurgeonibcs/ Cambridge/ UkCologne, Germany Scientific Programm Day One - 22.June 2015
3D Breastliftingwithout a verticalscar • I presentyounow a newmethodofmastopexy, with wich fullnessoftheupper pole andtherightprojectionofthenipplecanbeachieved, whiletheverticalscarisabandoned. • I showyoufirstbriefly, how conventionalmastopexxiesfunctionandwhataretheprinciplesofthenew 3 D Mastopexywithout a verticalscar. Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
Principlesofconventionalmastopexies 1 2 3 1/ A conventionalmastopexyinvolvesthereducingortighteningthelower pole, whichgives a supportfortheupper pole . 2/ The Nippel –AreolaComplex (NAC) isshiftedupwardsandgets so betterposition in themiddleofthebreast. 3/ The End Support forthewholebreastdonebyskinresectionandskintighteningwhichresults in an inverted T-scaror in a verticalscar. Conclusions : A/ The pricipleofconventionalmastopexyissupporting, pushingthelower pole • B/ The NAC must beshifted, pushedupwardsseparatelyanddoesn´tmoveswiththebreastitself C/ The skintighteningby a verticalscargives a veryimportant ,elementarysupportforthewholebreastandensuresthegoodbreastshapewithlongevityoftheresults
There are doubts about a breast lift without a vertical scar Reviews by plastic surgeons from around the web • „ 3d breastliftwithoutverticalscaris not possible, It must beonly an advertising“ „All breastliftsareperformed in 3 dimensions“ (Prof.M. Noah, Germany) • Nowhereismyanswer: All mycollegaueshaveright ! • New proceduresneed also advertising. • In fact all ofuswork in 3 dimensionsandusevertical, T orperiarolarscar - • but I showyounow, why a betterbreast form existsusingthenew 3 d breastliftingwithout a verticalscar. “The illusion of a breast lift can only be reliably achieved by resecting lower pole excess tissue and filling the upper pole with an implant.” (E.Swanson, Kansas,USA) • First I showyou, that all ofmypatients understand thenewmethodofmastopexywithout a verticalscarand understand whatdoes a proper 3D form mean >> AS FOLLOWS Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
New Principlesofthe 3D breastliftwithoutverticalscar 1/ The whole breast should be so repositioned and fixed as it showed here 2 / The wholebreastget a real repositionand not onlysupportedby a lower pole resection 3/ The NAC moveswiththewholebreast 4/ The patients understand, whatthe proper projectionand 3D symmetrymeansandshowtheirbreasts in thenewwishedsymmetricalpositionthemselves Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
Case: smallptoticbreasts + goodskin: 3D Reposition Lift without a verticalscarpossible .) Fact: If a ptotic breast will enlarged, than exists a larger ptotic breast 1/ Toachieve a perfect 3D projection in „Miami style“ theptoticbreastshouldberepositionedandliftedfirst. 2/ Youseetheshortenedbreast, whichhasn´tyetthe proper projection 3/ In theseondstageweplace an implant, whithwhichthe proper 3D symmetryachieved Implantsarefullycoveredwith 4 muscles – longevityoftheresultsby „ owninternalbra“ Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
Case: Large ptoticbreastwithgoodskin: 3D Reposition-Lift without a verticalscarwithimplantpossible .) Testing how wewouldelevatethebreastwiththenippletogetherabout 10-12 cm upwards – an overcorrectionisnecessary Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
3D Reposition-Lifting Mastopexywithout a verticalscar : theresult on thetable .) Note the extremely reposition, elevation of the whole breast on the left side without a vertical scar Attheandofthe 3 D liftweperformed an overcorrection, with maximal possibleshiftingofthewholebreastupwards. Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
The case: 3D Reposition-Lifting Mastopexy - First step Ptoticbreasts grade 4 after Botti Lifting, shortening, repositioningofthewholebreastiswithimplantispossible, whileshehad an elasticskin Nowyouseetherepositionedandshortenedbreastwithout a verticalscar. The breastsaresmaller, thereforetheyarenowsuitablefor a fullysubmuscularaugmentation in thesecondstage. After thesecondstagewegetthanthe proper 3D symmetrywithoutverticalscar Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
3D Reposition-Lifting: secondstepthe Augmentation The case: Ptosis grade 4 The result after thesecondsession: 3D symmetrywithnaturalupper pole fullness, which was achievedwithout a verticalscar. Note thelongevityofresultbysupportinginternalmuscularbra ( after 12 monthshere) Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
PAR + SKIN compactandelastic : verticalscarcanbeabandonedifimplantused 1/ Ptoticbreastswithparenchymatrophy but with an elasticskincanbebrought in the proper 3 D symmetryonlywith additional augmentation in twosessions, asfollows: a, Reposition – liftingaccordingto Haffner aspresentedhere. The breast will repositionedandshortened, thewholebreastwiththe NAC togetherelevated. b, An augmentationfullysubmuscularas a supportinginternal, muscularbraresultsthewished proper projectionandsymmetry in all 3 dimensions Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
PAR + SKIN thinandatrophic : verticalscarnecessary 1/ Ptoticbreastswithparenchymatrophyandskinatrophy( unelasticskin) canbesufficientcorrectedonlybyexcisingandtighteningoftheskinbymeansof a verticalorinverted T-scar. 2/ Becauseofparenchymatrophy a supportingsubmuscularaugmentation also necessary
EXPERT LEVEL : 3D mastopexywithout a verticalscar& without an implantby large ptoticbreast The case: Breastptosis > 4 cm NAC Ptosis > 2-3 cm Assymetrie Flat thorax After 3 D reposition – liftingmastopexy – 6 months -Natural look, well shapedbreastwithpleasantprojection, nobreastptosis -NAC elevatedabout 4-5 cm -Upper pole fullness -Symmetry in all dimensions (3D) Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
The changesby 3D mastopexywithout a verticalscarandwithout an implant 1/ The Contour: Convexinsteadofconcav 2/ The Form: FullnessinsteadofFlatness 3/ The Projection: roundinsteadof flat 4/ Wholebreast: repositionedinsteadofsupportedonly 5/ Real NAC Elevation ofabout 8,5 cm 6/ PAR – Lower Pole Lift = 5 cm 7/ Total Breast Lift = 8,5+5= 13,5 cm 8/ RoundingandSymmetry in sagittal + frontal +verticallevels : 3 D symmetry Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
The case: 3D mastopexywithout a verticalscar& without an implantbyptosis grade 4 The case: Glandularptosis > 3-4 cm NAC Ptosis > 1-2 cm Assymetrie Flat contoures After 6 months -Natural look, well shapedroundbreast Noptosis -NAC elevatedabout 6-8 cm -Upper pole fullness -Symmetry in all dimensions (3D) -Stabilityandlongevity Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
Comparing of the results of mastopexy with or without vertical scar .) 1/ Average result after Lejourmastopexy: - upper pole flatness - ptosis keeps – IMF can´t be seen 2/ Resultwiththe 3D Reposition-Lifting Mastopexy : • fully prominence of the upper pole • perfect symmetry in all 3 dimensions without a vertical scar. Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
Resultsofmastopexieswithverticalscarorinverted T-technique * All patient groups demonstrated a significant elevation (P < 0.001) of the breast mound. Vertical mastopexy, but not inverted-T mastopexy, increased breast projection and upper pole projection The upper pole contour is linear before and after surgery * The lower pole is slightly boxy by both conventional mastopexies... Breast implants boosted breast projection and upper pole projection regardless of technique * According to Eric Swanson: Comparison of Vertical and Inverted-T MammaplastiesUsingPhotographicMeasurementsPlastic Surgery 2008: 77th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, October31 to November 5, 2008, Chicago, Ill.) Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
Results 3d mastopexywithout a verticalscar 1/ The wholebreastis so repositionedandlifted, thatnoptosisexist, the IMF isvisibleagain 2/ A breastmoundiselevatedwiththebreasttogether – hereabout 6 cm Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
Whatkindofchangeshavebeenmadebythe 3 D a mastopexywithout a verticalscar? 2/ The upperandlower pol have a new, roundcontour 3/Amountoftheliftingofthewholebreast = NAC + PAR Lifting = 11 cm Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
Whatkindofchangeshavebeenmade ? 1/ Breastmoundelevation : 6 cm 2/ Changingoftheupperand lower pol contour 3/NAC + PAR Lifting = 11 cm 4/The upper pole – andthewholebreast - isshortenedabout 40 % 5/ The shortened, compressedandliftedbreastisnowsuitablefor an volumenrestorationbymeansof an supporting, fullysubmuscularplacedimplant - if an implantwouldbenecessaryorwished - Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
Summary : 3d Mastopexywithout a verticalscar Ptoticbreastswithelasticskincanbeliftedandcanhave a proper 3 D symmetrywithout a verticalscarusingthenewreposition-liftingmastopexy Requirements a, The Skin :Elastic, not tooworn out: in caseoftoomuchskinexcessandinelasticskin an excisionwithverticalor T-scaris a betteroption c, The Gland andConnectiveTissue: shouldbe a bitcompact, rather firm. Fatand lost tissuescan´tbeanchored. b, The Volume : „ empty“ breastsneed also an implant, togetthe proper projection. But a verticalscarbecauseof moderate volumelossis not necessary. Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany
You have seen the first presentation about Haffner´s 3D Reposition-Lifting without a vertical scar Thankyouforyourattention !! Yourmanyquestionscanbeansweredbymail: praxishaffner@gmail.com Thomas Haffner M.D. Cologne, Germany www.aesthetic-carre.de
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