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Higher Density Housing: Adelaide’s Future?

Higher Density Housing: Adelaide’s Future? . Andrew Beer Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning . Agenda . The Demographic Imperative The Affordability Imperative Industry Structure and Process Outcomes . The Demographic Imperative .

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Higher Density Housing: Adelaide’s Future?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Higher Density Housing: Adelaide’s Future?

    Andrew Beer Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning
  2. Agenda The Demographic Imperative The Affordability Imperative Industry Structure and Process Outcomes
  3. The Demographic Imperative
  4. Changed Life Histories, Change Housing Transitions
  5. Number of Australian Households Resident in Flats and Semi Detached Dwellings, 1996-2006
  6. Household Type Where Children are Defined as Dependents Under 24 Years, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Australia
  7. Household Type Where Children are Defined as Dependents Under 15 Years, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Australia
  8. The Affordability Imperative
  9. Tenure Across Australia, 1991, 1996 and 2006
  10. Number of Households in the Bottom 40 Per Cent of the Income Distribution Paying 30 Per cent or More for their Housing
  11. %of Households in the Bottom 40 Per Cent of the Income Distribution Paying 30 Per cent or More for their Housing
  12. Number of Households in the Top 60 Per Cent of the Income Distribution Paying 30 Per cent or More for their Housing
  13. % of Households in the Top 60 Per Cent of the Income Distribution Paying 30 Per cent or More for their Housing
  14. Industry Structure and Process
  15. Industry Structure, Adelaide and Sydney 2006
  16. Outcomes
  17. Top 20 SLAs to Record an Increase in Households Resident in Buildings Four or More Storeys High, 1996 to 2006.
  18. Impediments and Challenges Families and higher density housing Children falling from height Access to play space Cultural preference/usability of open space Cost of land Radford et al 2003 Cost of construction Gratten Institute estimates building and construction one of the most ‘protected’ industries in Australia Tax system Reinforces preference amongst small scale investors for detached dwellings Strata title and strata title management costs Planning regulation/government housing policy
  19. Key Drivers On going strength in education sectors Higher energy costs Shifting industry structure Services Ageing of the population Population growth
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