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Problem Solving Presentation. PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION We will NOT use this approach The Standard Agenda Model (P. 65) Solve a problem Determine causes Determine best ways to eliminate. Problem Solving Presentation. PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION We WILL use this Approach
Problem Solving Presentation PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION We will NOT use this approach The Standard Agenda Model (P. 65) Solve a problem Determine causes Determine best ways to eliminate
Problem Solving Presentation PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION We WILL use this Approach Force Field Analysis Model (P. 65) Reach a Goal Modify forces that are in dynamic balance Helping Forces Restraining Forces
Problem Solving Presentation Prior to PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION p66 Choose a real problem Adequate research available Expectation for arguing case Capable of being implemented Research overall problem
Problem Solving Presentation Prior to PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATION p66 Determine Major Forces Diagram two sides of paper Brainstorm Helping Forces Place on Left side of page Brainstorm Restraining Forces Place on Right side of page Rank strength of Forces p67
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p68 Task B. Introduction Audience Attention State Topic Introduce Team Members Show need to change Tell why team selected problem Preview Organization
Force Field Analysis Task B. Introduction Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task C. Describe the Goal What is the Goal? Goal benefits audience. Prove with (source). Goal can be achieved. Prove with (source).
Force Field Analysis Task C. Describe Goal Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Status Quo GOAL Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task C. Describe the Status Quo Extent of problem. Prove with (source). Seriousness of problem. Prove with (source). Problem affects class
Force Field Analysis Task C. Describe Status Quo Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task D. Describe Helping Forces Each Helping Force Currently helps move us closer to Goal.
Force Field Analysis • Task D. Describe Helping Forces Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task D. Describe Helping Force A How is Helping Force A currently working to reduce the problem and bring us closer to our goal? Prove with (source). What currently keeps Helping Force A from being more effective? Prove with (source).
Force Field Analysis Task D. Describe Helping Force A Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task D Describe Helping Force A-Action Steps Brainstorm a list of possible steps to increase the effectiveness of this Helping Force. Narrow your choice to no more than two. Prove that these work with (source). For each Action Step that you select, indicate the resources already available for putting it into effect. Prove that these are available with (source).
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task D. Describe Helping Force B How is Helping Force A currently working to reduce the problem and bring us closer to our goal? Prove with (source). What currently keeps Helping Force A from being more effective? Prove with (source).
Force Field Analysis Task D. Describe Helping Force B Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p69 Task D. Describe Helping Force B-Action Steps Brainstorm a list of possible steps to increase the effectiveness of this Helping Force. Narrow your choice to no more than two. Prove that these work with (source). For each Action Step that you select, indicate the resources already available for putting it into effect. Prove that these are available with a (source)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p70 Task E. Describe Restraining Force A How is Restraining Force A currently working to increase the problem and keep us further from our goal? Prove with source. What currently keeps Restraining Force A from being reduced or eliminated? Prove with source.
Force Field Analysis • Task E. Describe Restraining Force A Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p70 Task E. Describe Restraining Force A-Action Steps Brainstorm a list of possible steps to reduce the power of this Restraining Force. Narrow your choice to no more than two. Prove that these work. (source) For each Action Step that you select, indicate the resources already available for putting it into effect. Prove that these are available (source)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p70 Task E. Describe Restraining Force B How is Restraining Force B currently working to increase the problem and keep us further from our goal? Prove with (source). What currently keeps Restraining Force B from being reduced or eliminated? Prove with (source).
Force Field Analysis Task E. Describe Restraining Force A Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Prove it) (Name it) (Prove it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p70 Task E. Describe Restraining Force B-Action Steps Brainstorm a list of possible steps to reduce the power of this Restraining Force. Narrow your choice to no more than two. Prove that these work. (source) For each Action Step that you select, indicate the resources already available for putting it into effect. Prove that these are available (source)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p71 Presentation Review.
Force Field Analysis Topic for Problem Solving Presentation Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p71 Task F. Describe the Action Plan Timeline Indicate the order of implementation Explain reasons for the implementation order
Timeline for Action Steps TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p71 Task F. Describe the Action Plan Timeline September 1 January 1 January 26 August 25 Action Step 1 Action Step 2 Action Step 3 Action Step 4
Problem Solving Presentation TEAM PRESENTATION Rubric p71 Task F. Conclude Briefly Review Ask Audience to Accept proposal End with tie to opening
Force Field Analysis Topic for Problem Solving Presentation Helping Force A Restraining Force A (Name it) (Name it) Goal Status Quo Helping Force B Restraining Force B (Name it) (Name it)
Problem Solving Presentation Grading Sheet - Problem Solving (30 Minutes Maximum) (P. 73) Use as a cover page for the copies of your individual support material Group Name ________________________________Group Number__________ Member Name ____________________________________ Group Grade: (110 points) Total Points Earned: (150) ________ (10 points) Teamwork and Organization (plus Transitions) (10 points) Introduction of Members/Problem Introduction of members Introduction of problem Why did the team select this problem? What is the organizational structure of the presentation?
Problem Solving Presentation (10 points) Goal / Status Quo What is the goal? Why does the team think the goal can be achieved? What is the seriousness and extent of the problem? Prove that class members are affected.
Problem Solving Presentation (25 points) Helping Forces Describe/Prove Helping force 1 Describe/Prove Helping force 2 Describe/Prove Action Steps Describe/Prove Action Steps Describe/Prove Resources for Action Steps Describe/Prove Resources for Action Steps
Problem Solving Presentation (25 points) Restraining Forces Describe/Prove Restraining force 1 Describe/Prove Restraining force 2 Describe/Prove Action Steps Describe/Prove Action Steps Describe/Prove Resources for Action Steps Describe/Prove Resources for Action Steps
Problem Solving Presentation (20 Points) Team Delivery Eye contact Posture Use of Hands Outline Use Visual Use
Problem Solving Presentation Individual Evaluation: **Attach and submit the following items to this cover page PRIOR to presentation. (10 points) Copy of outline (One 8.5x11 page) (Different from Overhead Transparencies) Unique per person. (20 points) Annotated bibliography Min: 5 sources per person – Minimum: 2 types (see workbook - bibliography) NOTE: (10 points) TEAM POWER POINT PROGRAM SHOULD BE E-MAILED TO docjim8@yahoo.comon day of presentation. Title it as 400Team1.ppt 530Team2.ppt 700Team3.ppt Use your class time and Team number: Use no spaces between characters. (One member of Team should mail it.)
7:00 PM Deadlines 11-02 Mandatory Furlough (No Classes held) 11-09 Group Analysis for Learning Activity WB 63 Problem Solving Topics Due from all Teams 11-16 Due: Library Pathfinder Research (WB 75) Practice Presentations Teams 5 - 4 - 3 11-23 Thanksgiving Vacation (No Classes held) 11-30 Problem Solving Presentations TEAM 5 & 4 12-07 Problem Solving Presentations TEAM 3 & 2 & 1 12-14 Final Exam 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
4:00 and 5:30 PM Deadlines 11-02 Mandatory Furlough Day No Class Meeting 11-04DUE: Group Analysis WB 63DUE: PROBLEM SOLVING Topic 11-09 DUE: Library Research WB 75 11-11 Veteran’s Day HolidayNo Class Meeting 11-16 Practice Presentations-reserved times Teams 5-4-3 11-18 Mandatory Furlough Day No Class Meeting 11/23-27 Thanksgiving Holiday No Class Meeting 11-30Practice Presentations-reserved timesTeams 2-1 12-02 PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATIONS Team 5 12-07 PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATIONS Teams 4&3 12-09PROBLEM SOLVING PRESENTATIONS Teams 2&1 12-14 4:00 PM Class Final Exam 6:00 – 7:30 PM 12-16 5:30 PM Class Final Exam 6:00 – 7:30 PM