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BSK Alpint U16 Program: Season 2014-15

BSK Alpint U16 Program: Season 2014-15. April 9, 2014. AGENDA. BSK Vision and Goals Sportsmanship Skiing Philosophy BSK Policy’s Skiing Programs Breif Summary of U16 2013-14 season Offer for U16/HL Group U16/HL specifics Trainers - Training program Skiers peaking on and off snow

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BSK Alpint U16 Program: Season 2014-15

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  1. BSK Alpint U16 Program: Season 2014-15 April 9, 2014

  2. AGENDA • BSK Vision and Goals • Sportsmanship • Skiing Philosophy • BSK Policy’s • Skiing Programs • Breif Summary of U16 2013-14 season • Offer for U16/HL Group • U16/HL specifics • Trainers - Training program • Skiers peaking on and off snow • U16 Training Schedule • U16 Terms and conditions, contract etc... • Sportsmanship Contract • Parent Commitment

  3. BSK Vision & Goals Visjon • BSK Alpint – en ledende alpinklubb – der løperne trives – utvikler seg – og yter! Goals: • BSK’s alpinvirksomhet er primært rettet inn mot barn og ungdom som ønsker å drive alpin skikjøring som konkurranseidrett. Innunder dette er BSK’s målsetning: • Gi et bredt tilbud om alpin skikjøring til barn og ungdom som dekker alle nivåer. • Fremstå som attraktiv for alle som ønsker å satse på alpint. • Utvikle løpere som er blant landets beste i alle aldersklasser over 12 år, samt være representert på Norges ulike representasjons/landslag. • Klubben skal tiltrekkes seg og utvikle trenere med høy kompetanse. • Det skal skapes et sunt og godt miljø hvor løpere, foreldre og trenere trives og ønsker å bruke fritiden sin. • Klubben skal bidra til et godt og konstruktivt samarbeid med andre alpinklubber. Sportslig opplegg • BSK skal ha et tilbud som omfatter et bredt spekter av ferdighetsnivåer og alders­trinn. Vårt sportlige opplegg omfatter alt fra skiskole til et omfattende trenings­program rettet mot de som drømmer om å bli toppalpinist. Sentralt i det vi gjør er å skape skiglede, vennskap og entusiasme. Source: www.bskalpint.no

  4. Sportsmanship in BSK • Sportsmanship is defined as: • Playing fair • Following the rules of the game • Respecting the judgment of referees and officials • Treating opponents with respect • Some people define good sportsmanship as the "golden rule" of sports — in other words, treating the people you ski with and against as you'd like to be treated yourself! • You demonstrate good sportsmanship when you show respect for yourself, your teammates, and your opponents, for the coaches on both sides, and for the referees, judges, and other officials. • Parents also need to be aware of how they behave during training and competition. Sportsmanship is a style and an attitude, and it can have a positive influence on everyone around you.

  5. BSK’s philosophy on overall skiing skills • Ski in all conditions: • Soft and hard snow • Groomed and off piste • Cold snow and spring snow • All weather conditions • Ski all events • Slalom • GS • Super G • Downhill • Twin tip • Versatile on skis

  6. BSK Sports Plan • Kick off, pizza nights after ski training, season ending

  7. Progression in number of offered ski camp daysMay 1st - Christmas

  8. Integration between groups is a key success factor … • Good integration between groups will: • Motivate athletes to continue skiing/racing • Make the transition between groups easier • Create a positive environment for athletes, parents and coaches 8 years and younger 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years TL HL 2 camp days All camp days Training 3 camp days 6 camp days 12 camp days

  9. SL program for HL • When possible, separate courses will be set (short gates, double panels gates and /or long gates) • Long gate training will increase throughout the season 8 years and younger 9 years 10 years 11 years Pre-TL (12 years) TL (13 and 14 years) HL (15 and 16 years) Needs work Good Excellent NOTE: Drills are performed in and outside of training courses.. Drills and short gates training can sometimes overlap.

  10. GS program for HL • Free skiing on GS skis used mostly as warm up and warm down • Drills continue throughout the season • GS gate training will increase throughout the season 8 years and younger 9 years 10 years 11 years Pre-TL (12 years) TL (13 and 14 years) HL (15 and 16 years) Needs work Good Excellent NOTE: Drills are performed in and outside of training courses.

  11. SG program for HL • For safety reasons, speed training is only carried out at official BSK speed camps • Natural in-course progression is from “cautious “to “aggressive” • Jump training and free skiing will be offered when possible • Due to the challenges of executing quality speed training, BSK almost always offer speed camps for HL, TL , 11 and 12 year old groups together • At specific times, BSK will train speed with other clubs • The amount of SG training is not based on individual results from the BSK ski evaluation 8 years and younger 9 years 10 years 11 years Pre-TL (12 years) TL (13 and 14 years) HL (15 and 16 years) NOTE: Drills are performed in and outside of training courses.

  12. BSK’s policy • Ski camps: • No ski camps at glaciers in Central Europe before TL • 11 year olds and Pre-TL groups has one 3-day camp indoors during September • A limited number of ski camps on school days from Pre-TL and up. Number of days increase as they get older. • When possible, two offers will be offered (weekend/vacation days only and full camp) • Mandatory study session on all “school day camps” • No-alcohol policy (before children are in their rooms for the night) • Training: • Only BSK coaches coach athletes on the hill. Exceptions: • When coaches ask parents to coach • When parents coach their own children on the ski hill, BSK trainers will not coach the child. This is very confusing for the child. • General: • Show up on time for training and camps • Sign up on time for camps • Bring relevant equipment to all trainings • Skiers without proper speed safety equipment are not allowed to train speed • Communicate with the coaches regarding ski equipment needs • Prioritize participation in BSK and local races

  13. BSK Alpint Kontakt: Felix McGrath 91693441 / felix.mc@online.no / www.bskalpint.no SFO (7 til 9 år/2006 til 2004) Skiskole (4 til 8 år /2009 til 2004) 7 år (2008) 8 år (2007) 9 år (2006) 10 år (2005) U12 (11 &12 år 2003 & 2004) U14/TL (13 og 14 år/ 2001 og 2002 ) U16/HL (15 og 16 år/1999 og 2000) 6 år (2007) “Free Race” (10 -14år)

  14. Philosophy behind BSK’s offering • The offering is developed in order to meet BSK’s goals: • Training for children and teenagers at all levels • Attractive program for those who want to succeed in alpine skiing • “Produce” top level skiers • Positive environment for athletes, coaches and parents • Athletes are not expected to participate in all offered training or camps, or to compete in all races where the coach is present • Parents are encouraged to communicate with coaches regarding each individual child’s level of participation • BSK encourages athletes to participate in more than one sport • BSK encourages athletes to select alpine skiing as their number 1 winter sport by the age they enter TL. Participation in other sports, especially summer sports, is encouraged. • Creating good groups is a key success factor: • It should be fun to ski. Skiers who have fun, ski more often, and become better skiers. • Everyone is included in the group, regardless of ability and level of participation at camps and races • Integration between groups is critical to the continued success of the program • Joint camps with other groups inspire and motivate

  15. BSK Offer for 2013/14Last season

  16. BSK Delivered 2013/14Last season

  17. Summary of BSK U16 results • Slovenia Youth races. 3 of 6 qualified skiers from BSK • Whistler Cup Youth races. 3 of 6 qualified skiers from BSK • Hovedlandsrennet. DH, SG, SSL & SL • 9 poduim finishes

  18. BSK U16 Offer 2014/15

  19. Group Sizes • 2013-14 U16 Group size: 30 skiers (With two trainers) • 2014-15 U16 expected group size: 25- 30 skiers (with two trainers, at times 3 trainers)

  20. BSK Trainers: U16/HL • Gjermund Kveno: Responsible for 1999 born skiers • Ola Masdal: Responsible for 2000 born skiers • BSK will add one more trainer at specific camps

  21. BSK Training Program • U16/HL Training program • 1999 & 2000 born skiers will train and ski together • At times 1999 skiers will train as one group • At times 2000 skiers will train as one group • COOPERATION WITH Dønski Skigymnas • 1999 skiers will have the opportunity to train With Dønski 6-8 days during the training season. Gjermund will follow 1999’s when they join Dønski camps • The 6-8 days will not necessarily be additional days on snow. BSK U16 and Dønski scheduels crossover at times • 1999 born skiers not interested in joining Dønski camps can still join BSK U16 camps during the same period

  22. PEAKING!! • Skiers have physical peaks and valley’s throughout a full year of barmark and ski training • How to train to peak at the most important times of the year? • Volume vs quality

  23. Overview: U16 Barmark and Ski Schedule • Oversikt Barmark • 1 mai – 29 juni: generell kondisjon/utholdenhet, basis styrke, for de som har skade – rehab • 30 juni – 15 august: tung kondisjon bolk, vedlikehold av styrke, balanse m.m • 16. august – 25 sept: vedlikehold kondisjon, fokus på utholdende styrke, mobilitet • 26 sept – 31 des: vedlikehold kondisjon, hurtighet, spenst, max styrke • Oversikt Ski • 1 mai – 29 juni: basis ski, volum • 30 juni – 26 august : barmark, ingen ski • 27 august – 26 okt: basis, teknisk utvikling, øvelser, volum • 6 nov – 31 des: alle disipliner, utvikle fart og stabilitet, mindre volum • See U16 Schedule

  24. BSK U16 Program: 2014-15Terms and conditions • Cost of program: • BSK Skiers: ca 23.000 • Asker Skiers: ca 25.000 kr • Group size: ca 25-30 skiers • BSK Contract: Signup by Deltager.no. 5.000 kr non-refundable payment necessary to join U16 program • BSK Sportsmanship contract: All skiers/parents must sign • Limited number of skiers: 30 maximum- to ensure the quality of the program • Transportation: BSK to sponsor U16 group with 100.000 kr. (Parents driving is helpful) • HL Administrative and economy responsible. Felix, Ola & Gjermund

  25. Sportsmanship Contract • BSK ALPINT U16/HL SPORTSÅND • Vi__________________­­­__(løper og forelder) er enige om at god sportsånd i BSK defineres slik: • Fair play, handle etter sportens regler • Respektere avgjørelser som gjøres av ledere, trenere og arrangører • Behandle lagkamerater og konkurrenter med respekt og omtanke • Vi i BSK mener at god sportsånd er den viktigste regelen innen idrett. Du skal med andre ord behandle alle i skimiljøet på samme måte som du selv ønsker å bli behandlet! • Regelen om god sportsånd gjelder under trening og konkurranse og gjelder like mye for løperne, trenerne og foreldrene.. • Jeg_________________(løper) aksepterer følgende regler som medlem av BSK Alpint U16-HL treningsgruppe sesongen 2013-14 • Jeg vil ikke benytte tobakksprodukter • Jeg vil ikke nyte alkohol • Hvis jeg benytter tobakksprodukter eller nyter alkohol aksepterer jeg konsekvensene satt av trenerne og BSK Alpint • Konsekvenser for brudd på sportsånd eller tobakk/alkohol reglene I BSK Alpint: • Første brudd: Suspensjon fra trening i to uker og de neste to samlingene • Andre brudd: Suspensjon fra U16-HL gruppen resten av sesongen

  26. Travel Information • LANDGRAFF: Utreise: tor 28 aug 2014: 16:30 - 18:20 • Oslo, Gardermoen  -  Düsseldorf, International Lufthavn - SK818 (SAS) • Hjemreise: sø 31 aug 2014: 19:05 - 20:55 (after skiing) • Düsseldorf, International Lufthavn  -  Oslo, Gardermoen - SK819 (SAS) • Transport via bus from airport to SnowWorld arranged by BSK (included in cost of trip) • Wittenberg: tor 16 okt 2014. Trainers drive children • Hjemreise: 19.okt 2014 Trainers drive • HINTERTUX: Utreise: Fre 26 sept 2014: 18:15 – 21:10 • Oslo, Gardermoen – Munchen:DY1156 - 26 Sep 2014 (Norwegian) • Hjemreise: ma 6 okt, 2014: 21:40 – 23:55 (after skiing) • Munchen Lufthavn- Oslo: DY1157 - 06 Oct 2014 (Norwegian) • Transport to Hintertux must be arranged individually

  27. Parent Commitment • In order to (1) keep the fees reasonable; and (2) give the skiers a good program, parents are required to commit their time during the following events: • BSK’s “Bruktskisalg” in October • BSK’s race(s) for your child’s age group in Kirkerudbakken • Race dates are set before Christmas • One “heisvakt” at Kirkerudbakken* • Schedule is published before Christmas • Parents and skiers are also encouraged to work 1-2 shifts during the “fall dugnad” in Kirkerudbakken • Each shift worked is rewarded by a discount on the skier’s season ticket * A fee of kr 500,- will apply for those not able to work their “heisvakt” (in order to pay a person to take this shift)

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