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Development of a Core Reading List for Emergency Management Graduate Students. Dr. Jennifer Wilson Dr. Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel Emergency Management Program North Dakota State University. Purpose. To create support material for higher education courses in emergency management
Development of a Core Reading List for Emergency Management Graduate Students Dr. Jennifer Wilson Dr. Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel Emergency Management Program North Dakota State University
Purpose • To create support material for higher education courses in emergency management • One of the five components of the “Body of Knowledge” project
Methodology • Compiled an initial list of 350 books • All Higher Ed courses and syllabi • Added other books of choice • Surveyed 52 emergency management educators at institutions with graduate degree programsacross the nation • Asked to choose books that they believe graduate students in EM should read
Results • 40% completion rate • Respondents choose from 4 to 142 books • Compiled list of the top 50 books • The most votes received by any book was 13 • The least votes received by any book was 5
Thanks for your kind attention Contact info: Jennifer Wilson, Ph.D. Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel, Ph.D. Co-Director Director (701) 231-5846 (701) 231-5847 jennifer.wilson@ndsu.nodak.eduarthur.oyolayemaiel@ndsu.nodak.edu Emergency Management Program North Dakota State University P.O. Box 5075 Fargo, ND 58105