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Military Psychology: Research

Military Psychology: Research. Dr. Steven J. Kass Dr. (Major) Alan Ogle. Military Psychology Research in History . Military Psychology Research Includes: Recruitment, selection, placement, training, retention Prediction/enhancement of combat performance

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Military Psychology: Research

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  1. Military Psychology:Research Dr. Steven J. Kass Dr. (Major) Alan Ogle

  2. Military Psychology Research in History Military Psychology Research Includes: • Recruitment, selection, placement, training, retention • Prediction/enhancement of combat performance • Human factors in design of complex weapon systems • Specialized skills training • Coping skills in foreign lands, adverse conditions • Adjustment/stress • Data analysis for decision/policy making • Diversity

  3. Military Psychology Research in History World War I: • Intelligence testing, selection, & classification World War II: • Human factors studies • RADAR, electronic communications, complex weapon systems • Mackworth’s vigilance research on radar operators in RAF. • Navy Combat Information Centers (CIC) – man-machine interface issues (e.g., sonar, radar) • APA Division 21 – Applied Experimental & Engineering Psychologists (HF) • Problems of human capabilities and limitations in use of complex systems (e.g., high performance aircraft, submarines, C&C centers) • Research on protecting soldiers from environmental elements.

  4. Military Psychology Research in History Post WWII • RADAR-aided ATC (Ohio State Univ) • Land-based air defense/interception (Columbia Univ/MIT) • Shipboard Combat Info Center air defense (NRL-Chesapeake Bay) • Battlefield Surveillance (Univ of Michigan) • Field operations, tactics, equipment (Ft. Ord, Cal) • Hypothetical command center for nuclear war (System Development Corporation)

  5. Military Psychology Research in History Human Resources Research Office (HumRRO) • Est 1951 to study US Army training methods • Still conducts I/O related work for Army and other agencies • Located in Alexandria, VA

  6. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy US Army Human Research Engineering Directorate (HRED) • Est 1951, Aberdeen Proving Ground (MD) • HF research on interface design (e.g., field phone interface, display symbology for weapon systems, pilot controls) • Basic psychological research on human sensory input/handling of informatino • Field experiments measuring performance of soldiers operating developmental hardware systems • Application of human engineering design guidance for development and testing of materiel systems For more info see: http://www.peostri.army.mil/ARL_HRED/

  7. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy Division of Neuropsychiatry at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Washington DC, 1951 • Stress Studies • Neuroscience animal/human experiments on stress reactions • Sleep deprivation studies • Stimulants/sleep aids • Stress associated with military lifestyle For more info see: http://www.wramc.amedd.army.mil/research/Pages/default.aspx

  8. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM), Natick, MA • Studies on soldier performance as impacted by harsh environmental stressor, such as heat, cold, altitude. • Physical fitness • Biomechanics • biophysics of protective clothing For more info see: http://www.usariem.army.mil/

  9. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy US Army Aeromedical Research Lab (USAARL), Ft Rucker, AL • In-flight & simulator assessment of helo pilots under stressful flight conditions • Pilot fatigue • Performance with night vision goggles • Effects/benefits of pharmaceuticals (e.g., stimulants) • Effects of extreme conditions on pilot performance • E.g., shock, g-forces, vibration, noise, visual enhancement systems. For more info see: http://www.usaarl.army.mil/

  10. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy US Army Research Institute (ARI) for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (many offices around US) • Personnel selection, classification, placement, and retention For more info see: http://www.hqda.army.mil/ari/

  11. Military Research Centers & LabsArmy US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD), Aberdeen, MD • Medical defense against chemical battlefield threats • Treatment • Prophylaxis • Antidotes For more info see: http://chemdef.apgea.army.mil/

  12. Military Research Centers & LabsNavy Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) • Aircraft Division (Lakehurst, Patuxent River) • Training Systems Division (Orlando) • Weapons Division (China Lake, Point Mugu) Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) • Formerly Navy Command, Control, & Ocean Surveillance Cetner (NOSC) & Navy Research, Development, Test, & Evaluation Center (NRaD) • (Charleston, San Diego) Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) • ( Carderock, W. Bethesda, Crane, Dahlgren, Panama City, Indian Head, Port Hueneme) Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) • (Keyport, Newport) See Links for more info: http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/3t/transition/orta/ntislabs.asp http://enterprise.spawar.navy.mil/

  13. Military Research Centers & LabsNavy Naval Health Research Center (NHRC), San Diego • Fleet operational readiness thru RDT&E • Evaluation of biomedical & psychological aspects of Navy/Marine personnel health & performance Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab (NAMRL), Pensacola • Aviation performance and medicine • Spatial disorientation, motion sickness, effects of meds • BRAC’d for 2011, moving to WPAFB Naval Submarine Medical Research Lab (NSMRL), Groton See links for more info: http://www.med.navy.mil/ http://navymedicine.med.navy.mil/

  14. Military Research Centers & LabsNavy Naval Operational Medicine Institute (NOMI) • Naval Aerospace Medicine Institute (NAMI) • Naval Expeditionary Medicine Institute (NEMTI) • Naval Special Operations Medicine Institute (NSOMI) • Naval Survival Training Institute (NSTI) • Naval Undersea Medicine Institute (NUMI) • Surface Warfare Medicine Institute (SWMI) For more info: http://www.med.navy.mil/sites/

  15. Military Research Centers & LabsAir Force US Air Force Research Laboratory (realigned) • “Super Lab” to conduct research on all aspects of aviation • Wright Lab (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) • Armstrong Lab (Brooks AFB, TX) • Phillips Lab (Kirtland AFB, NM) • Rome Lab (Griffiss AFB, NY) For more info see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Force_Research_Laboratory

  16. Military Research Funding Program 6 – Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation (RDT&E) • 6.1 Basic Research – basic mechanisms to explain psychological/physiological systems • Application of research not important at this level • 6.2 Applied Research – meeting a problem that has been identified • mostly in-house research • 6.3 Advanced Material Development – feasibility • preliminary development of new technologies • 6.4 Engineering Development – procurement • final development/procurement of technology to solve new problem or fix old problem

  17. 6.1 Funding Navy: Office of Naval Research (ONR) Air Force: US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Army: • Army Research Institute (ARI) for Social & Behavioral Research (I/O, Personnel) • Army Materiel Command’s Human Research & Engineering Directorate (human engineering) • US Army Medical Research & Materiel Command (medical research) • Army Research Office (behavioral research)

  18. Military Psychology Training • Advanced degrees in Psych (MA, Ph.D.) • Experimental design & statistics • Practical experience • Generalist, team player • Ability to study multiple variables

  19. Military PsychologyResearch Opportunities • Basic mechanisms research on animal models • Historical labs: primate lab, pigeon missile • Laboratory experiments w/state of the art equipment • Technology: Virtual reality, simulators, centrifuges • Innovations: tactile feedback, microdisplays, augmented cognition • Motivated participants • Field research • Solving real problems • Social psychology • Group dynamics, team training/cohesion, leadership, persuasion, etc. • Collaborative work w/world renown researchers

  20. Military PsychologyPublishing Military Psychology research is published in: • Technical Reports • DTIC repository for gov’t reports • Conference Proceedings • E.g., I/ITSEC, HFES, AsMA • Journals • E.g.,Military Psychology; Human Factors; Aviation, Space, & Environmental Medicine; J. of Aviation; J. of Applied Psychology; Work & Stress; Ergonomics

  21. Military PsychologyResearch The Future • Cuts in research funding due to war efforts in Afghanistan & Iraq • Base Re-alignment And Closures – Joint Service labs to increase efficiency • International research programs • Clinical research for increased number of war vets (PTSD, Stress, Neuropsych) • Hi tech advances

  22. Other Military Experiments Link to Dr. Steve’s Research Page: http://www.uwf.edu/psychology/hf-lab/ YouTube Videos: • Mind control experiment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUW-frxo2X4 • LSD experiments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbvVLGskCQo • Dolphin soldier pt1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3PKNgEznQw pt2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osts5XrpHM8&feature=related pt3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7qhAUwmHVw&feature=related pt4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InEPixEv9mY&feature=related

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