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International marketing in culture : The influence of culture on international marketing activities. Seminar 4. In China it´s important to make points without winning argumets : criticism , even if asked for , can couse a host to lose face. In Germany
International marketing in culture: The influence ofculture on international marketing activities Seminar4
In China it´simportant to makepointswithoutwinningargumets: criticism, evenifaskedfor, cancouse a host to lose face. • In Germany it´sconsidereddiscourteous to usefirstnamesunlessspecificallyinvitedto do so. • In Brazil To do notbeoffended by theBrazilianinclination to touchduringconversation. Such a customisnotaviolationofyourpersonalspacebutrathertheBrazilianwayofgreeting, emphasizing a point or making a gestureofgoodwill and friendship. Seminar 4
ElementsofCulture1. GeertHofstedeCulturalDimensions • Individualism/ Collectivism Index: refers to thepreferenceforbehaviorthatpromotesone´sself- interest. It´s a relation to socialgroups, in which are peopleitsmembers. • Individualismcultures: reflectan „I“ mentality and tend to reward and acceptindividualinitiative. Itpartains to societies in whichthetiesbetweenindividuals are loose. Everyoneisexpected to lookafterhimself or herself and his or herimmediatefamily. • Collectivismcultures: reflect a „We“ mentality and generallysubjugatetheindividual to thegroup. It´sopposite, pertains to societies in whichpeoplefrombirthonward are integratedintostrong, cohesivegroups. • Central and EastEuropecountries Seminar 4
Powerdistance Index(Theauthority): measuresthetoleranceofsocialinequality, thatispowerinequalitybetweensuperiors and subordinateswithin a socialsystem. • High PDI: scorestend to behierarchical, withmemberscitingsocial role, manipulation and inheritanceassourcesofpowerandsocial status. Peoplescores are more apt to have a generaldistrustofothersbecausepowerisseen to rest withindividuals and iscoerciveratherthanlegitimate. Tend to indicate a perceptionofdifferencesbetweensuperior and subordinateandbeliefthatthosewho hold power are entitled to privileges. • Low PDI: tend to valueequality and cite knowledge and respectassourcesofpower. Reflects more egalitarianviews. • Central and EastEuropecountries Seminar 4
UncertaintyAvoidance Index (The risk): measuresthetoleranceofuncertainty and ambiguityamongmembersof a society. • High UAI:are highlyintolerantofambiguity and as a resulttend to bedistrustfulof new ideas or behaviors. Theytend to have a highlevelofanxiety and stressand a concernwithsecurity and rule following. Withveryhigh UAI thusaccord a highlevelofathority to rulesas a meansofavoiding risk. • Low UAI: are associatedwith a lowlevelofanxiety and stress, a toleranceofdeviance and dissentand a willingness to takerisks. Take a more empiricalapproach to understanding and knowledge. • Central and EastEuropecountries Seminar 4
Masculinization/ Feminism: thedegreeofman´s and woman´scharacteristic. • HighMasculinization:refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men's values and women's values. • HighFeminism: women's values differ less among societies than men's values. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men. • Central and EastEuropecountries Seminar 4
Comparison some of Hofstede´s countries http://www.geert-hofstede.com/hofstede_dimensions.php?culture1=79&culture2=7#compare Seminar 4
ElementsofCulture2. Moelelements • Organization • Systematic: Thebasicorganizationelements are thefunctions, which are co-ordinated by logicalrelations. Theserelationsbetweenpeople are determined by thefunctions, which are done. • Organic: Thefunctions are changed by relations. It´sbased on personalrelation and on corporatehierarchy and on functionalsystem. • Leadingstyle • Individual: The person isconvincedof idea, thatthepeople are equal and thantheclevest or most competentdecidesallabout. • Group:Thepeople are different and allofthemhaveright to possibilities, thathissuggestioncouldbeaccepted and haveright to influencethestuff, which are importatnforhim. Seminar 4
SPAIN • Theshakinghandsisfriendly and hearthy ( ifit´spossible, the man patssomebody on theback or on theshoulder, • Thetypicalembranceiscalled: „ambrazo“ • Theeyecontactisveryimportant, butwomenshouldbewareof more – a coquetry, • TheSpanishesbelieve in „old-fashioned“ corporatebehavior- to keep severe conservative and religionvalues • Thehands in thepocketmeans, thattheoldetinhibitantsconsideritlikethedoltishness or vulgarity, • TheSpanishdon´tliketheyawnadnpulping in public, • In restaurant or on party, themenwait on moment, whenallofwomensitdown and thanthemensitdowntoo, • By toast say „ Čin Čin“. Don´tstart to eat, ifevebodydon´tsitdownaftersittingsay „ Buenprovencho“ Seminar 4
ITALY • TheItalianhave „most heartfelt“ relation to physicaltouches- theylike to kiss, themenlike to embranceeachother. • The most knownItalianmotionis „shrugwithraisedpalms“, thatmeans - I DON´T KNOW, • To chirr or to touchthejawrepresents „restlessness“. • Tabootheme: policy, clergy, mafia, family (cantalkonlypositivabout...) • Be on timer- nooo Seminar 4