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Serra de Tramuntana

Serra de Tramuntana. Serra de T ramuntana is located in north of M allorca. In it , there are a lot of places to visit , for example , “ Penyal d’Honor ”. The highest pick measured 1,445 metres. It is the “Puig Major ”. ( Penyal d’Honor ). THE CLIMATE.

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Serra de Tramuntana

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  1. Serra de Tramuntana

  2. Serra de Tramuntana is located in north of Mallorca. In it, there are a lot of places tovisit, forexample, “Penyald’Honor”. Thehighest pick measured1,445 metres. Itisthe “Puig Major”. (Penyald’Honor)

  3. THE CLIMATE Theclimateistypical of theMediterranean, wherethetemperatureiswarm. In summer, themaximumisbetween 29ºC and 31ºC, and in winter, theminimumisbetween 5ºC and 9ºC. Alsowe can saythattherainfallisseasonal.

  4. FLORA There are a lot of strange plants. In Serra de Tramuntana exist twenty five species and subspecies uniques in all the world. Forexample, Pinpinellabicknelli, Brassicabalearica, Euphorbiafontqueriana, Viola jaubertiana, Brimeuraduvigneaudi, Aspleniummajoricum, etc.

  5. FAUNA In thegroup of theinvertebratesthere are gastropods as snail, arachnids as spider and crustaceans as shrimp. However, in thegroup of vertebrates, we can findtwoprotectedspecies: thefrogcalled “Ferreret”, and thebirdcalled “Black Vulture” or “voltornegre”.

  6. FAUNA Alsowe can findotherbirdsspecieslikeEgyptianVulture, Osprey, Booted Eagle, Red Kite, Eleonora'sFalcon, Peregrine Falcon, Wryneck, Crag Martin, TawnyPipit, (Rock Thrush), SpectacledWarbler, SardinianWarbler, Firecrest, Serin, Crossbill and CirlBunting. (Osprey)


  8. THE MONASTERY IN LLUC Thisisthemostimportant place of Mallorca of pilgrimage, singingschool, botanicalgarden, museum, picnic area, camping and hotel, startingpointforhiking , and much more things. It is located over 500 m high in the Sierra de Tramuntana. On the grounds of the monastery,  we can be found different bird species, as well as Wryneck, Booted Eagle, etc.

  9. TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN SERRA DE TRAMUNTANA In Serra de Tramuntanathere are manytowns and villages, as well as, Andratx, Banyalbufar, Bunyola, Deià, Escorca,Esporles, Estellencs, Fornalutx, Mancor de la Vall, Pollença, Puigpunyent, Selva,Sóller, Valldemossa, Orient, Ullaró, Biniaraix, SaCalobra, Llucalcari, Biniarroi, Binibona, and Binibassí. (Binibassí) (SaCalobra)

  10. TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN SERRA DE TRAMUNTANA Alsothereis a smallsurface of somevillageswhichpertainto Serra de Tramuntana, as well as Alaró, Alcúdia, Calvià, Campanet, Lloseta, Palma de Mallorca and Santa Maria del Camí. (Alaró) (Campanet)

  11. THE HYDROLOGICAL LANDSCAPE In the Serra de Tramuntana has been built a complex network of traditional architecture related to water to control and take advantage of this. It was built trying causing minimum environmental impact. The water arrive at different towns and people use it.


  13. ORAL TRADITIONS Four different aspects can be distinguished: -Toponyms: it’sthestudy of namestoknowwherethey come from. In this, wefindgeography,  history and the language of Mallorca. -Legends: They’remountains’slegends andsometimes, some passages from history are also the source of this type of popular tradition. For example, ‘CabritiBassa’ legend.

  14. ORAL TRADITIONS -Folk tales: they are ‘rondalles’, tales orimaginariesnarrations in prose. Sometimes, the Serra de Tramuntanamountains are thesetting of these. Forexample, Rondalles de Mallorca. -Songs and gloses: They are oral and improvised rhymes which are popular in Mallorca.

  15. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Themunicipalitiesthatformthe ‘Serra de Tramuntana’ havecreated a lot of cultural eventswithover time. Periodically, theyorganizeactivitiestocelebrateeachtraditionalfestivalsorevents.

  16. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS There are a lot of villages in the Serra de Tramuntana and therefore, there are a lot of traditionals festivals, but however, we want to highlight the "MorosiCristians" from Pollença where people celebrate the war which happened in the past.

  17. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Otherevents are: -Festivities: including Christmas, Saint Anthony theAbbott, Easterweek, Corpus Christi, Saint John´s Day, the Festivities of Saint Peter and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the ‘Valentes dones’ and ‘Es Firó’, ‘La Beata Valldemossa’, theAlaróCossiers, and dance of ‘Les Àguiles’ in Pollença.

  18. CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS -Traditional dances. -Gastronomy. -Crafts.

  19. WALKING ROUTES In the Serra de Tramuntana there are a lot of routes to do. For example, you can hike from ‘pas de Mortitx’, throughthe 'Cova de S'Aigo', 'Voltes de l'Ullastre‘, 'Rafatd'Ariant', 'cala de les Bruixes', ‘estanydelsànecs', 'Barranc de Mortitx‘ to ‘pas de Mortitx’ again.

  20. WALKING ROUTES There are a lot of more routes to have fun, to have a beautiful views and make exercise!

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