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Introduction to Victim Assistance

Introduction to Victim Assistance. AN OBLIGATION AND AN OPPORTUNITY. H bernard LAOS 2013. ARE YOU “VA” USER-FRIENDLY OR NEW. What are the 5 pillars of mine Action What are the six internationally recognized key elements of VA ? What ERW means ? What JBR means ?. MINE ACTION.

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Introduction to Victim Assistance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Victim Assistance AN OBLIGATION AND AN OPPORTUNITY H bernard LAOS 2013

  2. ARE YOU “VA” USER-FRIENDLY OR NEW • What are the 5 pillars of mine Action • What are the six internationally recognized key elements of VA? • What ERW means ? • What JBR means ?

  3. MINE ACTION • Ban production and trade • Stock destruction • Clearance • Risk education • VA !!

  4. Introduction to VAStandard legal definition • Data collection • Emergency and ongoing medical care • Rehabilitation • Psychological and psycho social support • Socio economic inclusion • Laws and policies

  5. CCM article 5 definition of VA Affected States shall: • Provide of age- and gender-sensitive assistance, including medical care, rehabilitation and psychological support, as well as provide for their social and economic inclusion by affected states

  6. States with more than 100 mine/ERW casualties in 2010 ? Pakistan - Cambodia - Iran - Somalia - Lao PDR Myanmar Afghanistan – Colombia - - -

  7. States with more than 100 mine/ERW casualties in 2010 • Afghanistan - 1211 • Colombia - 512 • Pakistan - 394 • Cambodia - 286 • Myanmar - 274 • Iran - 158 • Somalia - 154 • Lao PDR - 117

  8. Knowing your stuff • All mine/ERW survivors are also mine/ERW victims • All mine/ERW victims are also mine/ERW survivors • All mine/ERW victims are persons with disabilities • All mine/ERW survivors are persons with disabilities • Families of people killed are not considered mine/ERW victims *** • Victim assistance only benefits mine/ERW victims

  9. Victim versus Survivor • Mine/ERW Victim An person who has been killed or injured by a mine/explosive remnant of war (ERW) explosion, as well as affectedfamilies and communities who suffer emotional, social, and financial loss • Mine/ERW Survivor An person who has been injured by a mine/ERW explosion and has survived the accident

  10. Victim assistance is guided by three international conventions - Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) - Convention of Cluster Munitions (CCM) - Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

  11. What is Victim Assistance? • Victim assistance is a set of activities and strategies aimed to ensure inclusion of mine/ERW victims, their families, and mine-affected communities • Victim assistance benefits victims of landmines and explosive remnants of war and other persons with disabilities

  12. Non-discrimination “….the call to assist landmine/ERW victims should not lead to victim assistance efforts being undertaken in such a manner as to exclude any person injured or disabled in another manner.”

  13. HI’s Historical involvement in Victim Assistance • 1982 – 1990 • 1991 – 1997 • 1998 – 2004 • 2005 – 2009 • 2010 – present

  14. HI works in different ways to advance the inclusion of survivors • From access to services to researches • Micro and macro level

  15. I. Access to and provision of services for survivors and PWD • Health (emergency and ongoing medical care) • Rehabilitation • Psychological support • Adequate standards of living and social protection • Education • Work and employment

  16. II. Capacity building to improve national level coordination and delivery of VA

  17. III. Advocacy in the international and national arena to remove societal barriers to inclusion

  18. Relevance of VA for HI Today • Work in more countries and across more thematic areas than any other organization • Stay true to MBT efforts • Raise issue of disability • Capitalize on funding • Complies with HI mandate and strategic plan for 2015

  19. Questions? THANK YOU

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