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Ruby. Reuben Mallaby. Ruby - RMA. http://isic.he-arc.ch/isic-galerie-institut-equipe/reuben-mallaby. http://www.totallysoft.ch. http://stackoverflow.com/users/27060/reuben-mallaby. Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol
Ruby Reuben Mallaby
Ruby - RMA http://isic.he-arc.ch/isic-galerie-institut-equipe/reuben-mallaby http://www.totallysoft.ch http://stackoverflow.com/users/27060/reuben-mallaby
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Ruby
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto StartedFebruary24, 1993 1.0 - December25, 1996 1.3 - 1999 -> EN Ruby on Rails 2005 1.9.2 - 2010 Ruby - Introduction
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Redmine http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch Ruby - Introduction Login – firstname.lastname Password – changeme!
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Change Password http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch/my/password Ruby - Introduction View account http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch/my/account View project http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch/projects/masradror
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Windows Ruby - Installation http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch/attachments/download/764/rubyinstaller-1.9.2-p180.exe iconv
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Linux Ruby - Installation http://projets-labinfo.he-arc.ch/attachments/download/766/ruby-1.9.2-p180.tar.gz sudoapt-getinstallmysql-server sudoapt-getinstalllibmysqlclient15-dev sudoapt-getinstallbuild-essential zlib1g-dev sudoapt-getinstalllibssl-devlibreadline5-dev sudoapt-getinstall git-core
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Mac OSX Ruby - Installation http://amerine.net/2010/02/24/rvm-rails3-ruby-1-9-2-setup.html http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Windows Ruby - Editor http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/download/
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Linux gedit Ruby - Editor kate http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/download/
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Mac OSX Ruby - Editor http://www.barebones.com/products/textwrangler/ http://macromates.com/ http://www.jetbrains.com/ruby/download/
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises local_variable method_name method_name(parameter , other) method_name parameter, other Ruby - Convention $global_variable class_variable instance_variable CONSTANT Constant
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Ruby - IRB
number = gets.chomp Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Console IRB puts “Hello world” Text file ruby my_file.rb Ruby – Hello World name=gets.chomp puts “Hello #{name}” p “Hello world”
number = gets.chomp Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Strings p ‘Hello world’ p “Hello world” Ruby – Hello World p `Hello world` var = “dir” p ‘#{var}’ p “#{var}” p `#{var}`
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises FixNum 15+256 56/7 2**8 25%4 Ruby - Numbers -1.abs 65.chr 34.even? 71.odd? 24.gcd(32) 24.lcm(32) 3.next -5.pred 1.class http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Integer.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises FixNum def fact(i) i <= 1? 1 : i * fact(i-1) end Ruby - Numbers fact(10).class fact(100).class http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Integer.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Float 1.0 -1.25abs 51.25+98.65-9 2.2**5.25 98.0%25.63 98%25.63 Ruby - Numbers 15.63.ceil 15.63.floor 15.63.to_i (-1.0/0.0).infinite? 1.0.class http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Float.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises require ‘bigdecimal’ BigDecimal Ruby - Numbers big = BigDecimal.new(“123.45”) big ** 12 big **= 12 big.frac big.class http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/bigdecimal/rdoc/index.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises if count = gets.chomp.to_i if count > 100 puts “Big” end Ruby - Structure count = gets.chomp.to_i if count > 100 puts “Big” else puts “Small” end
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises if count = gets.chomp.to_i if count > 100 puts “Big” elsif count > 50 puts “Medium” else puts “Small” end Ruby - Structure count = gets.chomp.to_i puts “Big” if count > 100
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises unless count = gets.chomp.to_i unless count > 100 puts “Small” end Ruby - Structure count = gets.chomp.to_i unless count > 100 puts “Small” else puts “Big” end count = gets.chomp.to_i puts “Small” unless count > 100
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises case count = gets.chomp.to_i text = case count where 0..50 “Small” where 51..100 “Medium” else “Big” end puts text Ruby - Structure
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises for for i in 1..10 puts i end Ruby - Structure for i in 1..10 do puts i end for item in items puts item end items.each do |item| puts item end
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises times 10.times { |i| puts i } Ruby - Structure upto 1.upto(10) { |i| puts i } downto 10.downto(1) { |i| puts i }
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises while count = gets.chomp.to_i while count > 10 puts count count -= 10 end Ruby - Structure count = gets.chomp.to_i begin puts count count -= 10 end while count > 10
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises until count = gets.chomp.to_i until count > 100 puts count count += 10 end Ruby - Structure count = gets.chomp.to_i begin puts count count += 10 end until count > 100
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Exercises Ruby - Structure Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. Write two methods to convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises my_array = Array.new my_array = [] Ruby - Array my_array = [1,2,3,4,5] my_array = Array(1..5) my_array = [”1”,”2”,”3”,”4”,”5”] my_array = [1,”2”,3,4,”5”,Array.new] my_array = %w[hello world] http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises been_to = [“London”, “Paris”, “Bern”, “Geneva”, “Berlin”, “New York”] Ruby - Array to_go = [“Moscow”, “Tokyo”, “Perth”, “Sydney”, “Washington”, “San Francisco”] my_places = been_to + to_go to_go -= [“Tokyo”] http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises been_to.sort been_to.sort! Ruby - Array my_places.clear my_places.empty? my_places = been_to + to_go my_places.sort! my_places.each {|place| puts place} more = my_places + been_to more.uniq! my_places.reverse.each do |place| if been_to.include?(place) puts “I’ve been to #{place}” end end http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Exercises: https://raveendran.wordpress.com/tag/ruby-exercise Ruby - Array http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises my_hash = Hash.new my_hash = {} Ruby - Hash my_hash = { “one” => 1, 1 => “one”, :one => 1 } my_hash[“one”] my_hash[1] my_hash[:one] my_hash[2] my_hash[2] = “Hello” http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Hash.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises my_hash.eachdo |key, value| puts"#{key} is #{value}" end Ruby - Hash http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Hash.html
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises my_hash[:one] Ruby - Symbol “one”.object_id “one”.object_id “one”.object_id :one.object_id :one.object_id :one.object_id
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises class MyClass def say(word) puts word end end Ruby - Class MyClass.new.say(“Hello”) a = MyClass.new a.say(“Hello”) a.class
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises class MyClass defself.speak(word) puts word end end Ruby - Class MyClass.speak(“Hello”) a = MyClass.new a.say(“Hello”) a = MyClass.new a.speak(“Hello”)
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises module MyModule def speak(word) puts word end end Ruby - Module class MyNewClass include MyModule end a = MyNewClass a.speak “Hi”
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises module MyModule def speak(word) puts word end end Ruby - Module class AnotherClass extend MyModule end AnotherClass.speak “Hi”
begin1/0p'I should never get executed'rescuep'I am rescuing an exception and can do what I want!'end Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises 1/0 Ruby - Exceptions begin 1/0 p 'I should never get executed' rescue p 'I am rescuing an exception! end
begin1/0p'I should never get executed'rescuep'I am rescuing an exception and can do what I want!'end Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises i = 0 while i <= 10 begin p i if i == 0 1/0 end raise "random runtime exception" p 'I should never get executed' rescue ZeroDivisionError p 'I am rescuing only ZeroDivisionErrors!' i += 1 end end Ruby - Exceptions
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises defthree_times yield yield yield end three_times{ puts "Hello" } Ruby - Blocks deffibonacci(max) i1, i2 = 1, 1 # parallelassignment while i1 <= max yield i1 i1, i2 = i2, i1+i2 end end fibonacci(1000) { |f| print f, " " }
Introduction Installation Editor Convention IRB Hello World Numbers Structure Array Hash Symbol Class Module Exceptions Blocks Exercises Write a method to check if a given number or string is a palindrome Ruby - Exercises Find the sum of the digits in the number 100! Write a method that outputs a right isosceles triangle of height and width n. Write a method to check a given account number. An account number consists of 8 numbers and a check digit. The sum of the digits in account 12345678 is 36. 36 modulo 10 is 6, and the check digit is in the third position of the final account number, giving 126345678.
http://www.ruby-doc.org http://www.ruby-lang.org https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Yukihiro_Matsumoto https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Ruby_%28programming_language%29 http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~steve/Papers/GoodProblems.pdf Ruby - Bibliography