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Webquest. Berlin Trip Itinerary By: Kacper , Paul, Afoke , and Kazi. Scenario. A retired history teacher, whose father had served with the Canadian Armed Forces during WWII and was stationed in Berlin. He is very interested in the past and present Germany. . Air Travel Arrangements.

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  1. Webquest Berlin Trip Itinerary By: Kacper, Paul, Afoke, and Kazi

  2. Scenario • A retired history teacher, whose father had served with the Canadian Armed Forces during WWII and was stationed in Berlin. He is very interested in the past and present Germany.

  3. Air Travel Arrangements • Departure from Halifax International Airport by plane via Air Canada to Frankfurt Germany on a Thursday October 28, 2010 at 11:55.Land at Pearson International Airport at 13:19, connecting flight to Frankfurt leaves at 17:30 and arrives 07:00 the following. • Return flight to Halifax from Frankfurt International Airport at 11:10 on Monday November 1, 2010 arriving at Montreal International Airport at 14:15. Connecting flight to Halifax International Airport departs at 20:15 and finally arrives back to Halifax at 23:10.

  4. Day 1 (Oct 29, 2010)Morning Activities • Ride the train from Frankfurt Airport to Berlin on Rail Europe Inter City Express 772 departing at 08:42 arriving at Berlin HBF at 13:08. • After a long trip, we take a quick taxi over to the Regent Berlin Hotel to check in and drop off luggage. • Once settled, our first destination is to the German Historical Museum by walking.

  5. Day 1 (Oct 29, 2010)Afternoon Activities • Before the museum, a lunch will be enjoyed at the Theater Restaurant TadshikischeTeestube • After lunch, our retired teacher will enjoy a full afternoon and evening walking through the German Historical Museum which will give him a comprehensive tour through the history of Germany over the past two millennia. • The Museum especially contains many interesting World War II exhibits, including the Hitler und die Deutchen exhibit.

  6. Day 1 (Oct 29, 2010)Afternoon Activities

  7. Day 1 (Oct 29, 2010)Evening Activities • After a long tour of the German Historical Museum, we will take a quick walk to the Bebel Bar for dinner to enjoy some fine German dinning. • After dinner, we will enjoy a spectacular walk through the Babelplatz, which will provide our teacher with many photo opportunities and further develop his understanding of German history and culture.

  8. Day 1 (Oct 29, 2010)Alternative Activities • If the weather for the first day is very beautiful, our teacher may instead be tempted to take an evening boat cruise of Berlin. The boat ride would be a perfect way to introduce him to the city of Berlin. • This three hour evening boat tour will pass by locations such as PotsdamerPlatz, the Reichstag, Museum Island, Berlin Cathedral and much more. • There is also a dinner option available on board during the boat tour.

  9. Day 1 Map of Destinations

  10. Day 2 (Oct 30, 2010)Morning Activities • Our teacher will begin the day with breakfast at the hotel, or for something more traditional, he can try the Stresemann Restaurant that is located near his first destination of the day: The Topography of Terror. • There is no direct route to take by bus, but are several bus and street car routes that can take him there. He may find that renting a bike an easier way to get to the Topography of Terror.

  11. Once our teacher arrives at the Topography of Terror, he will have the opportunity to see first hand the former headquarters of the notorious and feared German SS and Gestapo.

  12. Day 2 (Oct 30, 2010)Afternoon Activities • Finishing off our tour, our teacher will likely want to have a light lunch before continuing on to his next destination. • For convenience, the Restaurant Vapiano is located a few steps away. But, if he ends his tour early, he can take a bus ride to the Reichstag and enjoy lunch near by Theodor Tucher

  13. Day 2 (Oct 30, 2010)Evening Activities

  14. Once arriving at the Reichstag, our teacher should find himself amazed and awed by the beautiful architecture of Germanys Parliamentary Buildings and it’s historical significance since the time of the Holy Roman Empire through to the Nazi era, to now. • For dinner, he will undoubtedly want to enjoy dinner on the rooftop of the Reichstag at a restaurant called Kaefer’s which gives a beautiful view of the city as well serve excellent German foods.

  15. Day 2 (Oct 30, 2010)Evening Activities • The ride back to the hotel by bus will take him to the Under der Linden, where he can walk back to the hotel, and maybe stop at the Sagrantino Wine Bar Weinhandel. This is an Italian restaurant known for it’s large selection of wines from all over Europe. Or he can head back to the hotel and enjoy some sports and German beer at the Regent Bar at the hotel.

  16. Day 2 Map of Destinations

  17. Day 3 (Oct 31, 2010)Morning Activities • This morning we do not have many options for breakfast that is around the hotel or near our destination, so we will eat breakfast at the hotel. • This day we will be taking the subway to the Gesundbrunnenstop to visit the Berliner Unterwelten E.V. and take a few of their tours. • Visitthe Berlin Underground at 11:00 for Tour #1, that will give a view of the hidden side of Berlinand give our history teacher a further appreciation of the history ofBerlin.

  18. Day 3 (Oct 31, 2010)Afternoon Activities • After the tour, we will take a quick walk north to the restaurant Gaststätte "ZumParkwächter“. • There will be some time before the second tour, giving us an opportunity to visit the Humboldthain park across the street. • Tour #2 begins at 4pm, and goes to see an above ground flack gun tower, a significant wartime weapon that helped defend Berlin during the Allies bombardment of the city.

  19. Day 3 (Oct 31, 2010)Evening Activities • After the last tour, we will return back by subway to the Hausvogteiplatz, and enjoy dinner at the GaffelHaus. • From here, our teacher will walk back to the hotel and walk by buildings such as the DeutscherDom.

  20. Day 3 Map of Destinations

  21. Day 4 (Nov 1, 2010) • Breakfast at hotel. • Leave hotel by taxi to Berlin Airport. • Depart Berlin Airport at 07:50am and arrive in Frankfurt at 09:05 via Lufthansa. • Catch flight home as described in travel arrangements.

  22. Danke.

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