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Software Engineering

The Waterfall Model is the first Process Model introduced in software engineering, following a linear-sequential life cycle. This model consists of phases like Requirements Analysis, System Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Operations & Maintenance. Learn about the advantages, disadvantages, and when to use the Waterfall Model.

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Software Engineering

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  1. Software Engineering Lecture # 1

  2. Waterfall model The Waterfall Model was first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed fully before the next phase can begin. 

  3. Requirements analysis phase focuses on understanding the problem domain and representing the requirements in a form which are understandable by all the stakeholders of the project i.e. analyst, user, programmer, tester etc. The output of this stage is a document called Software Requirements Specification (SRS). All the successive stages of software life cycle are dependent on this stage as SRS produced here is used in all the other stages of the software lifecycle System design phase translates the SRS into the design document which depicts the overall modular structure of the program and the interaction between these modules. This phase focuses on the high level design and low level design of the software. Continued

  4. Continued • Implementation phase transforms the low level design part of software design description into a working software product by writing the code. • Testing phase is responsible for testing the code written during implementation phase. This phase can be broadly divided into unit testing (tests individual modules), integration testing (tests groups of interrelated modules) and system testing (testing of system as a whole). • Deployment phase makes the system operational through installation of system and also focuses on training of user. • Operations and maintenance phase resolves the software errors, failures etc. enhances the requirements if required and modifies the functionality to meet the customer demands. This is something which continues throughout the use of product by the customer.

  5. Phases

  6. Advantages • Easy to understand even by non-technical persons i.e., customers. • Each phase has well defined inputs and outputs e.g., input to system design stage is Requirement Specification Document(RSD) and output is the design • document. • Each stage has well defined deliverables or milestones. • Helps the project manager in proper planning of the project.

  7. Disadvantages • The biggest drawback of Waterfall model is that it does not support iteration. Software development on the other hand is iterative i.e., while designing activities are being carried out, new requirements can come up. Similarly while product is being coded, new design and requirement problems can come up. • Another disadvantage of Waterfall model is that it is sequential in nature. One cannot start with a stage till preceding stage is completed e.g., one cannot start with the system design till all the requirements are understood and represented. • Users have little interaction with the project team. Their feedback is not taken during development.

  8. Disadvantages • Customer gets opportunity to review the product very late in life cycle because the working version of product is available very late in software development life cycle. • Model is very rigid because output of each phase is prerequisite for successive stage. • The Waterfall model also has difficulty in accommodating changes in the product after the development process starts.

  9. Disadvantages • Amount of documentation produced is very high. • The model in no way supports delivery of system in pieces. • The model is not suitable for new projects because of uncertainty in the specifications.

  10. When to use • One should use the waterfall model only when:Requirements are very clear and fixed.There are no ambiguous requirementsThe client has high confidence in the organizationThe organization has experience of similar projectsThe project is short 

  11. Waterfall model

  12. The Prototype Model • The concept of prototyping is not new in various streams of engineering. A prototype is a partially developed product. Robert T. Futrell and Shafer in their book Quality Software Project Management define prototyping as a process of developing working replica of a system(Robert02). This activity of prototyping now forms the basis of prototype software development life cycle model. Most of the users do not exactly know what they want until they actually see the product. Prototyping is used for developing a mock-up of product and is used for obtaining user feedback in order to refine it further

  13. Continued • In this process model, system is partially implemented before or during analysis phase thus giving the end users an opportunity to see the product early in the life cycle. • The process starts by interviewing the users and developing the incomplete high level paper model. This document is used to build the initial prototype supporting only the basic functionality as desired by the user. The prototype is then demonstrated to the user for his/her feedback. • After user pinpoints the problems, prototype is further refined to eliminate the problems. This process continues till the user approves the rapid prototype and finds the working model to be satisfactory.

  14. Model

  15. Types Two approaches of prototyping can be followed: • Rapid Prototyping Model • Evolutionary Prototyping

  16. Rapid Prototyping Model • In this model a mock-up application is created “rapidly” to solicit feedback from the user. Once the user requirements are captured in the prototype to the satisfaction of the user, a proper requirement specification document is developed and the product is developed from scratch. • This approach is used for developing the systems or part of the systems where the development team does not have the understanding of the system. The quick and dirty prototypes are built, verified with the customers and thrown away. This process continues till a satisfactory prototype is built. At this stage now the full scale development of the product begins.

  17. Evolutionary Prototyping • This approach is used when there is some understanding of the requirements. The prototypes thus built are not thrown away but evolved with time.

  18. Prototyping

  19. Advantages • A partial product is built in the initial stages. Therefore customers get a chance to see the product early in the life cycle and thus give necessary feedback. • New requirements can be easily accommodated, as there is scope for refinement. • Requirements become more clear resulting into an accurate product. • As user is involved from the starting of the project, he tends to be more secure, comfortable and satisfied. • Flexibility in design and development is also supported by the model.

  20. Disadvantages • After seeing an early prototype end users demand the actual system to be delivered soon. • End users may not like to know the difference between a prototype and a well engineered fully developed system. • If not managed properly, the iterative process of prototype demonstration and refinement can continue for long duration. • If end user is not satisfied with initial prototype, he may loose interest in the project. • Poor documentation.

  21. Integrating the Waterfall and Rapid Prototyping Models • Despite the many successes of the waterfall model, it has a major drawback in that the delivered product may not fulfill the client’s needs. One solution to this is to combine rapid prototyping with the waterfall model. In this approach, rapid prototyping can be used as a requirement gathering technique which would then be followed by the activities performed in the waterfall model.

  22. When to Use • Prototype model should be used when requirements of the system are not clearly understood or are unstable. It can also be used if requirements are changing quickly. • This model can be successfully used for developing user interfaces, high technology software intensive systems, and systems with complex algorithms and interfaces. It is also a very good choice to demonstrate technical feasibility of the product.

  23. The Incremental Software Development Life Cycle Model • The incremental model releases the product partially to the customer in the beginning and slowly adds increased functionality to the system. • That is why the model is called incremental model. The model prioritizes the system requirements and implements them in groups. • Each new release of the system enhances the functionality of the previously released system thereby reducing the cost of the project.

  24. Model

  25. Continued • In the first release only the functionality A of the product is offered to the customer. The functionality A here consists of core requirements which are critical to the success of the project. In the second release functionality A plus functionality B is offered and finally in release 3 functionality A, B as well as C is offered. Therefore, with each release in addition to incorporating new functionality in the system, functionality of earlier releases may also be enhanced.

  26. When to Use • The incremental model is used when requirements are defined at the beginning of the project but at the same time they are expected to evolve over time. It can also be used for projects with development schedules more than one year or if deliveries are to be made at regular intervals

  27. Advantages • As product is to be delivered in parts, total cost of project is distributed. • Limited number of persons can be put on project because work is to be delivered in parts. • As development activities for next release and use of early version of product is done simultaneously, if found errors can be corrected. • Customers or end users get the chance to see the useful functionality early in the software development life cycle. • As a result of end user’s feedback requirements for successive releases become more clear. • As functionality is incremented in steps, testing also becomes easy. • Risk of failure of a product is decreased as users start using the product early.

  28. Disadvantages • As product is delivered in parts, total development cost is higher. • Well defined interfaces are required to connect modules developed with each phase. • The model requires well defined project planning schedule to distribute the work properly. • Testing of modules also results into overhead and increased cost.

  29. Spiral Model • Spiral model is a combination of sequential and prototype model. This model is best used for large projects which involves continuous enhancements.

  30. Spiral Model spiral model contains six task regions: • Customer communication—tasks required to establish effective communication between developer and customer. • Planning—tasks required to define resources, timelines, and other project relatedinformation. • Risk analysis—tasks required to assess both technical and management risks.

  31. Spiral Model • Engineering—tasks required to build one or more representations of the application. • Construction and release—tasks required to construct, test, install, and provide user support (e.g., documentation and training). • Customer evaluation—tasks required to obtain customer feedback based on evaluation of the software representations created during the engineering stage and implemented during the installation stage.

  32. Spiral

  33. Spiral

  34. Spiral

  35. When to Use • When the project is large. • Where the software needs continuous risk evaluation. • Requirements are a bit complicated and require continuous clarification. • Software requires significant changes.

  36. Continued • Spiral model is generally used for large projects with medium to high risk because in small projects it is possible that cost of risk analysis may exceed the actual cost of project. • In other words, Spiral model is a practical approach for solving large scale software development related problems. • This can also be used if requirements of the project are very complex or if the company is planning to introduce new technologies. Some areas where Spiral model is successfully used are decision support system, defense, aerospace, and large business projects.

  37. Advantages • The model tries to resolve all possible risks involved in the project starting with the highest risk. • End users get a chance to see the product early in life cycle. • With each phase as product is refined after customer feedback, the model ensures a good quality product.

  38. Disadvantages • The model requires expertise in risk management and excellent management skills. • The model is not suitable for small projects as cost of risk analysis may exceed the actual cost of the project. • Different persons involved in the project may find it complex to use. • Spiral may go infinitely.

  39. Spiral Model

  40. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) Model • The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was proposed by IBM in 1980s and later on was introduced to software community by James Martin through his book Rapid Application development. The important feature of RAD model is increased involvement of the user/customer at all stages of life cycle through the use of powerful development tools.

  41. RAD • If the requirements of the software to be developed can be modularized in such a way that each of them can be completed by different teams in a fixed time then the software is a candidate for RAD. • The independent modules can be integrated to build the final product. The important feature of the RAD model is quick turnaround time from requirement analysis to the final delivered system. • The time frame for each delivery is normally 60 to 90 days called time box which is achieved by using powerful developer tools like Visual C++, JAVA, Visual BASIC, XML, .NET etc.

  42. RAD The RAD model consists of following four phases: Requirements Planning – focuses on collecting requirements using elicitation techniques like brainstorming, User Description – Requirements are detailed by taking users feedback by building prototype using development tools. Construction– The prototype is refined to build the product and released to the customer. Cutover – involves acceptance testing by the user and their training.

  43. RAD

  44. Advantages • As customer is involved at all stages of development, it leads to a product achieving customer satisfaction. • Usage of powerful development tools results into reduced software development cycle time. • Feed back from the customer/user is available at the initial stages. • Makes use of reusable components, to decrease the cycle time.

  45. Disadvantages • The model makes use of efficient tools, to develop the prototype quickly, which calls for hiring skilled professional. • Team leader must work closely with developers and customers/users to close the project in time. • Absence of reusable components can lead to failure of the project. The RAD model should be used for system with known requirements and requiring

  46. When to Use • RAD should be used when there is a need to create a system that can be modularized in 2-3 months of time. • It should be used if there’s high availability of designers for modeling and the budget is high enough to afford their cost along with the cost of automated code generating tools. • It is appropriate to use RAD model for the system that can be modularized and also reusable components are available for development. The model can also be used when already existing system components can be reused in developing a new system with minimum changes.

  47. Comparison of Software Process Models

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