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The Association of African Universities’ Perspectives

Explore the initiatives by The Association of African Universities to implement open surveys for data sharing in 400 member universities across the continent. Learn about the benefits, challenges, and opportunities for improving research data accessibility and reuse.

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The Association of African Universities’ Perspectives

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  1. The Association of African Universities’ Perspectives IG Open Questionnaire for Research Data Sharing Survey RDA 12th Plenary Meeting 6 Nov 2018 @IDW2018 Ms Nodumo DHLAMINI

  2. The Association of African Universities • 400 member universities across the continent • Since 1967 • Secretariat Hosted by Ghana • Mission to improve the quality of African Higher Education • Vibrant networking platforms for African Universities

  3. IGs interests and the Association’s Interests • African Universities a natural fit to the User Community • Interoperable open survey(s) would be useful for continental data analysis • The Association would facilitate implementation of open survey(s) in African Universities • The Association intends to run several surveys to better understand our constituency and also provide input for the data needs of the African Union Commission and national ministries of higher education.

  4. Use Case for African Higher Education • Pilot survey on status of university data repositories (July 2018) • Key Questions we asked : Presence of Research data repository in university; Does the university have a data policy?; Is there any conscious attempt to integrate, store, archive and enhance easy access to university’s data?; Describe how data reuse is enhanced? • We will share the results for the purpose of getting conversations going about why universities must embrace open data/science practices • Interested in knowing where there are capacity gaps – and strengthening universities to benefit from the potential of open data to support their research communities.

  5. Opportunities for utilizing data sharing surveys • Utilizing data sharing surveys • Monitoring the implementation of the Continental Education Strategy for Africa • Monitoring SDG4.3 relating to Higher Education in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals • African Quality Rating Mechanism –benchmarking African Universities • What audiences / organizations might be interested and why? • National Research Institutions • African Universities, Africa Centers of Excellence • The Association of African Universities • UNESCO • African Union Commission • Regional Education Organizations

  6. Survival of Universities’ Research Data Repositories in Developing Countries

  7. 45 Respondents from 39 universities and 15 countries • Benin • Botswana • Cameroon • Ethiopia • Ghana • Kenya • Liberia • Malawi • Nigeria • South Africa • Sudan • Tanzania • Uganda • Zambia • Zimbabwe

  8. Does the university have a data policy?

  9. Presence of Research data repository in university?

  10. Is there any conscious attempt to integrate, store, archive and enhance easy access to university’s data?

  11. Describe how data reuse is enhanced? • By creating visibility of data through our institutional repository • Conducting Field Annual Performance Survey Research • Currently authors are encouraged to store and share research data. • Nil • No formal strategies, researchers store their data and it is possibly not re-used in that case • I have no idea • The data is kept in respective offices • The students come and meet the professors who are the custodians of data to enable them access and reuse data for their various projects • The University has a Directorate of Research and Development. The Research and Publications unit of the Directorate is the custodian of all staff research / related documents in the university. All research reports are well archived and easily accessible. • This is not possible

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