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P2P Ubiquities

Geneviève Vidal (LabSiC Paris XIII - France) Vincent Mabillot (Médias/Identités Lyon II – France) AOIR 5.0 Brighton, Falmer England – September 2005. P2P Ubiquities. Cyber- Ubiquities. P2P users. Networks Ubiquities. Multitasking Ubiquities. Conclusion. Index. P2P Ubiq. P2P users.

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P2P Ubiquities

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  1. Geneviève Vidal (LabSiC Paris XIII - France) Vincent Mabillot (Médias/Identités Lyon II – France) AOIR 5.0 Brighton, Falmer England – September 2005 P2P Ubiquities

  2. Cyber- Ubiquities P2P users Networks Ubiquities Multitasking Ubiquities Conclusion Index P2P Ubiq.

  3. P2P users • Roles typology • Networks superpositions • Fluctuent status

  4. Cyber ubiquities Real user (actor) and computing presence (character) The synchronicity allowing to act here and elsewhere • Cultural ombilical link • « Mardi gras » presence • Contribution presence

  5. Multitasking Ubiquities Multiuses of computer at same time • Optimization of computer activity • Multi-Internet uses • Diversion

  6. Multi-P2PNetworks Ubiquities Using different P2PNetworks at the same time • Compulsive collect • Comparative search • Preventing crisis

  7. Conclusions What P2P ubiquities reveal in Internet uses, social behaviour and ideology • Automediated management of collaboratives tools uses and cultural ressources • Alternatives archiving stragtegies • Define users as contributor, not only target consummers

  8. Réferences Some ressources about or studies and our references • http://labo.interactivite.org (next update in October 2004) • or email: vincent.mabillot@free.fr

  9. Cyber- Ubiquities P2P users Networks Ubiquities Multitasking Ubiquities Conclusions Index

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