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Renzulli Learning Systems: Where Learning & Fun Collide!. Company Overview. Quick Facts. Over 400,000 registered students. Over 50,000 registered teachers. Renzulli Learning database contains links to over 35,000 screened activities and resources.
Renzulli Learning Systems:Where Learning & Fun Collide! Company Overview
Quick Facts • Over 400,000 registered students. • Over 50,000 registered teachers. • Renzulli Learning database contains links to over 35,000 screened activities and resources. • Approximately 25 full time employees and over 80 part time contracted consultants. • Healthy financial and fiscal growth despite current economic challenges. • Dynamic product!
Company History • In it’s 4th year of operation. • Founded by Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis and sponsored by the University of Connecticut. • Based on over 30 years of educational research. • Sole-Source provider – no one else does what Renzulli Learning does. • Tremendous positive response from students, teachers, parents, and administrators who use the system – They LOVE Renzulli Learning! • Dynamic and evolving system. No series upgrades as changes/enhancements are posted in real time as needed.
Research Based • The Renzulli Learning System is based on over 30 years of documented educational research by Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis. • The Renzulli Learning System is based on the Enrichment Triad Model, developed by Dr. Renzulli in 1977. Although originally developed for gifted students it has proven to be an effective model of instruction for students of all ability levels. • The Renzulli Learning System is based on the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. • Active research studies are in progress the effect of the Renzulli Learning System on student learning and standardized test scores.
Research BasedCo-Founder: Joseph Renzulli • Neag Professor of Gifted Education and Talent Development at the University of Connecticut (UCONN) • Director of the National Research Center on Gifted and Talented • Board of Trustees of Distinguished Professors at the University of Connecticut (UCONN) • Senior Research Associate for the White House Task Force on Education for the Gifted and Talented • Serves on numerous educational boards in the fields of gifted education, educational psychology and research, and law and education. • Fellow in the American Psychology Association • Has received numerous awards for research from the National Association for Gifted Children and UCONN • Series author for Houghton Mifflin Reading Series and author of numerous books, articles, reports and publications • Has generated millions of dollars in research and training grants • Developed the summer Confratute Program at UCONN which provides engaging and specialized professional development for educators around the world Research • Identification and programming models for both gifted and general school populations. • Created the Enrichment Triad Model – cited as the most widely used approach for gifted and talented programs. • Created Three Ring Conception of Giftedness Model – more flexible model to identifying and developing gifts and talents in young people. • Created the Schoolwide Enrichment Model a detailed blueprint for school improvement across all populations.
Research BasedCo-Founder: Sally Reis • Professor and Educational Psychology Department Head – Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut (UCONN) • Principal Investigator, National Research Center on Gifted and Talented • Former public education classroom teacher and administrator • Co-authored and published over 140 articles, 12 books, 50 chapters, and numerous monographs and technical reports • Serves on several editorial boards • Worked in research teams that have generated over $35 million dollars in grants over the past 15 years. • Former president of the National Association for Gifted Children • Has received numerous profession awards including: The Distinguished Service Award and was recently named a Distinguished Scholar by the National Association for Gifted Children Research • Focuses on talent development in all children and special populations including: students with learning disabilities, gifted females and diverse groups of talented students who are often underserved • Interested in extensions of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for gifted students as well as providing enrichment for unidentified students in general populations • Investigating using gifted education pedagogy to stimulate the interests, learning styles, and abilities of all children
Research Based5 Dimensions of Differentiation • Teachers can differentiate the curriculum for their students using one or a combination of the 5 Dimensions of Differentiation. • Content – Differentiating the content, topics and level of difficulty, a student explores. • Process – Differentiating the learning style or approach to teaching/learning the content. • Product – Differentiating the ways that students show what they have learned. • Classroom Management – Differentiating the physical location and style – whole group, small group, independent, computers in the back of the room, library, media center, etc. • Teacher – The teacher as the practicing profession decides the who, what, when, where, why, and how of differentiating – using and combining the other dimensions. Content Process Teacher Product Classroom Management
What does it look like in a classroom? Students engage in … Teacher - Facilitator and Guide (Decides who, what, when, where, how, and why.)
Type I General Exploratory Activities Type II Group Training Activities Type III Individual & Small Group Investigations & Real Problems Regular Classroom Environment Research BasedEnrichment Triad Model • Developed by Joseph Renzulli. • Divides enrichment experiences into 3 types. • Type 1 – General exploratory activities that are discovery based, stimulating, and build interest. • Type 2 – Activities that build thinking and working skills. Thinking skills include creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. Working skills include “how-to”, the appropriate use of resources, and written, oral, or visual communication skills. • Type 3 – These experiences are academic investigations, artistic productions, hands-on creations, or other projects where the student becomes the first-hand inquirer and practicing professional focusing on a topic or problem of intense personal interest.
Research BasedSchoolwide Enrichment Model • Developed to provide all students in the school with engaging curriculum, by applying the best components of enrichment learning used for Gifted and Talented students to the school population. • Encourages each student maintaining a personal product portfolio of their work.
Research BasedUniversity of Connecticut • Renzulli Learning Systems is a University of Connecticut Research and Development Corporation. • A recent study on Renzulli Learning was conducted by Dr. Gara Fields and sponsored by UCONN. Dr. Fields found that students who used the Renzulli Learning system for 2-3 hours a week, over the course of 16 weeks showed dramatic improvement in reading comprehension scores. (147% improvement) Significant improvements were also seen in writing, social studies and science scores as well. • Current research is being conducted on the effects of the Renzulli Learning System as part of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model for Reading under the direction of Dr. Sally Reis.
Organizational Structure Investors Board of Directors Dr. Joseph Renzulli Dr. Sally Reis Chairman & CEO VP of Sales & Marketing Controller Accountants CIO/Chief Operating Officer Sales/Support Manager Professional Development Department Database Department Development Team Renzulli Learning Consultants (RLC) (Inside Sales) Client Services Department (CSR) Field Sales (Outside Sales)
Procures sales, supports sales-related activities and coordinates sales efforts. Communication hub for sales and order processing. Follows-up on potential leads and coordinates with field sales. Coordinates renewal contracts, upsells, and orders. Schedules professional development dates in correlation with contracted PD requirements. Enters/maintains customer information in Sales Force – CRM software. Maintains procedures and processes for procurement so work flow and communication between departments is effective and efficient for fulfillment. (Regional team “nerve center”) Meets face-to-face with customers for sales presentations and to secure orders/contracts. Listens to customer concerns and with Renzulli team constructs feasible solutions. Uncovers customer needs by asking relevant questions. Positions product value to customers. Coordinates information with RLC to secure order and contract. Conducts follow-up status meetings and visits with customers. Conducts follow-up meetings to assist in securing renewal contracts. Communicates goals/objectives and direction of sales efforts with RLC and regional team. Sales Team Renzulli Learning Consultants (RLC) (Inside Sales) Field Sales (Outside Sales)
Team of 5 full time employees and 40+ part time consultants. PD Coordinator PD Assistant Coordinator Regional PD Coordinators Most PD trainers are former educators – teachers and administrators. Provides onsite, engaging, and practical PD sessions for teachers and administrators. Works in connection with Sales and Client Services to communicate customer needs for continued support after professional development sessions. Coordinates PD needs of customer with established training agendas and customer logistics/technology resources to provide the most effective PD sessions for the customer. Develops professional development support materials and programs, such as online self-directed interactive tutorials. Professional Development Team
Provides customer phone, email, and online support. Supports system implementation and use at the district, school, and classroom levels. Develops customer support materials and resources. Communicates with customers regarding new features, system upgrades, and helpful resources. Sends proactive email outreaches to customers to increase system utilization. Relays customer feedback, requests and suggestions to appropriate departments and teams. Staffed with former educators of varying experience areas and levels. Segmented into strategic and core accounts. Strategic Accounts - Larger accounts (> $20,000) requiring individual attention to maintain contract obligations and renewal potential. Core Accounts - Smaller accounts (> $20,000) using a scalable approach from strategic accounts and helping accounts become self-servicing. Threshold for strategic and core accounts is subject to change with growth or Renzulli Learning Systems. Developing scalable processes and resources that can be used across all account segmentation levels. Client Services Team
Staffed by 3 full time employees and over 40 contracted part time consultants. Database Manager Database Content Specialists Database Consultants Focuses on continual growth, differentiation, and quality assurance of Renzulli Learning Database resources. Have 35,000+ resources and activity links. Each resource/activity is screened for age appropriate content, educational quality, links to inappropriate sites. Links activities/resources to state standards/objectives. Creates unit supplements, super starter projects, assignment templates, and resource lists to support customer use. Creates handouts and marketing materials to empower other departments within the company. Database Team
Creates, develops, and maintains the physical website for Renzulli Learning including coding. Implements changes and feature enhancements based on customer feedback. Corrects “bugs” in strings of code. Maintains and updates data warehouse and back-up systems. Develops and programs website upgrades and enhancements. Coordinates the release of new features and enhancements with customer needs generated by the Sales department. Development Team
Maintains financial records and reports. Oversees employee payroll, reimbursement, and benefit processes. Invoices customers and posts payments. Coordinates with sales department (RLCs) on customer payment status, renewal status, and payment receipt. Finance / Accounting
Order/Process Flow Lead Received by Field Sales or RLC Lead Followed-Up on by RLC or FS and entered into SalesForce. Order Processed by RLC Invoice Built District Code Built SalesForce Updated PD Scheduled Thank You Letter Sent CSR Sends PD Follow-up email after PD session. No PD – start-up materials sent with welcome email. CSR provides support as needed. Sends proactive emails as part of outreach campaigns. CSR provides account or customer feedback to RLC and FS. Acct. turned over to Client Services. CSR sends welcome. PD Sends PD Xlist. RLC makes periodic Contact/Follow-ups RLC initiates renewal and processes renewal and upsells. Schedules additional PD. Sends renewal thank you. Account support Continued by CSR.
Regional Divisions New England Ohio Midwest/Southwest Northern California New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Southern California Mid-Atlantic Southeast