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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. We’ll Discuss. The idea of democracy. The political system of the UK. Democracy. Greek demos - “the people” kratein - “to rule”
We’ll Discuss. The idea of democracy. The political system of the UK.
Democracy • Greek demos - “the people” kratein - “to rule” • political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish • The word «democracy» is translated from Greek as «the power of people».
What does “democracy” mean ? • All people and authorities follow the constitution. • People elect their representatives to rule the country. • People do what they want within the framework of the law. • People say what they think. • People elect the head of the state directly. • People can live in any place they choose.
Can you explain such words as • a monarchy • an absolute monarchy • a parliamentary monarchy
A Monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch, usually a single person, is the head of state. • An absolute monarchy is a monarchical form of government where the king and queen have absolute power over everything. • Parliamentary monarchy - a state headed by a monarch who is not actively involved in policy formation or implementation .
We Must Understand These WordsWithout Translation. A minister, a cabinet, a department, a constitution, an opposition, a prime Minister, to coordinate, to control [kqn'troul], ceremonial ["serI'mounjql], monarch ['mOnqk], monarchy, democracy, parliament, policy, politician ["pOlI'tIS(q)n], democratic, parliamentary ["pa:lq'ment(q)rI], political
Monarchy Parliamentary monarchy Absolute monarchy To become a monarch To restore a monarchy Royalty Royal a form of government in which the head of state is a monarch a monarch does what Parliament tells her (him) the power of a monarch is complete, total without limits to become a king or queen to bring back a monarchy members of royal families (either individually or collectively) a member of a royal family relating to or suitable for a king or queen Match the words and their definitions.
Remember To appoint the Prime Minister To determine the policy To delay the bill To revise the bill To examine the bill To vote (on)the programme To draft the programme To sign a bill To pass a new law To rule the country
To oppose the government policy To make laws To discuss the bill To approve the bill To challenge the bill To give the royal assent
Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, but she has no real power. Her role is mostly ceremonial • Who rules the country in fact? The monarch or Parliament?
THE MONARCH appoints is the official head of state; has mostly representative functions THE GOVERNMENT Is responsible to appoints The Prime Minister is the head of the government; is the leader of the party with the majority of seats in the House of Commons The Cabinet About 20 ministers; determines government policies Non-Cabinet Ministers chooses chooses PARLIAMENT THE PEOPLE elect (all men and women over 18)
MONARCHY is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom.
THE MONARCH • Is the official head of state and an integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role; has mostly representative functions; gives the royal assent to the bills passed by the House of Commons (общин) and the House of Lords; is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations
She was born on 21 April, 1926; was married to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, on 20 November, 1947; ascended the throne on 6 February 1952; and was crowned on 2 June, 1953.
In law, the Queen is the head of the executive, legislature, judiciary, the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Crown and the head of the Established Church of England. In practice, she has little direct power.
Queen Elizabeth II She is one of the longest-reigning monarchs in British history She is widely respected for the way in which she performs her duties and is generally popular
The Queen and the royal family continue to take part in many traditional ceremonies.
The Government The British Government consists of the Prime Minister and other Ministers. A prime minister is the head of government. He is the leader of the party with the majority seats in the House of Common The Prime Minister takes policy decisions with the agreement of his ministers.
The Cabinet The Cabinet is the committee at the centre of the British political system and the supreme decision-making body in government.
The main functions of Parliament are: to pass laws; to provide, by voting taxation, the means of carrying on the work of government; to scrutinize government policy and administration; to debate the major issues of the day.
The Parliament was formed in 1707
The House of Commons Meets at the Palace of Westminster MPs in the House of Commons are elected for a period of five years
Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, but she has no real power. Her role is mostly ceremonial. And the Queen and the royal family continue to take part in many traditional ceremonies. Her power is limited by Parliament. Parliament comprises the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Queen in her constitutional role. The center of Parliamentary power is the House of Commons. The House of Commons makes laws, discusses political problems. The party which has majority of the seats in the House of Commons is called the Government.