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HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Policymakers: Federal Agencies and Congressional Committees. May 2012. Department of Health & Human Services. HHS Leadership. Kathleen Sebelius Secretary, HHS Caya Lewis, MPH Counselor to the Secretary for Science and Public Health. Howard Koh, MD, MPH
HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis Policymakers: Federal Agencies and Congressional Committees May 2012
HHS Leadership Kathleen Sebelius Secretary, HHS Caya Lewis, MPH Counselor to the Secretary for Science and Public Health Howard Koh, MD, MPH Assistant Secretary for Health Bill Corr Deputy Secretary Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN AdministratorHealth Resources & ServicesAdministration Ron Valdiserri, MD, MPHAssistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases Tom Frieden, MD, MPH DirectorCenters for Disease Controland Prevention Francis Collins, MD, PhD DirectorNational Institutesof Health Marilyn Tavenner Acting AdministratorCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services Margaret Hamburg, MD CommissionerFood & Drug Administration
Assistant Secretary for HealthOffice of Public Health and Science Subordinate Organizations Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (IO) Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Office of Emergency Preparedness Office of Global Health Affairs Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy – Ronald Valdiserri, Director Office for Human Research Protections Office of Minority Health – Nadine Gracia, Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Population Affairs Office of Research Integrity Office of the Surgeon General (SG) – Regina Benjamin, Surgeon General Office on Women's Health – Nancy Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports Regional Health Administrators
HRSA Organization Chart: Bureaus Mary Wakefield, PhD, RN, Administrator Marcia Brand, PhD, Deputy Administrator Tina Cheatham, Senior Advisor Sarah Linde-Feucht, MD, (Acting) Chief Public Health Officer Primary Health Care Associate AdministratorJim Macrae Maternal and Child Health Associate Administrator Jon Nelson (Acting) Health ProfessionsAssociate AdministratorJanet Heinrich Rural Health Policy Associate AdministratorTom Morris Healthcare Systems Associate AdministratorJoyce Somsak HIV/AIDS BureauAssociate AdministratorDeborah Parham Hopson Clinician Recruitment & ServiceAssociate AdministratorRebecca Spitzgo CommunicationsDirector Martin Kramer LegislationDirectorLeslie Atkinson Operations Chief Operating Officer Thomas G. Morford Special Health AffairsDirector Terry Adirim Regional Operations Associate AdministratorDennis Malcomson (Acting) Federal Assistance ManagementAssociate AdministratorMike Nelson Equal Opportunity, Civil Rights & Diversity Management Director M. June Horner Planning, Analysis & Evaluation Director , Rebecca Slifkin
Global HIV/AIDS Programs USAID Rajiv Shah Administrator Bureau of Global Health Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Assistant Administrator State DepartmentOffice of Global AIDS Coordinator Eric Goosby, Ambassador & Global AIDS Coordinator Deborah von ZinkernagelPrincipal Deputy GAC Ann GavaghanChief of Staff Michele Moloney-Kitts Assistant Coordinator Centers for Disease Control & PreventionCenter for Global Health Kevin DeCock, Director Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Secretary Nils Daulaire, Director, Office of Global Affairs
United States Senate • Committee Assignments for the 112th Congress • Senate Committee on Appropriations • Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and related agencies (L-HHS) • Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) • Senate HELP Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging • Senate Finance Committee • Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care
Senate Appropriations Committee Democrats Republicans Daniel Inouye (HI), Chair Patrick Leahy (VT) Tom Harkin (IA) Barbara Mikulski (MD) Herbert H. Kohl (WI) Patty Murray (WA) Dianne Feinstein (CA) Richard Durbin (IL) Tim Johnson (SD) Mary Landrieu (LA) Jack Reed (RI) Frank Lautenberg (NJ) Ben Nelson (NE) Mark Pryor (AR) Jon Tester (MT) Sherrod Brown (OH) Thad Cochran (MS), Vice-Chair Mitch McConnell (KY) Richard Shelby (AL) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Lamar Alexander (TN) Susan Collins (ME) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Lindsey Graham (SC) Mark Kirk (IL) Dan Coats (IN) Roy Blunt (MO) Jerry Moran (KS) John Hoeven (ND) Ron Johnson (WI)
Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee Democrats Republicans Tom Harkin (IA), Chair Daniel Inouye (HI) Herb Kohl (WI) Patty Murray (WA) Mary Landrieu (LA) Dick Durbin (IL) Jack Reed (RI) Mark Pryor (AR) Barbara Mikulski (MD) Sherrod Brown (OH) Richard Shelby (AL), Ranking Thad Cochran (MS) Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Lamar Alexander (TN) Ron Johnson (WI) Mark Kirk (IL) Lindsey Graham (SC) Jerry Moran (KS)
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Democrats Republicans Tom Harkin (IA), Chair Barbara Mikulski (MD) Jeff Bingaman (NM) Patty Murray (WA) Bernard Sanders (VT) Bob Casey (PA) Kay Hagan (NC) Jeff Merkley (OR) Al Franken (MN) Michael Bennet (CO) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Richard Blumenthal (CT) Michael Enzi (WY), Ranking Lamar Alexander (TN) Richard Burr (NC) Johnny Isakson (GA) Rand Paul (KY) Orrin Hatch (UT) John McCain (AZ) Pat Roberts (KS) Lisa Murkowski (AK) Mark Kirk (IL)
Senate Finance Committee Democrats Republicans Max Baucus (MT), Chair John Rockefeller (WV) Kent Conrad (ND) Jeff Bingaman (NM) John Kerry (MA) Ron Wyden (OR) Charles Schumer (NY) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Maria Cantwell (WA) Bill Nelson (FL) Bob Menendez (NJ) Thomas Carper (DE) Ben Cardin (MD) Orrin Hatch (UT), Ranking Charles Grassley (IA) Olympia Snowe (ME) Jon Kyl (AZ) Mike Crapo (ID) Pat Roberts (KS) Michael Enzi (WY) John Cornyn (TX) Tom Coburn (OK) John Thune (SD) Richard Burr (NC)
Senate Budget Committee Democrats Republicans Kent Conrad (ND),Chair Patty Murray (WA) Ron Wyden (OR) Bill Nelson (FL) Debbie Stabenow (MI) Ben Cardin (MD) Bernard Sanders (VT) Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) Mark Warner (VA) Jeff Merkley (OR) Mark Begich (AK) Chris Coons (DE) Jeff Sessions (AL), Ranking Chuck Grassley (IA) Michael Enzi (WY) Mike Crapo (ID) John Cornyn (TX) Lindsey Graham (SC) John Thune (SD) Rob Portman (OH) Pat Toomey (PA) Ron Johnson (WI) Kelly Ayotte (NH)
U.S. House of Representatives • Committee Assignments, 112th Congress, House • House Committee on Appropriations • House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and related agencies (L-HHS) • House Committee on Energy and Commerce • House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health • House Committee on the Budget
House Appropriations Committee Republicans Democrats Harold Rogers (KY), Chair C.W. Bill Young (FL) Jerry Lewis (CA) Frank R. Wolf (VA) Jack Kingston (GA) Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) Tom Latham (IA) Robert B. Aderholt (AL) Jo Ann Emerson (MO) Kay Granger (TX) Michael K. Simpson (ID) John Abney Culberson (TX) Ander Crenshaw (FL) Denny Rehberg (MT) John R. Carter (TX) Rodney Alexander (LA) Ken Calvert (CA) Jo Bonner (AL) Steve Latourette (OH) Tom Cole (OK) Jeff Flake (AZ) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Charles Dent (PA) Steve Austria (OH) Cynthia Lummis (WY) Tom Graves (GA) Alan Nunnelee (MS) Kevin Yoder (KS) Steve Womack (AR) Alan Nunnelee (MS) Norman D. Dicks (WA), Ranking Marcy Kaptur (OH) Peter J. Visclosky (IN) Nita M. Lowey (NY) José E. Serrano (NY) Rosa L. DeLauro (CT) James P. Moran (VA) John W. Olver (MA) Ed Pastor (AZ) David E. Price (NC) Maurice D. Hinchey (NY) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) Sam Farr (CA) Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (IL) Chaka Fattah (PA) Steven R. Rothman (NJ) Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (GA) Barbara Lee (CA) Adam Schiff (CA) Michael Honda (CA) Betty McCollum (MN)
House Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee
House Energy & Commerce Committee Republicans Democrats Fred Upton (MI) (CH)Joe Barton (TX)Cliff Stearns (FL)Ed Whitfield (KY)John Shimkus (IL)Joseph R. Pitts (PA)Mary Bono Mack (CA)Greg Walden (OR)Lee Terry (NE)Mike Rogers (MI)Sue Myrick (NC)John Sullivan (OK)Tim Murphy (PA)Michael Burgess (TX)Marsha Blackburn (TN)Brian P. Bilbray (CA)Charles F. Bass (NH)Phil Gingrey (GA)Steve Scalise (LA)Bob Latta (OH)Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA)Gregg Harper (MS)Leonard Lance (NJ)Bill Cassidy (LA)Brett Guthrie (KY)Pete Olson (TX) David McKinley (WV)Cory Gardner (CO)Mike Pompeo (KS)Adam Kinzinger (IL)Morgan Griffith (VA) Henry A. Waxman (CA) (Ranking)John D. Dingell (MI)Edward J. Markey (MA)Edolphus Towns (NY)Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ)Bobby L. Rush (IL)Anna G. Eshoo (CA)Eliot L. Engel (NY)Gene Green (TX)Diana DeGette (CO)Lois Capps (CA)Michael F. Doyle (PA)Jan Schakowsky (IL)Charles A. Gonzalez (TX)Jay Inslee (WA)Tammy Baldwin (WI)Mike Ross (AR)Anthony D. Weiner (NY)Jim Matheson (UT)G. K. Butterfield (NC)John Barrow (GA)Doris O. Matsui (CA)Donna Christensen (VI)
House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health Republicans Democrats Joe Pitts (PA) Chair Michael Burgess (TX) Vice Chair Ed Whitfield (KY) John Shimkus (IL) Mike Rogers (MI) Sue Myrick (NC) Tim Murphy (PA) Marsha Blackburn (TN) Phil Gingrey (GA) Bob Latta (OH) Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) Leonard Lance (NJ) Bill Cassidy (LA) Brett Guthrie (KY) Joe Barton (TX) Fred Upton (MI) Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ) Ranking John D. Dingell (MI) Edolphus Towns (NY) Eliot L. Engel (NY) Lois Capps (CA) Jan Schakowsky (IL) Charles A. Gonzalez (TX) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Mike Ross (AR) Anthony D. Weiner (NY) Henry A. Waxman (CA)
House Budget Committee Republicans Democrats Paul Ryan (WI), Chair Scott Garrett (NJ), Vice-Chair Mike Simpson (ID) John Campbell (CA) Ken Calvert (CA) Todd Akin (MO) Tom Cole (OK) Tom Price (GA) Tom McClintock (CA) Jason Chaffetz (UT) Marlin Stutzman (IN) James Lankford (OK) Diane Black (TN) Reid Ribble (WI) Bill Flores (TX) Mick Mulvaney (SC) Tim Huelskamp (KS) Todd Young (IN) Justin Amash (MI) Todd Rokita (IN) Frank Guinta (NH) Rob Woodall (GA) Chris Van Hollen (MD), Ranking Allyson Schwartz (PA) Marcy Kaptur (OH) Lloyd Doggett (TX) Earl Blumenauer (OR) Betty McCollum (MN) John Yarmuth (KY) Bill Pascrell (NJ) Mike Honda (CA) Tim Ryan (OH) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) Gwen Moore (WI) Kathy Castor (FL) Heath Shuler (NC) Paul Tonko (NY) Karen Bass (CA)
HIV/AIDS Caucus Nancy Pelosi (CA) Bruce Braley (IA) Corrine Brown (FL) Carolyn Maloney (NY) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL) James Himes (CT) Howard Berman (CA) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA) Theodore Deutch (FL) Tammy Baldwin (WI) Kathy Castor (FL) Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL) John Carter (TX) David McKinley (WV) Frederica Wilson (FL) José Serrano (NY) Linda Sanchez (CA) Charles Gonzales (TX) Jackie Speier (CA) Steven Rothman (NJ) Adam Schiff (CA) Norm Dicks (WA) Russ Carnahan (MO) Zoe Lofgren (CA) John Sarbanes (MD) Rush Holt (NJ) Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX) David Price (NC) Richard Hanna (NY) Adam Smith (WA) Senate Members: John Boozman (AR) Chris Coons (DE) Johnny Isakson (GA) Albio Sires (NJ) Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ) Janice Schakowsky (IL) Maxine Waters (CA) Bobby Rush (IL) Alcee Hastings (FL) Raúl Grijalva (AZ) Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) Bobby Scott (VA) Karen Bass (CA) Luis Gutierrez (IL) David Cicilline (RI) John Lewis (GA) Hank Johnson (GA) Henry Waxman (CA) Hansen Clarke (MI) Judy Chu (CA) Melvin Watt (NC) Michael Honda (CA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) House Members: Barbara Lee (CA) Jim McDermott (WA) Trent Franks (AZ) Madeleine Bordallo (GU) Robert Brady (PA) Michael Capuano (MA) Donna Christensen (VI) Steve Cohen (TN) John Conyers Jr. (MI) Eliot Engel (NY) Maurice Hinchey (NY) Jerold Nadler (NY) Donald Payne (NJ) Mike Quigley (IL) John Olver (MA) Charles Rangel (NY) Edolphus Towns (NY) G.K. Butterfield (NC) Elijah Cummings (MD)