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LOGICS: Local Governments Implementing Conservation and Sustainability. Environmentally Preferable Purchasing. What is environmentally preferable purchasing?. EPP minimize harmful environmental impacts during production and use Environmentally preferable products: Prevent waste
LOGICS: Local Governments Implementing Conservation and Sustainability Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
What is environmentally preferable purchasing? EPP minimize harmful environmental impacts during production and use Environmentally preferable products: Prevent waste Reduce toxicity Reduce packaging materials Reduce overall cost Contain recycled and recyclable material Conserve energy during production and use Consider cradle-to-cradle life cycle analyses Reduce total greenhouse gas emissions Support local and regional economy
Local government purchasing power State and local government agencies spend over $900 billion per year buying goods and services
Why purchase environmentally preferable products? Beneficial GLOBAL effects: Decrease energy use, water use, material resource and land use during production Reduce release, production and use of toxic substances and residuals Reduce adverse impacts on natural lands of harvesting virgin materials Producer cost-effectiveness Beneficial PURCHASER effects: • Reduce potential exposure to toxic substances in everyday products • Purchaser cost-effectiveness • Increase reusability and durability of products purchased • Increased recycling opportunities • Attention to non-fiscal/social municipal responsibilities
Model EPP programs Local government efforts King County, Washington – EPP Saved $640,000 in the past year http://www.metrokc.gov/procure/green/about.htm State efforts Massachusetts – increased spending on EP products from $2 million to $34 million http://www.epa.gov/oppt/epp/pubs/mass.pdf
Local EPP opportunities and resources PA League of Cities & Municipalities Local Public Procurement Program (L3P) PA Public Purchasing Association (PAPPA) PA Department of General Services COSTARS - cooperative purchasing Berks County Cooperative Purchasing Council (BCCPC)
Online resources for EPP information EPA’s database of EPP products and brand information http://yosemite1.epa.gov/oppt/eppstand2.nsf Local Government Environmental Assistance Network’s list of common EPP alternatives http://lgean.org/html/p2-6.cfm Green Seal’s list of environmentally certified products and services http://www.greenseal.org/findaproduct/index.cfm Energy Star for Local Governments http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=government.bus_government_local Delaware State Buy Recycled Guide http://gss.omb.delaware.gov/
Online resources for EPP information EPA EPP case studies http://www.epa.gov/oppt/epp/pubs/doccase.htm National Association of Counties – Free EPP Starter Kit http://www.naco.org/Content/ContentGroups/Publications1/Catalog/NACo_Publication_Catalog.htm Energy Star quantity quotes for bulk procurement http://www.energystar.gov/quantityquotes.html Sustainable Business Network of Philadelphia http://www.sbnphiladelphia.org/ Pennsylvania DEP recycled products guide http://www.dep.state.pa.us/wm_apps/recycledproducts/