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European strategy towards fusion for sustainable energy production. Includes objectives, highlights, technology development, and construction schedules for ITER and related projects.
EUROPEAN STRATEGY TOWARDS FUSION Roberto Andreani EFDA Associate Leader for Technology Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Main goal of the European programme The European fusion programme is an energy oriented programme. Main objective is to develop a competitive power producing fusion reactor exploiting all the potential characteristics of fusion: benign environmental impact, fuel abundance, reactor control, safety. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Commission proposal for the seventh Framework programme of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) for nuclear research and training activities (2007 to 2011). To be discussed and approved by the Council of ministers. “ The programme shall cover the following: Fusion Energy Research, with the objective of developing the technology for a safe, sustainable, environmentally responsible and economically viable energy source.” Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Major Highlights of the Programme 1. ITER realization in Cadarache as an international research infrastructure; 2. ITER Physics and technology R&D in preparation of operation using the facilities and resources in the EU fusion programme, including JET; 3. DEMO oriented Technology, to develop fusion materials and key technologies and to prepare for the construction of IFMIF; • Longer term R&D activities to further develop improved concepts for magnetic confinement schemes, theory and modeling aimed at a better understanding of the behaviour of fusion plasmas; • Human resources, Education and Training Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
The Fast Track • First advocated in 2001 by Sir David King, scientific advisor to the British government; • ITER construction in parallel to IFMIF detailed engineering design; • Combine DEMO and PROTO in a single step as an electricity producing first of a kind reactor, not technically and economically optimized, aiming at a progressively improved availability during operation; • Objective: to have a prototype reactor operational at mid century. • Although the Fast Track has not been formally agreed by the EU partners, the EU programme is striving to follow the Fast Track. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
first electricity into grid 0514 20 3040 ITER construction operation I operation II deact. DEMO-PROTO operat. I operat design /licensing/ construction desing/licence. 1st generation - commercial Material/ IFMIF construc.& test operat. 80dpa operat. up tp 150 dpa Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
ITER • To fully demonstrate basic Physics feasibility of thermonuclear plasmas: confinement and plasma wall interaction, power interplay between first wall and divertor; Explore and study the cw advanced regimes needed for a reactor; • Technology: demonstrate the performance of a nuclear grade superconducting tokamak; Test reactor relevant breeder blanket modules; However some aspectsof ITERarenot or are not entirely relevant for a reactor; • LTS vs. HTS superconducting magnetic structure (He vs. LN); • First wall: beryllium armour, not suitable for a reactor; • Structural material: austenitic steel, not suitable for a reactor. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Detailed Design R&D supported has been developed Central Solenoid Nb3Sn, 6 modules Blanket Module 440 modules Divertor Port Plug heating/current drive test blankets limiters/RH diagnostics Poloidal Field Coil Nb-Ti, 6 Toroidal Field Coil Nb3Sn, 18, wedged Torus Cryopump 8 units Fusion Power: 500 MW Plasma Volume: 840 m3 Plasma Current: 15 MA Typical Density: 1020 m-3 Typical Temperature: 20 keV Vacuum Vessel 9 sectors Cryostat 24 m high x 28 m dia. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
ITER Construction Schedule ITER International Organization LICENSE TO CONSTRUCT TOKAMAK ASSEMBLY STARTS FIRST PLASMA 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 EXCAVATE Bid TOKAMAK BUILDING Contract PFC BUILDING OTHER BUILDINGS Complete blanket/divertor Complete VV First sector TOKAMAK ASSEMBLY Install CS Install cryostat PFC COMMISSIONING Bid Vendor’s Design MAGNET Contract PFC TFC CS Last TFC Last CS fabrication start Bid VESSEL Contract First sector Last sector Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Physics Accompanying Programme • JET: enhanced to study ITER relevant regimes by installing a beryllium wall, higher additional power and ELMs control; • ASDEX-UPGRADE: test of tungsten first wall; • TORE SUPRA (superconducting coils, actively cooled plasma facing components) , FTU (high field, high density), TEXTOR (plasma wall), RFX (MHD studies) and other minor tokamak; • Satellite Tokamak: after JET (Broader approach?), test of cw operation and advanced regimes. Preparation for ITER experimentation; Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
ITER JET JET Option 2 Option 1 JETEP2: ITER-like Wall experiment • Main wall • Bulk beryllium where possible • Divertor • Plan for all W coated CFC (Reference Option ) • Fall-back Option: CFC on targets • Final decision on options in 2006 Depending on:ITER needs W Coating R&D outcome Bulk W technology R&D Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
40s 30s 20s 10s 0 0 10 20 30 40MW JET EP2: High frequency pellet injector for ELM control and deep fuelling Technical objectives of the new system NBI Power Increase Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
EP2 : Proposed JET Programme 2007-2010 JET DT integrated experiment • ITER-like wall Be/ W • Wall diagnostics • Detritiation • NB Power Upgrade • PF system upgrade • Diagnostics & RTC Confirmation of reduced T-retention DT test of fully wall-compatible scenarios ITER-like wall experiment Plasma scenarios in ITER configuration Plasma scenario compatibility • Pellet injector (ELM pacing) • Magnetic perturbation coils (TBD) Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
ITER Technology R&D • Only in the last three years Europe has invested 160 MEuro in technology R&D (48 MEuro in direct EFDA industrial contracts in preparation of EU industry for construction), • Even now EFDA is spending about 40 MEuro/year to prepare ITER. • Major technical issues still open (personal opinion): - Integration of first wall design; - Integration of Remote Handling sub-systems; - Completion of Negative Ion Beam R&D and final design choices in view of construction; - Finalised assembly procedures in relation to components design; - Completion of the vacuum vessel design in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory codes. Choice of the Directors and selection of the upper technical management layer of the International Team urgently needed to conduct the final revision of the ITER design. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
EU ITER related Technology activities during construction European Domestic Agency • Domestic Agency (DA) as a Joint Undertaking (like JET) with administrative and technical capacity to conduct the ITER procurement share assigned to Europe; • Support to European industry in procurements, while respecting the limits set by free competition; • DA to conduct all the ITER and DEMO related project oriented activities in the EU technology programme. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Areas in which Europe can play a major driving or coordinating role in ITER construction, based on the pluriannual development effort: - Vacuum vessel (licensing process); - TF coils (TFMC experience, testing facilities); - Plasma Facing Components ( First wall and divertor) - Fuel cycle (complete cycle prototyped at laboratory level); - Negative Ion Beam (development effort and test facility); • Direct contribution of European laboratories (EURATOM associated) in collaboration with industry: - Heating & Current Drive Systems ( ECRH, ICRH, NIB) - Diagnostic systems assigned to Europe. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
DEMO oriented Technology 1 A wide and increasingly funded materials programme is being conducted in Europe. Theoretical (modeling) and R&D activities concern the basic structural materials for the future generation DEMO reactor and more advanced materials. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
DEMO oriented Technology 2 • EUROFER (European developed 9% Cr martensitic steel, limit in operating temperature: ~ 550 0C ) - Non-irradiated material completely characterised; - PIE of irradiated material performed up to about 35 dpa; - Irradiation up to 80 dpa under way in fast breeder reactor. • EUROFER-ODS, Yt2 O dispersion strenghtened (limit in operating temperature ~ 650 0C) Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Results on Irradiated EUROFER including « ALTAIR EXPERIMENT » • Results from irradiation campaigns up to • 15 dpa in HFR and up to 3 dpa at MOL (300oC) 2003 results J.W. Rensam, NRG-FOM E. Lucon, SCK CEN Result from Altair 325°C, 32,5 dpa A. Alamo, CEA Yield Strength shift: caused by irradiation induced hardening Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
DEMO oriented Technology 3 • Advanced materials: - Tungsten: as an armour or a structural material for advanced blanket concepts and for the advanced divertor. - SiCf/SiC: to provide thermal and electrical insulating insert for the dual coolant breeder blanket concept or as the structural material for the single coolant (lithium lead) concept Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
DEMO oriented Technology 4 Breeder Blanket • ITER Test Blanket Modules (day 1 on the machine) - Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL); - Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB); • DEMO Breeder Blanket concepts (tests in ITER?) - High temperature helium cooled concepts (from Power Plant Conceptual Studies, PPCS): Dual coolant (He and LiPb), Single coolant (LiPb). Divertor • High temperature Helium cooled divertor Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
EU ITER TBM structure BREEDING BLANKET R&D • ITER Test Blanket modules development: - Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL); - Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB). • Power Plant Conceptual Studies (PPCS): - Development of reactor concepts; - Development of high temperature blanket concepts. DIVERTOR R&D • Helium cooled divertor concepts (10 MW/m2) with W structure. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Dual Coolant Breeding Blanket Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Conceptual design of helium cooled divertor module Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
DEMO oriented Technology 5 • Fusion neutron (14 Mev) effects in irradiated materials; - dpa (comparable to fusion for the same delivered power); - transmutation: helium (~10 atoms/dpa), Hydrogen (~40 atoms/dpa). Threshold: ~10 Mev; • Low intensity (1011, 1012 n/s) 14 Mev neurtron sources available to study the reactions. • High intensity (1017n/s, cw: 20-40 dpa/year) 14 Mev neutron source needed: IFMIF. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
IFMIF Accelerator Test Cell Target • Irrad. Volume > 0.5L for 1014 n/(s・cm2),(20 dpa/year) • Temp.: 250<T<1000℃ Deuteron accelerators: 40 MeV 250 mA (10 MW) Li flow neutrons HEBT Test pieces LEBT D+ D+ beams Two accelerators n-irradiation (~1017 n/s) ECR source Heat exchanger RFQ DTL PIE Typical reactions:7Li(d,2n)7Be, 6Li(d,n)7Be, 6Li(n,T)4He. ECR source: 155 mA, 95 keV Two 175 MHz Accelerators: each 125 mA and 40 MeV EM pump Beam footprint on Li target: 20x5cm2 Total Availability: 70 %
CODA-1st Accel. -xxMICF EVEDA -xxMICF CODA-2nd Accel. -xxMICF 125 mA 250 mA Decision EVECODA-1st Accel. -xxMICF CODA-2nd Accel. -xxMICF 125 mA 250 mA Decision EVEDA -xxMICF 1st Accel. CODA-2nd Accel. -xxMICF 125 mA 250 mA Decision EVEDA: ~80 MEuro, 5 years+10 years construction. EVEDA-CODA combined: ~ 900 MEuro; 10 years construction time. Optimised EVEDA: ~ 140 MEuro, 6 years + 6 years construction time.
Longer term R&D • Spherical tokamak: MAST • STELLARATOR: W7X Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
MAST programme • To advance key tokamak physics issues • optimal exploitation of ITER • development of DEMO • To explore the long-term potential of the spherical tokamak (ST) • Component Test Facility (CTF), • power plant (STPP) • Programme complementary to NSTX Wide angle IR view during disruption in MAST Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
W 7 X Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates
Conclusions • Europe seems well set to confront the challenges posed by the new exciting phase of the world programme in the half a century long quest for fusion power. • Europe is ready to play a major role in the wider world wide collaboration opened by ITER. We are ready to integrate our domestic activities with those conducted in the parties in order to perform a well coordinated and successful world wide programme to develop the first fusion reactor. Washington 11 October 2005 Fusion Power Associates