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Gain insights into vector geometry, coordinate systems, and transformations essential for visual computing. Understand operations and entities like points, vectors, and lines in computer graphics. Enhance your graphics skills with this comprehensive guide!
Interactive Computer GraphicsTransformations James Gain and Edwin Blake Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Cape Town July 2002jgain@cs.uct.ac.za Collaborative Visual Computing Laboratory
Map of the Lecture • Vector Geometry: • Vector, Affine and Euclidean Spaces • Coordinate Systems: • Euclidean, Polar, Homogenous Coordinate Systems • Transformations: • Coordinate System, Object, Viewing Transformations Transformations Viewing Shading Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Vector Geometry • Enables fundamental operations with points and vectors • Independent of any particular co-ordinate system • Robust, simple and efficient algorithms • Operations: • Closest point, inside/outside and intersection tests • Entities: • Vectors, points, lines, planes and polygons Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Points • Discrete positions • Represented by co-ordinate triples relative to co-ordinate axes • Class Point { double x,y,z; }; • But addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of points are not defined Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Illegal Operation on Points • The results of arithmetic operations on points: • depend on the co-ordinate system • have no geometric meaning • A contradiction: finding the midpoint is legal. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Vectors • Pointers indicating direction and magnitude • Also represented by co-ordinate triples but with no fixed position • Class Vector { double i,j,k; }; • Clearly distinct from points Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Vector Space • Domain in which vectors live • Consists of: • A set of vectors • Two closed operations: addition and scalar multiplication • Special zero vector, , for which and • Can be of any dimension, . Typically 2D or 3D • Conceptually similar to an object-oriented class (data = vector, methods = operations) Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Implementing a Vector Space • class Vector • { double i,j,k; • inline void scale(double c) • { i = i * c; j = j * c; k = k * c; • } • inline Vector add(Vector a, Vector b) • { i = a.i + b.i; • j = a.j + b.j; • k = a.k + b.k; • } • }; Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Affine Space • Domain in which points live • Consists of: • A set of points • An associated vector space • Two extra operations: (a) subtraction of two points to form a vector (b) addition of a point and vector to produce a new point • Unlike the zero vector there is no distinguished point Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Implementing an Affine Space • class Point • { double x,y,z; • inline void sub(Point q, Vector * v) • { v->i = q.x - p.x; v->j = q.y - p.y; • v->k = q.z - p.z; • } • inline void plus(Point p, Vector v) • { x = p.x + v.i; y = p.y + v.j; • z = p.z + v.k; • } • }; Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Addition and Multiplication of Points • undefined • vector • BUT midpoint calculation point • Recast in terms of legal operations: • point • point iff Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Euclidean Space • An affine space with the additional concept of distance • Consists of: • An affine space • Two new operations, dot product and cross product • Distance between two points = length of the vector between them = Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Length of a Vector • From Pythagoras the length of a vector is: • In order to normalize a vector it is scaled by the reciprocal of its length: Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Dot Product • Variously known as inner, dot, or scalar product. • Implementation: • double dot(Vector v, Vector w) { return (a.i * b.i + a.j * b.j + a.k * b.k); • } • where is the angle between and fitted tail to tail. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Cross Product • Variously known as the outer, cross or vector product. • and • Implementation: • Vector::cross(Vector a, Vector b) { i = (a.j * b.k) - (a.k * b.j); j = (a.k * b.i) - (a.i * b.k); k = (a.i * b.j) - (a.j * b.i); • } • Produces a vector orthogonal to the arguments in the same ‘sense’ as the co-ordinate axes. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Lines • From two points, and , a spanning line segment or interpolating line can be found. • Geometric entities usually have two forms: • Implicit • Parametric • Line equations (a point on the line satisfies) • Implicit • Parametric ( parameter) Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Planes • From three points, , and , an interpolating plane can be found. • Plane equations (a point on the plane satisfies) • Implicit ( normal, point on the plane) • Parametric ( parameters) • The implicit equation can be rewritten in the more familiar form: where Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Derivation of the Implicit Plane • Given the three points, , and . • Find a vector normal to the plane • This assumes that the points are not collinear (all in a straight line). • Set Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Exercise: Backface Culling • Given: • A left-handed 3D co-ordinate system • A triangle with vertices, , and , which form a clockwise ordering when viewed from the front • A viewpoint • Design an algorithm which determined whether the back or front of is visible from Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Solution: Backface Culling • IF THEN RETURN ‘undefined’ • IF THEN RETURN ‘side-on’ • IF THEN RETURN ‘back-facing’ • ELSE RETURN ‘front-facing’ Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Cartesian Co-ordinate Systems • Consists of a reference point (the origin) and three mutually perpendicular lines passing through this point (the axes) labelled • A labelling of the axes has either a left-handed or right-handed orientation • Right-hand rule: a co-ordinate system is right-handed if, whenever the thumb is aligned with +ve and the forefinger with +ve , then the index finger points in the direction of +ve . Otherwise the orientation is left-handed • If unit vectors are aligned with the different axes then together they form an orthonormal (orthogonal and normal) basis for the co-ordinate system Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Polar Co-ordinate Systems • Alternative system using rotation angles • Orient a ray by rotating in the plane ( ) and then elevating it towards the -axis ( ). A point is then located at a distance ( ) along the ray • A point is defined by the polar co-ordinates • Conversion from polar to Cartesian co-ordinates: Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Transformations • Objects typically consist of a collection of interrelated points, e.g. a polygon-mesh • A predefined object can be modified to an arbitrary location, orientation and size by applying the same transformation to all its constituent points • BUT, this only work if the transformation is affine • Preserve straight lines • Need only transform the endpoints of a line rather than every single point along it • Transformations are extremely useful in both modelling and rendering Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Basic 2D Transformations • Scale • About the origin. • By factors and . • If then balanced, otherwise unbalanced. • Translate • Along the vector . • Reflect • In one or both of the co-ordinate axes. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Further 2D Transformations • Shear • Parallel to an axis. • By an angle . • Rotate • About the origin. • Counter-clockwise by an angle . Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Derivation of Rotation Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
The Matrix Representation of 2D Transformations • A transformation can be encoded by pre-multiplying a transformation matrix, with a column vector of co-ordinates, : • Be aware that some texts post-multiply a co-ordinate row vector with a transformation matrix: • The transformation matrices are transposed with respect to each other. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Transformation Matrices • Scale (by factors and ) Shear (parallel to by ) • Reflect (in ) Rotate (by angle ) Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Homogenous Co-ordinates • 2D Translations cannot be encoded using matrix multiplication because points at the origin never move. • Instead use homogenous co-ordinates • These are projections of 3D points along a ray from the origin onto the plane Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Homogenous Projections • An infinite number of homogenous co-ordinates map to every 2D point. are all equivalent to . • Points at infinity have and cannot be projected onto the plane because this would involve division by zero • These points can be used to represent vectors • Conversion: Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Matrices for Homogenous Co-ordinates • where is a standard transformation • Translation: Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Concatenating Transformations • It is frequently necessary to perform a sequence of transformations on the same object. • These can be merged into a single transformation by matrix multiplication. • Example: shearing then reflecting Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Order is Important • Matrix multiplication is not commutative • The order in which transformations are combined affects the outcome. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Non-Standard Transformations • Centred at a point other than the origin • Or involving a line which is not parallel to any co-ordinate axis. • Example: A rotation by about the point • (1) Translate to the origin, • (2) Rotate by about the origin, • (3) Translate the origin back to , • The combined transformation is Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Matrices for Off-Origin Rotation Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Exercise: Composite Reflection • Write down but do not multiply out the composite transformation that reflects a point in an arbitrary line passing through point and , where • Hint: you will need to use translation, rotation and reflection Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Solution: Composite Reflection Translate to the origin, Rotate the vector onto the -axis, , by the angle between and Reflect in the -axis, Reverse the rotation, Reverse the translation, Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Composite Reflection Matrices Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
3D Transformations • Employ 3D homogenous co-ordinates • Transformation matrices: • translation scaling reflection Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
3D Rotations • Rotation: (counterclockwise around the positive axis) • about about about Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Transformation Pipeline Modelling Transform Object in object co-ordinates Object in world co-ordinates Viewing Transform Object in 2D screen co-ordinates Perspective Projection Object in viewing co-ordinates Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Modelling Transforms • Transformation of an object from a local co-ordinate frame to the world co-ordinate frame. • The local system ( ) is expressed relative to the world system ( ) as three vectors , and at an origin • From to : Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Viewing Transforms • Need to transform an arbitrary co-ordinate system to the default viewing co-ordinate system (with the eye at the origin and the screen perpendicular to ). • The camera is specified in world co-ordinates as: • A camera position at . • A look point (screen centre) at . • An up vector (which orients the camera). • Transformations: • Translate the camera to the origin. • Scale by so that the camera to screen distance is . • Align the vector through rotation with the axis. • Rotate around so that is aligned with the axis. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Rotation about an Arbitrary Vector • Task: • Rotate around the vector from to by an angle • Solution: • Translate to the origin • Rotate around by so that is aligned with the plane • Rotate around by to align with the axis • Rotate around by • Reverse rotations 2,3 • Reverse translation 1 Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
OpenGL Transformations • Current Transformation Matrix: • The transformation state of the system • A concatenated matrix applied to all subsequent vertices • Transformations in OpenGL: • In OpenGL CTM is a product of the Projection (GL_PROJECTION) and Model-View (GL_MODELVIEW) matrices • Functions to change matrix state, set and concatenate matrices • Functions to rotate, translate and scale Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Example: OpenGL Transformations • Task: halve the x-length of an object centred at and rotate it by about the vector • glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); • glLoadIdentity(); • glTranslatef(4.0, 5.0, 6.0); • glRotatef(45.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0); • glScalef(0.5, 1.0, 1.0); • glTranslatef(-4.0, -5.0, -6.0); • Access the Model View matrix • Load the identity transformation • OpenGL tansformations added in reverse order: • Translate the origin to • Rotate by about • Scale by • Translate to the origin Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Controlling OpenGL Matrices • Order of Transformations: • The transformation specified most recently is the one applied first • Conceptually analogous to pushing matrices onto a stack – matrices are applied in the reverse of their specification • Matrices can be loaded or concatenated directly: • glLoadMatrix(tflat) set current state to T • glMultMatrix(tflat) postmult T with current state • Glfloat tflat[16] is an expansion of T[4][4] arranged in columns ( i.e tflat[2] = tmat[0][2] ) • The state of a matrix can be saved: • glPushMatrix() saves the current matrix • glPopMatrix() restores the last saved state Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Euler Angles (Azimuth, Elevation, Roll) • Historically popular but flawedparametrizationof orientation • A general rotation is constructedas a sequence of rotations about3 mutually orthogonal axes:rolls about , and • The order of the rolls is significant • Arbitrarily choose the ordering A roll about by , followed with a roll about by , and finally a roll about by • Euler angle interpolation is not very stable. Especially with a small rotation in one axis and large rotation in another Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Gimbal Lock • A gimbal mechanism consists of three concentric rings on pivots which support a compass or gyroscope. • Gimbal lock occurs when two of the rings are accidentally aligned. • Euler angles are also susceptible. If one axis is rolled into alignment with another then a degree of rotation freedom is lost. • Unlike translations, rotations relative to separate axes are not independent. • Example: a -roll of rotates the -axis onto the-axis so that rolls about and are indistinguishable. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents
Lerping Euler Angles • Two Euler rotations and can be linearly interpolated to obtain inbetween rotations: • Problems: • This does not produce a ‘natural’ steady rotation about a single vector but may instead cause weird oscillations. Reason: the rolls about are not independent. • The resulting interpolation differs depending on the ordering of the Euler angles. Reason: the rolls about are not commutative. Interactive Computer Graphics Contents