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Educating Toward Wisdom: A Comprehensive Guide for Learning Communities

This guide by Elaine Brouwer & Robert Koole offers a framework for educators to shape their learning communities, refine vision, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment. It encourages dialogue, reflection, and professional development rooted in Christian values.

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Educating Toward Wisdom: A Comprehensive Guide for Learning Communities

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  1. User Guide Elaine Brouwer and Robert Koole, 2006 a collaborative project of Alta Vista/NWCSI and SCSBC,

  2. CURRICULUM WHAT? EtW Model EtW Model HOW? PEDAGOGY HOW WELL? ASSESSMENT Christ-centered Learning Community WHO? WHY? VISION Educating Toward Wisdom Elaine Brouwer & Robert Koole – SCSBC/Alta Vista/NWCSI, 2006

  3. Each Section Contains: Guiding Questions Feature Articles Activities Resource Articles Resource List Five Sections: Community Vision Curriculum Pedagogy Assessment Educating toward Wisdom

  4. Educating toward Wisdomis designed to be adapted at the school and classroom level on the basis of local school’s mission. It does not prescribe a particular outcome but seeks to enable administrators and teachers to move forward in shaping their learning community, renew or refine their vision, ensure depth of understanding in their curriculum, strive to enrich their pedagogy, re-think and enhance their assessment. We hope that Educating Toward Wisdom fosters rich dialogue among colleagues and honest self-reflection. Our personal experience as Christian educators verifies Parker Palmer’s testimony: “If we want to grow in our practice, we have two primary places to go: - to the inner ground from which good teaching comes and - to the community of fellow teachers from which we can learn more about ourselves and our craft.” “The growth of any craft depends on shared practice and honest dialogue among the people who do it.” (The courage to teach, p. 141 and p. 144) How to Use Educating toward Wisdom

  5. School-wide or program-wide process: The focus of pro-d is based on collective priorities for the school or for a program within the school Personally-guided: Staff members select areas for further development based on their own interests and needs Peer Collaboration: Staff work in 2s or 3s on a particular topic of common interest or shared need Workshops:pro-d consists of ‘training’ sessions related to teaching strategies, innovative programs, etc., Action Research:staff engage in research on questions that arise in their own teaching; formulate question, gather and interpret data, and use findings to improve instruction. Routes to Pro-D

  6. Choose Content Choose a Route Create a Climate Choose a Focus Choose an Audience Designing School-based Pro-D

  7. Choose an Audience Staff Leadership Team Board Education Committee Parents Students Choose a Focus Learning community Vision Curriculum Pedagogy Assessment Designing School-based Pro-D

  8. Choose Content Guiding questions to frame discussions Feature articles for in depth study Activities for school-based professional development Resource articles and recommended resources for further study Choose a Route Staff meetings Pro-D workshops Critical Friends Groups Learning Teams Focus groups Surveys Designing School-based Pro-D Create a Climate • Build a collaborative culture • Focus on student learning • Establish group norms • Monitor team work and • Celebrate progress

  9. What things help a learning community thrive? For example:1. use a guiding question for a Chalk Talk Use with: Staff Students Board Leadership team Ed com Parents

  10. The purpose of assessment is to measure student performance The purpose of assessment is to improve student performance Exploring beliefs about assessment 2. Use an activity to stimulate reflection and discussion Prepare one or two arguments to defend your response

  11. 3. Use a text-based protocol to discuss a Feature Article Christian Schooling: telling a worldview story Dia+logue = “the word between us” The Final Word Use with: Staff Board Admin team Ed com

  12. “Assessment OF, FOR, and AS Learning” 4. Use a Resource Article or Recommended Resource to prepare for in-depth work

  13. Other features of EtW that may be of use to you: • Quotes on wisdom in the Introduction “Wisdom” is the biblical term for on-earth-as-it-is-in- heaven living. Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves. . . . E. Peterson • Sidebar quotes and questions How can we help young people explore their God- given neighborhoodedness? “ . . . opening a learning space requires more skill and more authority than filling it up . . .” Palmer

  14. Questions for Reflection • is our pro-d increasing the staff’s collective capacity to achieve the school’s vision and goals? • is our school’s approach to pro-d challenging staff members to act in new ways? • is our school’s approach to pro-d focusing on improved learning? • is our school’s approach to pro-d demonstrating a sustained commitment to achieve important goals? adapted from R. DuFour, 2004. “The best staff development is in the workplace, not in a workshop.” Journal of Staff Development 25:2 p.63-64

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