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Dynamic Loop Caching Meets Preloaded Loop Caching – A Hybrid Approach

Dynamic Loop Caching Meets Preloaded Loop Caching – A Hybrid Approach. Ann Gordon-Ross and Frank Vahid* Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside *Also with the Center for Embedded Computer Systems, UC Irvine

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Dynamic Loop Caching Meets Preloaded Loop Caching – A Hybrid Approach

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  1. Dynamic Loop Caching Meets Preloaded Loop Caching – A Hybrid Approach Ann Gordon-Ross and Frank Vahid* Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of California, Riverside *Also with the Center for Embedded Computer Systems, UC Irvine This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation and a U.S. Dept. of Education GAANN Fellowship International Conference on Computer Design, 2002

  2. Introduction I-Mem • Memory access can consume 50% of an embedded microprocessor’s system power • Instruction fetching usually more than half of that power • Caches tend to be power hungry • ARM920T: caches consume half of total power (Segars 01) • M*CORE: unified cache consumes half of total power (Lee/Moyer/Arends 99) L1 Cache Processor ARM920T. Source: Segars ISSCC’01

  3. Filter Cache L1 Cache • Tiny L0 cache (~64 instruct.) • Kin/Gupta/Mangione-Smith97 • Has very low dynamic power • Short internal bitlines • Close to microprocessor • Power/energy savings, but: • Performance penalty of 21% due to high miss rate (Kin’97) • Tag comparisons consume power Filter Cache (L0) Processor

  4. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache L1 Cache • Tiny cache that passively fills with loops as they execute (Lee/Moyer/Arends 99) • Not really first level of memory • Rather, an alternative • Operation • Filled when short backwards branch detected in instruction stream • Compared to filter cache... • No tags – even lower power • Missless – no performance penalty Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor

  5. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache L1 Cache • Tiny cache that passively fills with loops as they execute (Lee/Moyer/Arends 99) • Not really first level of memory • Rather, an alternative • Operation • Filled when short backwards branch detected in instruction stream • Compared to filter cache... • No tags – even lower power • Missless – no performance penalty Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 … sbb -2

  6. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache L1 Cache • Tiny cache that passively fills with loops as they execute (Lee/Moyer/Arends 99) • Not really first level of memory • Rather, an alternative • Operation • Filled when short backwards branch detected in instruction stream • Compared to filter cache... • No tags – even lower power • Missless – no performance penalty Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 … sbb -2

  7. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache L1 Cache • Tiny cache that passively fills with loops as they execute (Lee/Moyer/Arends 99) • Not really first level of memory • Rather, an alternative • Operation • Filled when short backwards branch detected in instruction stream • Compared to filter cache... • No tags – even lower power • Missless – no performance penalty Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 … sbb -2

  8. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache – Results L1 Cache • We ran 10 Powerstone benchmarks (from Motorola) on a MIPS processor instruction-set simulator • Average L1 fetch reduction was 30% • Closely matched results of [Lee et al 99]. • L1 fetch reductions translate to system power savings of 10-15% Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor

  9. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache - Limitation L1 Cache • Does not support loops with control of flow changes (cof) • Only supports sequential instruction fetching since it was filled passively during a loop iteration • Does not see instructions not executed on that iteration • A cof thus terminates loop cache filling or fetching • cof’s unfortunately include common if-then-else statements within a loop Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 mov r2, 3 bne r1, r2, 2 … sbb -4 …

  10. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache - Limitation L1 Cache • Does not support loops with control of flow changes (cof) • Only supports sequential instruction fetching since it was filled passively during a loop iteration • Does not see instructions not executed on that iteration • A cof thus terminates loop cache filling or fetching • cof’s unfortunately include common if-then-else statements within a loop Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 mov r2, 3 bne r1, r2, 2 … sbb -4 …

  11. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache - Limitation L1 Cache • Does not support loops with control of flow changes (cof) • Only supports sequential instruction fetching since it was filled passively during a loop iteration • Does not see instructions not executed on that iteration • A cof thus terminates loop cache filling or fetching • cof’s unfortunately include common if-then-else statements within a loop Dynamic Loop Cache Mux Processor … mov r1, 2 mov r2, 3 bne r1, r2, 2 … sbb -4 …

  12. Dynamically Loaded Tagless Loop Cache - Limitation • Lack of support of cof’s results in support of only half of small frequent loops in the benchmarks

  13. Processor Dmem. Pmem. Periph. Preloaded Tagless Loop Cache • Embedded systems typically execute a fixed application • Can determine critical loops/subroutines through profiling • Can preload critical regions into loop cache – whose contents will not change • Preloaded loop cache (Gordon-Ross/Cotterell/Vahid CAL’02) • Tagless, missless • Supports more loops than dynamic loop cache L1 Cache Preloaded Loop Cache … mov r1, 2 mov r2, 3 bne r1, r2, 2 … sbb -4 … Mux Processor

  14. Processor Dmem. Pmem. Periph. Preloaded Tagless Loop Cache • Embedded systems typically execute a fixed application • Can determine critical loops/subroutines through profiling • Can preload critical regions into loop cache – whose contents will not change • Preloaded loop cache (Gordon-Ross/Cotterell/Vahid CAL’02) • Tagless, missless • Supports more loops than dynamic loop cache L1 Cache Preloaded Loop Cache … mov r1, 2 mov r2, 3 bne r1, r2, 2 … sbb -4 … Mux Processor

  15. Preloaded Tagless Loop Cache - Results • Results • 128 instruction preloaded loop cache reduces L1 fetches by nearly twice that of dynamic (30%) for the benchmarks studied (Powerstone and Mediabench)

  16. Preloaded Tagless Loop Cache - Disadvantages • Preloaded loop cache has some limitations too • Occasionally dynamic loop cache is actually better • Preloading also requires • Fixed application • Profiling • Limited number of loops can be preloaded • We really want both! Instruction fetch power savings

  17. L1 Cache Main Loop Cache 2nd Level Storage Addr Control Data Control Addr Loop Cache Controller LARs Microprocessor Mux Addr Data Data Loop Match Memory Preloaded Loop Filler Control Control signals Solution: A Hybrid Loop Cache • 2 levels of cache storage • Main Loop Cache – for instruction fetching • 2nd Level Storage - preloaded loops are stored here • Functions as both a dynamic and a preloaded loop cache

  18. Hybrid Loop Cache - Functionality • Dynamic Loop Cache functionality • On a short backwards branch, main loop cache is filled dynamically • Preloaded Loop Cache functionality • On a cof, if the next instruction falls within a preloaded region of code, that region is filled into the main loop cache from 2nd level storage • After being filled, instructions can be fetched from the main loop cache

  19. Hybrid Loop Cache - Results • Hybrid performance • Best in 9 out of 13 benchmarks • Equally well in 1 • In the remaining 3, the hybrid loop cache performed nearly as good or better the strictly dynamic approach but was outperformed by the preloaded approach Instruction fetch power savings

  20. Hybrid Loop Cache – Additional Consideration • Hybrid loop cache can behave like a dynamic loop cache • If designer does not wish to profile/preload • Power savings are almost identical to the dynamic loop cache when no loops are preloaded

  21. Conclusions • Hybrid loop cache reduced embedded system instruction fetch power by average of 51% • 90% savings in several cases • Outperformed dynamic and preloaded loop caches • Dynamic 23%, Preloaded 35%, Hybrid 51% • Can work as dynamic, preloaded, or both • More capacity than a preloaded loop cache • Can be used transparently as dynamic loop cache • With nearly identical results • Hybrid loop cache may be a good addition to low power embedded microprocessor architectures

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