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Pendahuluan Android

Learn about Android, a software platform and operating system developed by Google for mobile devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, and smart TVs. Discover its features, benefits, and why it uses Java for programming.

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Pendahuluan Android

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  1. Pendahuluan Android Sekilas tentang Android

  2. Apa itu Android ? Android adalah sebuah system operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Google untuk perangkat bergerak seperti Smart Phone, Glass, Smart Watch, Smart TV, Smart Car, dll.

  3. Apa itu Android ? • A Software platform and operating system for mobile. • Based on the Linux kernel. • Android was found way back in 2003. • It was developed in Palo Alto, California. • Android was purchased by the GOOGLE in AUGUST,2005 for US$ 50 million.

  4. Siapa Pembuat Android ?

  5. Open handset alliance (oha) • It’s consortium of several companies. • This group of companies are allowed to use source code of Android and develop applications. • Reason for Nokia not to develop Android Mobiles is Nokia is not part of OHA.

  6. OS Update

  7. Kenapa Android ? • Didukung penuh oleh Google • Perkembangan yang sangat cepat • Mendukung berbagai macam perangkat • Jumlah aplikasi paling banyak diantara OS lainnya • Global partnership program • Open Market Place • Dukungan banyaknya Developer • Gratis

  8. Perbandingan Jumlah Aplikasi

  9. Kenapa Android App ? Ribuan aplikasi baru yang berkembang sangat cepat Memudahkan berbagai keperluan pengguna Mudah di akses

  10. Java Technology Java dalam Pemrograman Android

  11. Java Family 1. Java StandardEdition(Java SE) ○ Desktop,Client/ServerApplication 2. JavaEnterpriseEdition(JavaEE) ○ e-bussiness,e-commerce, webbasedApplication 1. JavaMicroEdition(JavaME) ○ handheldapplication: palm, handphone,etc.

  12. Kenapa Android menggunakan Java ? 1. Banyak Programmer yang menguasai Bahasa Pemrograman Java Java mempunyai platform Java ME Bisa berjalan di VM (Virtual Machine) Android digunakan di berbagai platform Memiliki dukungan open source yang besar 2. 3. 4. 5.

  13. Kenapa Android menggunakan Java ?

  14. Linux kernel • Libraries • Android run time • core libraries • Dalvik virtual machine • application layer • application framework The Android Software Architecture

  15. Device drivers • Memory management • Process management • Networking Linux Kernel

  16. C/C++ libraries • Interface through Java • Surface manager – Handling UI Windows • 2D and 3D graphics • Media codes, SQLite, Browser engine Libraries

  17. Dalvik VM. • Dex files • Compact and efficient than class files • Limited memory and battery power • Core Libraries • Java 5 Std edition • Collections, I/O etc… • Providing most of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java language. Android Runtime

  18. Application Framework • API interface : • Activity manager – manages application life cycle • Android provides a set of core applications: • Email Client • SMS Program • Calendar • Maps • Browser • Contacts,Etc. • All applications are written using the Java language. • APIs • Data Structures • Utilities • File Access • Network Access • Graphics • Etc

  19. Android Application Development Android SDK Eclipse IDE Android Mobile Device Android Emulator

  20. Android Development Java Source Android Manifest Generated Class Java Compiler .dex File Dalvik VM Resource XML Android Libraries

  21. Android Development Tool • Android Emulator-A virtual mobile device that runs on our computer -use to design, debug, and test our applications in an actual Android run-time environment • Android Development Tools Plugin-for the Eclipse IDE – adds powerful extensions to the Eclipse integrated environment • Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) -Integrated with Dalvik-this tool let us manage processes on an emulator and assists in debugging

  22. Komponen android…

  23. Komponen android… Acvitivy “User interface yang bisa digunakan untuk berinteraksi antara user dengan aplikasi” activity

  24. Komponen android… views • basic building block for user interface components •  a rectangular area on the screen and is responsible for drawing and event handling • Example Button, EditText, Listview,CalendarView,Checkbox,ImageView,TextView etc views

  25. Komponen android… intent • a facility for late run-time binding between components in the same or different applications • Example 1 : from Login page to dashboard page • Example 2: from whatsapp -> activating camera intent

  26. Komponen android… BroadcastReceiver • a component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements • Example 1 : Batteray low • Example 2 : screen has turned off • Example 3 : picture was captured BroadcastReceiver

  27. Komponen android… Service • a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations or to perform work for remote processes • No need User Interface • Example 1 : music player • Example 2 : Tweeter App when fetching new tweet • Example 3 : perform file I/O Service

  28. Komponen android… Content Provider • A content provider manages a shared set of application data • No need User Interface • Example 1 : manage User Contact • Example 2 : manage SQLite database Content Provider

  29. Multiple Screen Supporting different device Multiple screen

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