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5 Things that Affect the Efficiency of Your Furnace (1)

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5 Things that Affect the Efficiency of Your Furnace (1)

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  1. R & R MECHANICAL hello@reallygreatsite.com www.reallygreatsite.com HVAC CONTRACTOR

  2. R & RMECHANICAL ABOUT US Welcome to R&R Mechanical Services LLC in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We have been servicing our West Michigan community for over 12 years, Our team of certified technicians have experience servicing, repairing and installing all of the top brands of furnaces, air conditioners, air handlers, inside air quality and related equipment. www.rrmechanicalsvs.com

  3. 5 T H I N G S T H A T A F F E C T T H E E F F I C I E N C Y O F Y O U R F U R N A C E 01 02 03 04 Maintenance History Condition of Your Air Filter Thermostat Settings Insulation Levels

  4. Maintenance History The better a furnace is maintained, the more efficiently it will operate. One of the best ways to keep your furnace in good shape is to schedule an annual professional tune-up with R&R Mechanicals. You can contact us so that your furnace is in good condition in addition to having furnace services in Grand Rapids to its highest level of efficiency at the start of each heating season.

  5. Condition of Your Air Filter The most crucial duty you must complete as a homeowner to make sure your furnace operates effectively is changing your air filter. This is because a dirty filter will obstruct the airflow in your system, forcing it to work harder and spend a lot more energy than necessary. One of the greatest strategies to increase furnace efficiency is to check and/or replace your filter once a month throughout the heating season. Will you be replacing your heating system? All services, including heating installation in Grand Rapids, are provided by R&R Mechanical Services.

  6. Your furnace will use less energy the lower your thermostat is set. Every degree counts, so even a slight drop in temperature will reduce the strain on your furnace and result in energy savings. Should your furnace be replaced? Send a message to R&R Mechanical Services. For more than 10 years, we have been providing for the needs of Michigan residents. For a furnace replacement in Grand Rapids, T H E R M O S T A T S E T T I N G S

  7. Insulation levels Insulation forms a barrier for your house that aids in containing the heat produced by your furnace. Your furnace will have to work harder and use more energy to keep your home warm if it is not properly insulated. R & R Mechanical provides insulation services that will test the current levels of insulation in your home and make sure that each area is insulated to the appropriate level.

  8. C O N T A C T U S E-mail customerservice@rrmechanicalsvs.com Website www.rrmechanicalsvs.com Phone (616) 452-6888 Address 433 Crofton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49507

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