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Empowering Skills Development in Europe: LOASA Project

Learn about the LOASA Project aiming to bridge the gap between formal education and labor market demands through EQF, ECVET principles, and the New Skills Agenda. Access pilot outcomes, impact, and lessons learned.

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Empowering Skills Development in Europe: LOASA Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. KA2 project LOASA

  2. What’s On The Programme EQF Learning outcomes New Skills Agenda for Europe LOASA background Project outcomes KA2 project LOASA

  3. Putting The Work Back In Workshop • What elements do you like so much that you consider using them yourself? • How could we improve this project and its outcomes? All suggestions are welcome. 27 April, 2018 3 KA2 project LOASA

  4. A True Love Story

  5. Issue

  6. Solution: EQF

  7. What defines the EQF levels? • Complexity • Responsibility That’s it? That’s it.

  8. Hence Learning O utcomes Learning outcomes are what someone knows and is able to do after the completion of the learning process… …no matter where learning has taken place. Described in line with the EQF (make sure that vocabulary matches with the EQF levels)

  9. Transparency of VET qualifications LO approach Quality of VET systems Mutual trust Progressive access to VET qualifications Transfer and recognition Skills and qualifications clearly and easily understood in Europe Promoting LLL Transfer and recognition from NFIL to formal system

  10. New Skills Agenda for Europe

  11. Necessity and Urgency

  12. To improve the quality and relevance of skills formation; • To make skills more visible and comparable; • To improve skills intelligence and information for better career choices. KA2 project LOASA Priorities Of The Skills Agenda

  13. Skills According to the Skills Agenda Generic cognitive skills Technical, professional, sector-specificskills Socio-emotional skills

  14. Objective Of LOASA Project better employability KA2 project LOASA Bridging the gap between the skills acquired in formal and non-formal education and the actual demands from the labour market.

  15. How does LOASA contribute? KA2 project LOASA By developing units of learning outcomes based on a framework that incorporates: • EQF • ECVET principles • The New Skills Agenda • Recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning • Collaboration with partners from the world of work

  16. LOASA Project Outcomes KA2 project LOASA

  17. KA2 project LOASA

  18. KA2 project LOASA

  19. KA2 project LOASA

  20. KA2 project LOASA

  21. KA2 project LOASA

  22. LOASA Project Outcomes KA2 project LOASA

  23. LOASA Project Outcomes KA2 project LOASA

  24. LOASA Project Outcomes KA2 project LOASA

  25. LOASA Project Outcomes • Pilot • Impact so far • Lessonslearned KA2 project LOASA

  26. Putting The Work Back In Workshop • What elements do you like so much that you consider using them yourself? • How could we improve this project and its outcomes? All suggestions are welcome. 27 April, 2018 3 KA2 project LOASA

  27. Merci beaucoup LOASAwebsite: http://loasa.eu mail: info@loasa.eu 27 April, 2018 3 KA2 project LOASA

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