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This compilation provides a descriptive overview of various ant genera in the subfamily Ponerinae, including their characteristics and habitats. Learn more about Ectatomma, Gnamptogenys, Hypoponera, Leptogenys, Odontomachus, Pachycondyla, Paraponera, Ponera, and Thaumathomyrmex.
Subfamily Ponerinae Compiled by Hilda Taylor Genus Ectatomma
Genus Anochteus Descriptive Characteristics: - Most species are very small - Closely related to Odontomachus - Head has smooth curve without nuchal carina - Mandibles elongate - Post petiole fused, not well defined Habitat: - Found mostly in wet tropical forests = can also be found in semiarid habitats in the US - Can be found under rocks and in the soil
Genus Ectatomma Descriptive Characteristics: - Body covered with ridges, parallel lines - Bump on top and on the sides of the pronotum Habitat: - Found in tropical rain forest and also in deserts - nest in soils
Genus Gnamptogenys Descriptive Characteristics: - Resembles Genus Ectotmma, but it is smaller - Closely related to Genus Ectotomma - Has concentric ridges on petiole - Brown Habitat: - Almost always found in moist habitats - Nest in or under logs = in the US found in the soil = in Mexico in logs and in the soil
Genus Hypoponera Descriptive Characteristics: - Very small, dark brown - Very tiny eyes (extremely hard to find) - Mid and hind tibia with only one spur (pectinate) - Very very difficult to identify Habitat: - Found under rocks in all kinds of habitats such as: = hard wood forests (Chiracahuas National Park , Portal) = deserts (Jornada Experimental Ranch, Chih. Desert) = high altitudes > 8,000 ft in Colombia = tropical rain forests
Genus Leptogenys Descriptive Characteristics: - Queens look a lot like workers (hard to differentiate) - Big shinny ants - Some have spines on the petiole - Front, mid, and hind tarsus with 2 pectinate claws Habitats: - Found in moist forests in logs and under rocks
Genus Odontomachus Descriptive Characteristics: - Head is a little longer than Anochetus with a nuchal carina - Bigger ant than Anochetus - Mandibles elongate with 3 teeth at apex - Antennae with 12 segments - Petiole sharply pointed above - Gaster with very weak constriction between first 2 terga Habitat: - Most common in deserts = can be found in the Davis Mountains in south Texas = can also be found under rocks in cacao forests where wet - One queen, one nest
Genus Pachycondyla Descriptive Characteristics: - Some ants have a carina that runs from the mandible to the eye, resembles a ridge or scar. - Some ants have a carina n the pronotum - Mid and hind tibia with two tibial spurs = one normal pectinate = one resembles a hair Habitat: - Tropical rain forests under roks and in the soil - US in south Texas
Genus Paraponera Descriptive Characteristics: - Very big ant, ~ 1” (2.5 cm) - Commonly known as “Bullet Ants” - One can hear stridulation - Head - Depression where the scape of the antennae originates extends up above the eye around and behind it (structure on side of the head is where the runctillus rests) - Petiole is rectangular in shape - Predaceous Habitat: - Tropical forests (maybe from Costa Rica to Panama)
Genus Ponera Descriptive Characteristics: - Petiole has a small circle at the bottom, resembles a window. - Petiole has two little teeth at the bottom, resemble two small angles Habitat: - Moist forests, neartic, not found in tropcial forests.
Genus Thaumathomyrmex Descriptive Characteristics: - Mandibles very distinct - Shinny black, glossy Habitat: - Tropical forests, primary growth - Nest in the soil - Possibly feeds on millepedes