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Hadoop ppt

Best Big data Hadoop Online Training Institute: rs trainings is the best Hadoop Online Training Institute in Hyderabad ,india and usa .rs trainings providing Hadoop Online Training classes by realtime faculty with course material and 24x7 Lab Facility. http://rstrainings.com/hadoop-online-training.html <br><br>

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Hadoop ppt

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  1. ABOUT BIGDATHADOOPCOURSE RS Trainings is a One of the best quality Hadoop training center for online,Classroom and Corporate trainings In Hyderabad . We are providing Hadoop training through world wide. Rstrainings is excellentHadoop training center in Hyderabad.After coursewewillgivesupportforcertification,Resumepreparationandhowtopreparefor interviews Who Can Learn Bigdatahadoop Professionals in Testingfield SoftwareDevelopers Professionals from Analyticsbackground Datawarehousing Professionals Professionals from SAP BIbackground. With the growing era of technology and need to constantly update oneself to outstand in the competitive market, RS Trainings has come to existence to provide people the knowledgeaboutthelatesttrendsintechnology.Weprovideateamoftrainerswhowill putacrossathoroughanddetailedideaabouttherespectivetechnicalcoursesthatyou wish to explore. Ourworkdoesnotendhere.RSTrainingsgivesanopportunitytoworkonrealtime projects which would be guided by our real time trainers. A technical back end team would always be available to answer your queries at any point of time and will also assistyoutoarrangeyourtrainingsessions Hadoop Course MoreInformation In RS Trainings all trainers are well experts and providing training with practically..Here we are teaching In Hadoop Course from basic to advance . Our real time trainers fulfill your dreams and create professionally driven environment. In Hadoop training we are providing sample live projects, Hadoop materials, explaining real time Hadoop scenarios, Interview skills…We are providing Best Hadoop Training in Hyderabad,India     

  2. Why RStrainings For Hadoop? RS Trainings is a best training center for Hadoop given corporate trainings to differentreputedcompanies.InHadooptrainingallsessionsareteachingwithexamples and with real time scenarios. We are helping in real time how approach job market, Hadoop Resume preparation, Bigdata Hadoop Interview point of preparation, how to solve problem in Hadoop projects in job environment, information about job market etc. Training also providing classroom Trainingin Hyderabad and online from anywhere. We provide all recordings for classes, materials, sample resumes, and other important stuff.Hadoop Online Training Weprovide Hadoop online training through worldwide like India, USA, Japan, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, and etc. Hadoop Corporate Training RStrainings providing corporate trainingworldwidedependingonCompanyrequirementswithwellexperiencerealtime experts. HADOOP COURSECONTENT HadoopOnlinetraining-CompleteCourseDetailsHDFSandMAPREDUCE. 1.Introduction to BIG DATA and Its characteristics 4V'sofBIGDATA(IBMDefinitionofBIGDATA) What isHadoop? WhyHadoop? Core Components ofHadoop Intro to HDFS and itsArchitecture Differenceb/wCodeLocalityandDataLocality HDFScommands Name Node’s SafeMode Different Modes ofHadoop Intro toMAPREDUCE Versions ofHADOOP What isDaemon? HadoopDaemons? What is NameNode? What is DataNode? What is Secondary nameNode? What is JobTracker? What is TaskTracker? WhatisEdgecomputerinHadoopClusterandItsrole Read/Write operations inHDFS CompleteOverviewofHadoop1.xandItsarchitecture Rackawareness Introduction to Blocksize Introduction to ReplicationFactor(R.F) Introduction to HeartBeatSignal/Pulse Introduction to Blockreport MAPREDUCEArchitecture

  3. What is Mapperphase? Whatisshuffleandsortphase? What is Reducerphase? What issplit? Difference between Block andsplit IntrotofirstWordCountprogramusingMAPREDUCE DifferentclassesforrunningMAPREDUCEprogramusingJava Mapperclass Reducer Class and Itsrole Driverclass SubmittingtheWordCountMAPREDUCEprogram Going through the Jobs systemoutput Intro to Partitioner withexample Intro to Combiner withexample Intro to Counters andits types Different types ofcounters Differenttypesofinput/outputformatsinHADOOP UsecasesforHDFS&MapReduceprogramsusingJava Single Node clusterInstallation Multi Node clusterInstallation IntroductiontoConfigurationfilesinHadoopandItsImp. CompleteOverviewofHadoop2.xandItsarchitecture Introduction toYARN ResourceManager NodeManager ApplicationMaster(AM) ApplicationsManager(AsM) JournalNodes Difference Between Hadoop1.x andHadoop2.x HighAvailability(HA) HadoopFederation 2.PIG ThedifferencebetweenMAPREDUCEandPIG When to go withMAPREDUCE? When to go withPIG? PIG datatypes What is field inPIG? What is tuple inPIG? What is Bag inPIG? Intro to Gruntshell? Different modes inPIG LocalMode MAPREDUCEmode Running PIGprograms PIGScript Intro to PIGUDFs Writing PIG UDF usingJava Registering PIGUDF Running PIGUDF Different types of UDFsin PIG Word Count program usingPIG script

  4. Use cases for PIGscripts HIVE Intro toHIVE WhyHIVE? History ofHIVE Difference between PIG andHIVE HIVE datatypes Complex datatypes WhatisMetastoreanditsimportance? Different types of tablesin HIVE Managedtables Externaltables Running HIVEqueries Intro to HIVEpartitions Intro to HIVEBuckets Howtoperformthe JOINSusingHIVEqueries Intro to HIVEUDFs Different types of UDFsin HIVE RunningHIVEqueriesforWordCountexample Use cases forHIVE HBASE Intro toHBASE Intro to NoSQLdatabase SparseanddenseConceptinRDBMS Intro to columnar/column orienteddatabase Core architecture ofHBase WhyHbase? HDFS vsHBase IntrotoRegions,RegionserverandHmaster Limitations ofHbase Integration with Hive andHbase Hbasecommands Use cases forHBASE FLUME Intro toFlume IntrotoSink,Source,FlumeMasterandFlumeagents Importance of Flumeagents LiveDemooncopyingLOGDATAintoHDFS SQOOP Intro toSqoop ImportingandexportingtheRDBMSintoHDFS Introtoincrementalimportsanditstypes UsecasestoimporttheMysqldataintoHDFS

  5. ZOOKEEPER Intro toZookeeper Zookeeperoperations OOZIE Intro toOozie What isJob.properties What isworkflow.xml Scheduling the jobs inOozie Scheduling MapReduce, HIVE,PIG jobs/Programs usingOozie. SettinguptheVMwareforHadoop Installing all HadoopComponents Intro to HadoopDistributions IntrotoClouderaanditsmajorcomponents Spark What is SparkEcosystem WhatisScalaanditsutilityinSpark What isSparkContext HowtoworkonRDDinSpark HowtorunaSparkCluster Comparison of MapReduce vsSpark Tableau TableauFundamentals TableauAnalytics VisualAnalytics Connecting Hadoop Integration withTableau Here we are providing “Hadoop online training in Hyderabad”,Hadoop class room training in Hyderabad, “Hadoop corporate training in India”, hadoop Class Room Trainingin Madhapur,Hadoop Online Trainingin Madhapur,In India Online services providing in top cities like Banglore,Chennai,Pune, Mumbai , Delhi,Etc,

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