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Explore the EU Commission's 2007-2013 Animal Health Strategy emphasizing prevention over cure, public health, animal welfare, and environmental impact. Prioritizing EU intervention, legislative framework, and scientific innovation. Discover the role of veterinarians in zoonosis prevention, co-operation with medical doctors, farm bio-security, vaccination policies, and sustainable animal production practices. Inquire about FVE's involvement and provide feedback for further improvement of the strategy. Visit the EU Commission's website for more details.
FVE General Assembly Agenda point 10: EU Community Animal Health Strategy Brussels, 16 November 2007 7
The EU Commission developed • A new Animal Health Strategy for the EU • (2007 – 2013) • Where • “Prevention is better than cure” 7
4 OverarchingGoals • High level of public health and food safety • Prevent/reduce key animal diseases support farming and rural economy • Improve econ growth /cohesion / competitiveness • Promote farming practices and animal welfare • which prevent animal health related threats • and minimise environmental impact. 7
4 pillars Action Plan • Prioritisation of EU intervention • Legislative framework • Prevention, surveillance and preparedness • Science, Innovation, Research 7
FVE’s opinion • recognizes the role the Commission has played sofar in respect of the Animal Health and Welfare and Public Health • welcomes the initiative to shift from a series of policy actions to identifyinglong term goalsand defining a strategy. • is pleased to see that the Strategy recognises the strongrelations betweenAnimal Health, Public Health and Animal Welfare. 7
emphasis the role veterinarians play in the prevention and control of zoonosis and food borne infections • sees the need for a strong co-operation between veterinarians and medical doctors • welcome the development of one general, horizontal « Animal Health Law » • Establishing general principles • Defining the role and responsibilities • (incl clear mandate of the veterinary profession) • promoting efficient organisational arrangements • without duplicating or contradictory provisions 7
Fully support « prevention is better than cure » • adequately staffed and funded Veterinary Services and border controls • on farm bio-security must be improved • long term farm health manangement programmes including regular consultations with a vet practitioner who knows the farm • efficient early reporting systems • need for adequate identification and registration of animals, food producing animals as well as companion animals 7
Concerned about the structure of large parts of the EU animal production, • Too much focus on un-sustainable « large-volume-low-cost » production methods • In order to remain competible Europe should invest more in the development of other qualities such as Animal Welfare 7
Use of vaccines as a valuable tool in a disease prevention and control strategies must be re-evaluated • Development of reliable vaccines and diagnostics is necessary 7
Concerned about (long-distance) transport of live animals and markets and gathering places in the spread of infections • Fattening near the place of birth • Slaughter near the place of production 7
FVE wishes to be actively involved in the further development and implementation of the Animal Health Strategy. • FVE will use the expertise and knowledge of its membership to participate in a critical but constructive way in the work of the Advisory Group 7
Thank you for your attention ! • http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/diseases/strategy/index_en.htm • Further comments and suggestions • are welcome! 7