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Global North vs Global South: Economic Disparities and Interdependence

Explore the wealth gap between Global North and South, hindrances to Southern development, case studies, and global economic interdependence effects and efforts to counter terrorism and ethnic conflicts.

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Global North vs Global South: Economic Disparities and Interdependence

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  1. The World Today

  2. Describe the difference between Global North and Global South • The difference is the wealth in the two. • Global North includes North American, Western Europe, Japan and Australia which has high standards of living, high literacy rates.

  3. Global South includes Latin America, Africa and Asia which are developing and very poor.

  4. How each of the following hindered development in the South

  5. Geography • Lack of rainfall, fertile land and natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis).

  6. Population Growth • High birthrates and better medical care has led to overpopulation which means lack of food, housing, jobs and medical care. • Population growth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  7. Past Economic Problems • After new independence, they developed socialist governments which created economic problems.

  8. Economic Dependence, Debt and Trade Deficits • Relied on farming which led to not enough industry in their countries leading to a trade deficit. Then, because of economic problems they borrowed money from foreign banks they cant pay back.

  9. Political Instability • Government spent money on war rather than on food leaving people to leave and becoming refugees. • List of dictators - Conservapedia

  10. Case Studies that show obstacles to development: • Congo: • 1960s: Civil War with 200 different ethnic groups fighting for power. • 1965: Dictator took over, left the country in ruins economically with a brutal dictator. • Difficult to modernize. • Ethnic groups in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  11. Tanzania • 1st President created a Command Economy in which the government makes all decisions. • Had a 1 party democracy and collective farming. • People resisted and high oil prices, inflation and oversized bureaucracy broke the country.

  12. Brazil • Under military rule from the 1960s to the 1980s. • The Amazon Rain Forest was exploited. • While the upper and middle class got rich, workers stayed poor.

  13. What is economic interdependence? • The world relies on each other for everything and when something happens economically in one area it affects all areas.

  14. Describe how each of the following effects global interdependence.

  15. Dependence on oil • Oil prices effect economies all over the world. When prices go up, less money to spend.

  16. Global Banking and Financial Markets • Many foreign banks made international loans. As one nation couldn’t pay it back it affected the rest of the world. • Also, when one financial institution struggled, it affected them all.

  17. Multinational Corporations • Businesses that operate in many countries. • EXS) Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Nike.

  18. Regional Cooperation • Nations that are in a region that have linked their economies together. • EX) NAFTA and the European Union • Map of Europe - Member States of the European Union - Nations Online Project

  19. International Drug Trade • Attempts by countries working together to eliminate the drug trade and cartels.

  20. How has economic decision making become more global as national economies around the world become increasingly interdependent? • Greater cooperation among nations in banking and trade.

  21. Describe 3 policies that could help developing countries achieve greater economic prosperity. • 1. Population Growth control. • 2. Cut Trade deficits. • 3. Lower their debt. • 4. Stop instability in government

  22. Conflicts and Peace Efforts

  23. Define the term Terrorism • Deliberate use of unpredictable violence, especially against civilians to gain revenge or political revenge.

  24. List 3 reasons why terrorists use Terrorism: • 1. To gain revenge. • 2. To gain political goals. • 3. To spread terror. • 4. Because they don’t have their own military power.

  25. How does the world attempt to counter terrorism? • Countries will work together, share money, weapons and people to share information.

  26. Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in the following areas:

  27. Northern Ireland • Ireland won independence in 1922 from Britain, but Britain kept control of 6 northern counties which is mostly protestant. • IRA is a Catholic group whose goal was to drive the British from Northern Ireland . • Used terrorist activity to get it done. • About.com: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland

  28. The Balkans and the Ukraine • After the fall of Communism, Yugoslavia, which was made up of many religious groups, broke apart into many different countries. • In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbs tried to get rid of all non Serbs, led by a leader named Slobodan Milosevic. • Then, in Kosovo, Milosevic went in and attempted to get rid of all of the Muslims, and ethnic cleansing. • Led to NATO going in to protect the Serbs. • baltic states map and information page

  29. South Asia • India’s Hindu majority discriminated against the Muslims and Sikh’s.

  30. Southeast Asia • In Indonesia, it is mostly Muslim and East Timor has demanded independence and is Catholic. This led to Muslims attacking and trying to make an Islamic government. • http://www.sitesatlas.com/Maps/Maps/idn-pol.htm

  31. International Hot Spots

  32. Iraq • 1st Gulf War: after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait an international coalition fought to get him out. • 2nd Gulf War: After 9/11, the US and others were afraid he was tied into al Qaeda. • Result: Saddam ended up dead. • Map of Iraq - Asian Maps, Asia Maps Iraq Map Information - World Atlas

  33. The Kurds • They are Sunni Muslims, not Arabs. • Experienced harsh treatment in Turkey and Iraq, Saddam poison gassed them. • They have been trying to create their own independent state since the 1920s.

  34. North Korea • Their leader, Kim Jong Il has created a communist dictatorship which has controlled all aspects of life. • He was an unstable leader, who may be attempting to develop nuclear capabilities. • His son Kim Jong –un has taken over. • No one knows how he will react.

  35. China • Have had many human rights violations. • China wants to take over noncommunist Taiwan.

  36. India and Pakistan • Fight over Kashmir with both of them being nuclear powers.

  37. Afghanistan • Fighting for control between western powers and the Taliban. • People have no rights and the Taliban is trying to disrupt elections and using terrorism to get rid of Americanization.

  38. The United Nations • Year Established: 1945 (end of WWII) • Goals: To promote global peace and security as well as economic and social well being.

  39. Main bodies of the UN and their function: • 1. General Assembly: Discuss issues and recommend actions. Reps from all member nations. • 2. Security Council: Authorize military and economic actions to settle disputes. • 3. Secretariat: Responsible for administration of UN. • 4. Economic and Social Council: Promotes human rights, works for improved economic, social and health conditions. • 5. International Court Justice: Rules of international legal disputes.

  40. 3 activities carried out by the UN: • 1. Peacekeeping. • 2. Human Rights protection. • 3. Disaster Relief.

  41. Where has the UN been active in peacekeeping? • 1. Iraq: After Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US and others drove them out. • 2. Haiti: In the 1990s, after the leader was ousted by a military coup and the UN helped to restore him. Also, after the earthquake, helped to keep order and rebuild. • 3. Bosnia: After Yugoslavia broke up in the 1990s maintained peace.

  42. Identify 2 causes of conflict in the world today: • 1. Economics • 2. Power (Sovereignty)

  43. Westernization • Adoption of western ways, usually involves modernizing.

  44. Japan • Individuals kept strong sense of responsibility to family. Personal desires matter very little. • There is a weakening work ethic.

  45. Saudi Arabia • Disagreement over women’s place in society and many don’t like western influence.

  46. Egypt • Muslim reformers call for a return to Islamic law.

  47. Afghanistan • Taliban leaders have pushed for Islamic law and strict laws on the people and women.

  48. Algeria • In the 1980s-1990s, Islamists started calling for a return to traditional Islamist teachings. • Period of unrest began in 1991. • Election was cancelled when it looked like Muslim extremists would win. • Violence between government and extremists led to 80,000 deaths.

  49. Causes of overpopulation: • 1. Religious Beliefs: Essential to bring children into world. • 2. Cultural: Large families to provide for parents in old age. • 3. Economic: Help support the family economically. • 4. Lack of Knowledge: lack of information on how and why to not have kids.

  50. How have governments attempted to control population growth? • Birth control information and financial incentive.

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