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Explore the importance of learning outcomes in higher education and how it can bridge the gap between industry demands and education. Discover how a focus on learning outcomes can produce quality students who are employable and can contribute to economic growth.
Learning Outcome: Necessity or Imperative for Excellence Prof Bharat Bhasker Director, IIM Raipur
Outline • Opening Remark • Global Environment • Linkage of Higher Education and Growth • Indian Education Environment • Quality of Education and Demand Mismatch • Need for Higher education reform -Learning Outcome Centered • Teaching Insight through a course on Internet Application • Conclusion
Global Environment By 2030, • India to be 3rd largest economy (GDP $13 trillion) • Global Growth in Service sector • Digitalization and Autonomous Systems in Manufacturing • Higher Skill-intensive job creation
Global Environment By 2020, • Aging economies of US, China, Japan, Europe etc. • Requirement of 56 million trained service professional (health, Wealth and hospitality) • Assuming, India reaches higher education enrollment 40 million, we may fill the gap • Demand is for specialized Doers
Global Environment By 2020, • Aging economies of US, China, Japan, Europe etc. • Requirement of 56 million trained service professional (health, Wealth and hospitality) • Assuming, India reaches higher education enrollment 40 million, we may fill the gap • Demand is for specialized competent “doers” • Opportunity for quality practitioners
Education as Key to Prosperity • Prosperity of a Nation depends on Effective Utilization of human and Material resources through industrialization and innovation • The use of human resources for innovation and industrialization depends on education in science and training in technical skills
Education as key to prosperity • ICI = ((HCI) Human Capital Indx+(TCI) Technological Capability Indx)/2 • ICI - Innovation Cap Index • HCI = { Literacy rate as % of population * 1 + Secondary School Enrolment * 2 + Tertiary enrolment as % age group (wt. 3)} / 6 • TCI = {R&D personnel pmp + US patents pmp + Scientific publication pmp} / 3
Empirically Countries that have high per capita GDP also are high on ICI • e.g., USA, Sweden, Japan, Norway, Switzerland top 15% • China inching up on ICI also on GDP • What about India?
Indian Higher Education Scenario • With 903 Universities • 39050 Colleges • 10011 Stand Alone Institution • The GER (18-23 years) is around 25.8% or 3.66 Crore • Thus on HCI parameter we have made significant gains. • The HCI parameter is an enabling parameter for TCI to go up • Patents • Publications and Citations • R &D personnels
Quality of Education in India • Quality of Education becomes important • If we take technical Education with around 3000 of colleges with intake capacity of around 15 Lakhs. (Only half the seats are filled) • Out of these IITs, NITS and Other good colleges produce ~45000. • True for all other Education sectors as well. • Adequate infrastructure, Lofty Learning Objectives, Low quality Output • In order for TCI to go up the education has to become learner centric
Learning Outcome Based Education • The process that tries to achieve certain specific outcomes in terms of student learning. Thus, Having decided what key things student should understand and be able to deliver. • The structure and curriculum are designed to ensure the qualities student should develop, and outcome is measured. • In Other Words, ensure • What do you want student to learn? • Why do you want to learn “it”? • How can we help them learn? • How will you know they have learnt?
The key to success lies in • Clearly identifying what student has to learn in advance • The student progress depends upon demonstrated achievements? • Multiple instructional and assessment strategies for varying outcome requirements • Adequate time and assistance required for each to reach the full potential
Learning Outcome Based Education • The Learning Outcome based education potentially raises the uniformity of quality. • Thus a country where out of 8 Lakhs enrollment in engineering only <50,000 employable/quality technical personnel • It will help in improving the quality and measuring the improvement of in potential of 7 Lakhs students • India as dual Challenge- • To enhance quality of education to make them employable • The enhancement of TCI to raise ICI.
Achieving Excellence in Higher Education • By identifying clearly, the requirement of industry, services, the Learning outcome based education, can help the bridging the Industry academia gaps and producing quality students that are employable, not only in India but may fill the global unfulfilled demand of around 50 million “doers” • By designing the right outcomes, OBE can produce potential problem solvers, thus raising the TCI and thus ICI. • Rise in ICI is empirically linked to prosperity as measured by per capita GDP.