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Understanding Parish Finance Councils and Trustees in Canon Law and Civil Law

Learn about the origins, norms, and duties of Parish Finance Councils and Trustees in the context of Church Canon Law and Civil Law. Discover the guidelines and qualifications for membership and the essential roles these councils play in ensuring good administration of parish goods.

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Understanding Parish Finance Councils and Trustees in Canon Law and Civil Law

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  1. WelcomePastorsParish Finance CouncilsParish Trustees

  2. Overview • The church is subject to two sets of laws, namely: • Church Canon Law • Civil Law • Our uniqueness: neither of the two legal systems will recognize its subordination to the other • Parish finance councils find their existence in church law • Parish trustees find their identity in civil law - state statutes


  4. PARISH FINANCE COUNCILS • Origins • Founded in canon law • Code of 1917 – first code in church history • Diocesan “Administrative Council” to assist bishops • Code of 1983 – introduces the concept and requirement of a finance council to assist the administrator (pastor) of a public juridic person (parish) • Code looks to the parish finance council to help assure the good administration of parish goods.

  5. From the most current approved translation of Canon 537 “ In each parish there is to be a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms, established by the diocesan bishops and in which the Christian Faithful, elected according to the same norms, are to assist the pastor in the administration of goods of the church, without prejudice to the prescript of cannon 532” which states “ in all juridic (parish) affairs the pastor represents the parish according to the norm of law. He is to take care that the goods of the parish are administered according to the norm of canon 1281-1288”

  6. Establishment of Norms(In response to 1983 Revised Code of Canon Law) • Norms first promulgated in the Camden Diocese in 1983 by Bishop George Guilfoyle • Council originally referred to as Parochial Council for Economic Affairs • Norms re-promulgated in 2001 by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio • Norms re-promulgated in 2006 by Bishop Joseph Galante

  7. Norms • Membership • Terms of Office • Duties • Meetings

  8. Membership - Norm • The membership of the parish finance council shall consist of no less than four and no more than ten persons. Both men and women are eligible. The members must be practicing Catholics in good standing and participants in the life of the parish who are truly expert in financial affairs or business law with outstanding integrity.

  9. Membership - Guidelines To be Considered for Appointment • He or she must be a member of the parish • Cannot be related to the pastor • Trustees are to be appointed to the Council

  10. Membership - Guidelines Qualifications • Accounting • Financial Management • Property and PersonnelManagement • Business Law

  11. Appointment Form I, John Jones, having been appointed member of the St. Jerome Finance Council by Reverend John Smith do hereby affirm that: • I will faithfully execute my office as a member of the St. Jerome Finance Council; • I will comply with the norms of Parish Finance Councils of the Diocese of Camden;

  12. Appointment Form, Continued • I promise faithful fulfillment of the obligations of this office and to preserve the confidentiality and secrecy required by the Office; • I will adhere to the policies and procedures, which have been established by the diocese in matters pertaining to the temporal goods of the Church.

  13. Membership - Guidelines • Council Make- up • Chairperson • Secretary • Pastor presides but is not a member of Council • Parochial Vicars and assigned deacons normally participate as non voting members • Parish Trustees by virtue of their office are to be appointed to the Finance Council

  14. Membership Guidelines, Continued If there is an existing Council Existing members should assist in the identification and orientation of new members

  15. Unlike Parish Pastoral Councils, which are representative of the entire parish, Finance Councils assist the pastor in a specific area of pastoral ministry, therefore members should possess the talents and skills to fulfill the ministry

  16. Terms of Office - Norm Members of Parish Finance Councils shall be appointed by the pastor in writing for three-year renewable terms. The terms of office may initially be staggered, one reappointed for three years after the first year, another after the second year, etc. When a new pastor takes office, if the current members have less than a year remaining on their three-year term, the new pastor is free to extend their memberships for an additional year if he wishes.

  17. Terms of Office - Guidelines A council member loses his or her seat on Council by: • Term ends and is not extended • Resignation • Breech of confidentiality • Abandonment of duties • Death • Moving out of the parish territory (unless the member continues to be a registered member of the parish) • If he or she is no longer a member in good standing

  18. Duties - Norm The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body which assists the pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of parish’s temporal goods.

  19. Duties – Norms, Continued • A clear distinction must be maintained between consulting and advising the pastor on financial policy formation, which is the proper work of the Parish Finance Council, and administration which is the proper work of the pastor and parish staff. • At the same time, members of parish staff should offer to the Finance Council their knowledge and judgment regarding questions under discussion.

  20. Duties – Norms, Continued Parish Finance Council Shall Assist the Pastor • In drawing up an annual parish budget of income and expenditures. • In preparing the annual report on the parish budget for the review of the Diocesan Finance Office in the manner to be determined. • In rendering an account to the faithful concerning the goods they give to the parish in the manner to be determined which will include presentation to the parochial pastoral council and written or printed form provided to parishioners along with a copy of the annual budget.

  21. Duties – Norms, Continued • In offering to the Bishop, through the pastor, the opinion of the parish finance council on the “more important” financial business of the parish, those matters which exceed the pastor’s approval level of ordinary administration • In developing an inventory of parochial movable and immovable goods in a manner to be determined • In reviewing from time to time and at the discretion of the pastor any particular items of administration beyond the budget, which seem of greater significance or for which the pastor wishes advice

  22. Duties – Norms, Continued • To review the annual budget for a parish school or the budget for a school with which a parish is regionalized before the pastor gives his approval for such a budget. • To be concerned for the proper maintenance of all the facilities of the parish.

  23. Duties - Guidelines The Parish Finance Council has three main areas of responsibility: • Administration and Finance • Facilities Management • Stewardship and Development Guidelines will provide more detail as to specific responsibilities

  24. Meetings – Norms • Meetings of the Parish Finance Council should be held when deemed necessary but not less than quarterly. Meetings should be attended by the pastor, officers and at least a quorum of the Council membership. A summary of topics discussed should be recorded and distributed to all members prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

  25. Meetings – Norms, Continued Quorum • A quorum of the membership is the minimum number of members who must attend and which members are to include: • Minimum number (over one half the membership) • Attendance must include the pastor

  26. Meetings - Guidance Meetings should have an agenda that consists of the following: • Opening prayer • Approval of summary report from the previous meeting • Review of monthly or quarterly financial statements • Old business (to include discussion and/or disposition of issues raised previously) • New business • Closing prayer

  27. Diocese of CamdenParish Finance Councils The Mode of Operations for the Parish Finance Council should be conciliar-consensus. While the code of canon law places the authority and responsibility on the pastor, it does not do so to the exclusion of the participative process. The Code intends a cooperative pastor-council relationship for the best interests of the parish community and the diocese.

  28. Parish Finance Councils • The Parish Finance Council collaborates with the Parish Pastoral Council so that the parish’s pastoral plan is financially feasible, and that the budget which the Parish Finance Council develops provides sufficient support, insofar as it is economically feasible, for implementation of the parish’s pastoral plan. • A representative of the Parish Finance Council should be in attendance at each Parish Pastoral Council meeting.

  29. Canon 127 “If Counsel is required, the act of a superior who does not hear those persons is invalid; although not obligated to accept their opinion even if unanimous, a superior is nonetheless not to act contrary to that opinion, especially if unanimous, without a reason which is overriding in the superior’s judgment.”

  30. Facilitation IF: • The Pastor and Finance Council have debated an issue at length • The issue is “of significance” to the financial viability of the parish • The majority of the Finance Council believes that following the course of action intended by the Pastor will result in a serious adverse financial situation for the parish • The Finance Council has made every effort to communicate the seriousness of its concern to the Pastor

  31. Facilitation THEN: • Both the Pastor and members of the Finance Council should feel comfortable in reaching out to the Diocesan Vicar General or the Diocesan Finance Officer to help facilitate a process whereby a resolution to the issue might be achieved.

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