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Discover a collection of mind-bending optical illusions and fun visual puzzles that will challenge your perception. From hidden images to intriguing patterns, these illusions will keep you entertained and amazed. Experience the tricks of the mind and explore the fascinating world of optical illusions.
What do you see? Looks like President Clinton and Vice President Gore, right?Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts.
What do you see? What do There's a face... and the word liar
Is the left center circle bigger? No, they're both the same size
It's a spiral, right? No, these are a bunch of independent circles
Keep staring at the black dot. After a whilethe gray haze around it will appear to shrink.
Stare at the black lightbulb for at least 30 seconds.Then immediately stare at a white area on the screenor at a sheet of paper. You should see a glowing light bulb!
How many colors do you see? There are only 3 colors: White, green, and pink.There seem to be two different shades of pink,but there is only one pink.
Do you see a cube missing a corner?Or do you see a small cube in a big one?
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