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E-Grants Application Tutorial: Cyber Security Grant Program FY2017

Learn how to create an E-Grants application for the Cyber Security Grant Program FY2017. Get step-by-step instructions on accessing DHSES E-Grants, entering project details, adding participants, and contacts. Ensure data accuracy and avoid duplicates. Stay informed about the submission process and time limits. Manage your applications efficiently with essential tips.

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E-Grants Application Tutorial: Cyber Security Grant Program FY2017

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  1. Tutorial – Creating an E-Grants Application FY2017 Cyber Security Grant Program To access DHSES E-Grants you must have a Username and Password. Please contact DHSES at grant.info@dhses.ny.gov if you need to request a username and password.

  2. Creating an E-Grants Application

  3. Creating an E-Grants Application The Electronic Submission Notice must be read and acknowledged before accessing the system. Once you have read the notice, please click the Accept button and the login screen will appear. HINT: Since this is a web based system you will be timed out after 30 minutes of inactivity and will lose any unsaved material. Hit SAVE often. Also if you have a lot of narrative to enter into E-Grants, type the information into a Word file and then copy and paste the verbiage into E-Grants

  4. Creating an E-Grants Application Enter your Login Name, Password and click on the Submit button.

  5. Creating an E-Grants Application Once you have logged in, the Welcome to E-Grants page will be displayed. Select Project from the left menu frame to open the list of projects that match the access rights of the user or to create a new project.

  6. Creating an E-Grants Application A list of currently active projects will be displayed. The grid will be empty if there are no projects associated with the user. Click New to begin entering a new project.

  7. Creating an E-Grants Application It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you select the correct Funding Program and Funding Year To start a new application you will need to select a funding program and funding year from the drop down lists. See next two slides for instructions.

  8. Creating an E-Grants Application Select Cyber Security Grant Program from the drop down list.

  9. Creating an E-Grants Application Select 2017 from the Funding Year drop down list and click Create Project Button. ClickOK in the pop-up box.

  10. Creating an E-Grants Application • This is the General Tab. Enter the following mandatory fields: • Project title – FY2017 Cyber Security Grant Program • County • Summary Description of the Project – Brief description of the Project • Project Start Date: Leave Blank • Project End Date: Leave Blank • When completed, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page or the Save option in the left frame.

  11. Creating an E-Grants Application Now click on the Participants tab.

  12. Creating an E-Grants Application Click Add Participant.

  13. Creating an E-Grants Application A search screen will open to search for an existing Participant. Enter full or partial name and click OK to search the database. If you previously applied for funding, your organization’s information will be able to be retrieved using the search option. Hint: This search engine looks for exact matches so don’t be too detailed in your search.

  14. Creating an E-Grants Application In this example, “Test” was input into the search window providing the above list. Choose the Participant you wish to add from the returned list by clicking on the blue # to the left of the participant name. .

  15. Creating an E-Grants Application Select the appropriate participant type (for this program select Grantee). The screen will refresh and click on the Add button.

  16. Creating an E-Grants Application The Participant has been added to the Project.

  17. Creating an E-Grants Application If the participant is not in the database, you may add them by clicking the New button. And then OK. However, please ENSURE the participant is not already in the database to prevent duplicate entries.

  18. Creating an E-Grants Application Enter the information to add a New Participant. Required fields are: Participant Name, Address, City, State, Zip, County and Employer Identification Number. Click on the Save button. While Participant Fiscal Year/Period, SFS Vendor Number and Dun & Bradstreet No. are not mandatory, please complete those fields as well. Mandatory data must be entered before the record can be saved. Note: If you need to update information after the record has been saved, please email grant.info@dhses.ny.gov. Do not create a new participant.

  19. Creating an E-Grants Application Next you will add Contacts. E-Grants requires a Primary, Signatory and Fiscal Contact. Both Primary and Signatory Contacts must be registered users of the E-Grants system. Click on Add Contactto button.

  20. Creating an E-Grants Application A search screen will open to search for an existing contact. Enter partial name and click OK to search the database. Hint: This search engine looks for exact matches so don’t be too detailed in your search. Again, if you previously applied for funding, your information will be able to be retrieved using the search option.

  21. Creating an E-Grants Application If your contact is found in the search, click on the blue number next to the last name. A popup box will appear asking to select the Contact Type. Click on the Add button.

  22. Creating an E-Grants Application A pop up box will then appear letting you know the contact has been successfully added. Continue selecting and adding contacts until you are finished. Remember a Primary, Signatory and Fiscal contact must be chosen.

  23. Creating an E-Grants Application REMEMBER - If the Signatory Contact you are trying to add is not a registered user of E-Grants with Signatory rights, you will get the above error message and you will not be able to add that person until they are a registered user. Please contact grant.info@dhses.ny.gov if you need help registering someone as a signatory contact. You can however continue working on other parts of your application but you will not able to submit the application without a signatory attached.

  24. Creating an E-Grants Application If you need to add a new contact, click New Contact and the screen will refresh.

  25. Creating an E-Grants Application Select the Contact type from the drop down box (circled in red). Required fields are First Name, Last Name, Agency, Address, City, State, Zip, Email and Phone Number. Click on the Save button. Mandatory data must be entered before the record can be saved. Add a new contact only after verifying the person is not already in the system.

  26. Creating an E-Grants Application This is an example of a completed Participant Tab screen.

  27. Creating an E-Grants Application Generic Workplan Information • Below is the generic workplan information that you will use in the E-Grants system. The information is broken down into four categories; 1) planning; 2) purchasing equipment; 3) conducting training; and 4) performing exercises. You may use any or all of these categories. Project goal – To support cyber security preparedness capabilities within New York State’s local governments. G&T Workplan Code – 3. Establish/Enhance cyber security program. Investment Justification – Cyber Security • Objective Description – To enhance cyber security preparedness capabilities. NYS Critical Capability – Cyber Security • Planning (Use the following information): • Task#1 – Conduct allowable planning activities related to cyber security initiatives. Performance Measure – Planning activities conducted. Provide brief narrative reporting planning activities completed and describe how the project enhanced cyber security in the jurisdiction. • Purchasing Equipment (Use the following information): • Task#1 – Purchase allowable cyber security equipment. Train appropriate personnel in the proper use of the equipment and place the equipment in service. Performance Measure – Identify equipment ordered and received. Provide a brief narrative on the training of personnel and the deployment of equipment. Describe how the project enhanced cyber security capabilities in the jurisdiction. Equipment accountability records are properly maintained. Provide explanation if equipment is received but not deployed, include deployment plans as appropriate. Continued on next page

  28. Creating an E-Grants Application Generic Workplan Information continued • Training (Use the following information): Task #1 – Conduct and/or participate in allowable cyber security training. Performance Measure – Training conducted. Provide brief narrative on type of training conducted to include at a minimum the number of personnel trained, the disciplines being trained and the jurisdictions included in the training; roster of attendees maintained on file. Describe how the project enhanced cyber security capabilities in the jurisdiction. • Exercise (Use the following information): • Task#1 – Design, develop, conduct and/or participate in exercises in compliance with HSEEP guidelines to identify deficiencies within cyber security capabilities. This in turn will help to identify training curriculum gaps. Report scheduled exercises to DHSES Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Training and Exercise Section 60 days prior to the start of the exercise. Submit After Action Reports/Improvement Plans to DHSES within 60 days of exercise completion. • Performance Measure – DHSES notified of scheduled exercise; exercise conducted and After Action Reports/Improvement Plans completed and submitted to DHSES within 60 days of exercise completion. Provide brief narrative and report number of personnel involved, the disciplines involved and the jurisdictions participating; describe how the project enhanced cyber security capabilities in the jurisdiction.

  29. Creating an E-Grants Application Now click the Work Plan Tab and enter the Project Goal. This year we are using generic information which can be found on the previous two slides. Enter the exact narrative that appears on slides 27 and 28. Once you have entered the Project Goal, click on Save. Then click on Create New Objective.

  30. Creating an E-Grants Application A new screen will be generated with several drop down boxes. Click on the G & T Work Plan Code box and select the correct G & T Work Plan Code (03. Establish/enhance cyber security program).

  31. Creating an E-Grants Application Next click on the Investment Justification drop down box and select “Cyber Security”.

  32. Creating an E-Grants Application Next click on the Capability Development drop down box and select Sustain or Build. “Build Capabilities” refers to activities that start a new capability or increase a capability. “Sustain Capabilities” refers to activities that maintain a capability at its current level. When assessing the project type, if your project is both sustaining and building capabilities, please select the project type that best represents the majority of your project.

  33. Creating an E-Grants Application Next click on the Deployable drop down box and select “Yes” or “No”. FEMA identifies a deployable asset as any capability that is physically mobile and can be used anywhere in the United States. Examples would include response teams (e.g. HazMat, or Explosive Detection Canine), mobile radios, CBRNE detection equipment, etc. Next click on the Shareable drop down box and select “Yes” or “No”. FEMA identifies a shareable asset as any non-deployable capability that can be utilized to augment and sustain reinforced response at the regional, state or national level. Examples would include a fusion center, emergency operations center, etc.

  34. Creating an E-Grants Application Next click on the Does this project support a previous Homeland Security Investment drop down box and select “Yes” or “No”. If the answer to the above question is yes, please select the most recent grant fiscal year that is being supported through this proposed project.

  35. Creating an E-Grants Application Next click on the Does this project support a NIMS typed resource? and select “Yes” or “No”. A link to the Resource Typing Library Tool is provided. If this project supports a NIMS Typed Resource, please provide the name and ID of the typed resource.

  36. Creating an E-Grants Application Enter the generic Objective Description (found on Slide 27) and click on Save.

  37. Creating an E-Grants Application Click Add Primary NYS Critical Capability. Select “Cyber Security”. The screen will refresh with a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to add this NYS Critical Capability?” Click OK. Click on Add Task to this Objective.

  38. Creating an E-Grants Application The Task(s) needs to be added. Enter your generic task from slide/page #27 and 28 and click on Save. The screen will refresh with a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to save?”and click OK.

  39. Creating an E-Grants Application Click on Add Performance Measure to this Task and enter the generic performance measure that corresponds with the task from slide/page #27 and 28.

  40. Creating an E-Grants Application Click on Save. The screen will refresh with a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to save?” and click OK.

  41. Creating an E-Grants Application This is an example of a completed work plan for purchasing equipment. To add additional tasks and performance measures click Add Task to this Objective and follow directions from slide/page #38. .

  42. Creating an E-Grants Application Click the Budget tab. You must have a participant and a completed Work Plan before you can enter a budget. Click on Create new Budget Version for Participant.

  43. Creating an E-Grants Application Each budget item is entered separately. Choose the category of the budget item you are entering from the drop down box. As you can see there are nine budget categories.

  44. Creating an E-Grants Application Mandatory fields for a budget item are Description, Number, Unit Cost and Justification. If entering an Equipment item, an AEL Number is also mandatory. The link to the AEL is https://www.fema.gov/authorized-equipment-list When finished with the item click Save.

  45. Creating an E-Grants Application This is an example of a completed equipment budget line.

  46. Creating an E-Grants Application Once you have saved the budget item, the screen will refresh and the Add Funding Allocation for this Budget item iconwill appear. Click on the icon. The screen will advance to Funding Allocation Tab. You must enter a budget item before you can enter funding allocation data.

  47. Creating an E-Grants Application Click on the drop-down box to select the G&T Workplan Code 03. Establish/Enhance cyber security program. Click Add G and T Workplan. The screen will refresh with a confirmation message “Are you sure you want to add this G and T Workplan?” Click OK.

  48. Creating an E-Grants Application Click on the drop down box to select a National Priority. For this grant program choose 03. Implement the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). Click Add National Priority and then click OK.

  49. Creating an E-Grants Application Click on the drop-down box to select a Priority Project. Choose State Strategy Goal: Enhance Cyber Security Capabilities. Click Add Project Priority and then click OK.

  50. Creating an E-Grants Application Now you select a Spending Subcategory/Solution Area. Only the Solution Areas that match the Cyber Security program will be listed. When you have selected the category the lettering will change from blue to red. In the example above planning is selected. Note: Organization and M&A are not allowable under this program.

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