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Parazoa no true tissues

Radiata. Bilateria. Eumetazoa. Parazoa no true tissues. Multicellularity. Quiz ( Champaca ). What is the literal meaning of Platyhelminthes? A muscular tube used to suck food into the gastrovascular cavity. Platyhelminthes depend on what process to respire?

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Parazoa no true tissues

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  1. Radiata Bilateria Eumetazoa Parazoano true tissues Multicellularity

  2. Quiz (Champaca) • What is the literal meaning of Platyhelminthes? • A muscular tube used to suck food into the gastrovascular cavity. • Platyhelminthes depend on what process to respire? • What is the term used to describe the three germ layers? • True or False: Platyhelminthes can be parasitic.

  3. Phylum PlatyhelminthesFlatworms • with tissues  organ systems • triploblastic • bilaterally-symmetric • with cephalization • acoelomates Pseudocerussapphirinus Pseudobicerosbedfordi Phrikoceros sp. Acanthozoonsp. Marine flatworms of the Philippinesfrom http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/

  4. Phylum PlatyhelminthesFeeding in free-living flatworms • carnivores or detritivores • incomplete digestive system • highly-branched GVC • pharynx • external  internal digestion, diffusion http://www.southtexascollege.edu/nilsson/4_GB_Lecture_figs_f/4_GB_23_AnimaliaInvert_Fig_f/Platyhelminthes_Planaria_2.GIF

  5. Phylum PlatyhelminthesFeeding in parasitic flatworms • feed on blood, tissue fluids, pieces of cells within host • no need for complex digestive system • Clonorchissinensis(human liver fluke) • Taeniasaginata(beef tapeworm) http://www.esu.edu/~milewski/intro_biol_two/lab__10_platy_nemat/images/clonorchis.jpg, http://www.microbeworld.org/images/stories/twip/clonorchis_lifecycle.jpg

  6. Phylum PlatyhelminthesRespiration, circulation, excretion • diffusion • flame cells - remove nitrogenous metabolic wastes and excess H2O http://faculty.uca.edu/johnc/PlanarianPronephr.gif

  7. Phylum PlatyhelminthesResponse • ganglia • nerve cords (ladder-like) • eyespots • sensory cells

  8. Phylum PlatyhelminthesMovement • Muscles • Ventral epidermal cilia + mucus http://mlitvaitis.unh.edu/K-12Primer/muscles.jpg

  9. Phylum PlatyhelminthesReproduction Free-Living Fission and regeneration Hermaphroditism and cross-fertilization http://images.tutorvista.com/content/reproduction/fragmentation-in-planaria.jpeg, http://users.design.ucla.edu/~tatsuyas/classes/152BC/ex3/planaria.jpg, http://www.visualdiving.com/pics/uw962_35.jpg

  10. Phylum PlatyhelminthesReproduction Parasitic Complex life cycles with both asexual and sexual reproduction (Schistosomajaponicum) http://siera104.com/images/bio/flatroundrotifers/shistomsoma.jpg

  11. http://www.e-cleansing.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/laiuss1.jpghttp://www.e-cleansing.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/laiuss1.jpg

  12. Tapeworm structures • Long, flat, parasitic worms • Structure • Scolex: head w/ suckers, hooks • Proglottids: body segments that produce both sperm and egg http://www.ohiohealth.com, http://www.marlin.ac.uk/images/taxonomy_descriptions/Cestoda.jpg

  13. http://www.dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/images/ParasiteImages/S-Z/Taeniasis/Taenia_LifeCycle.gifhttp://www.dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/images/ParasiteImages/S-Z/Taeniasis/Taenia_LifeCycle.gif

  14. Phylum NematodaRoundworms • with tissues  organ systems • “tube within a tube” • triploblastic • bilaterally-symmetric • with cephalization • pseudocoelomates http://mycozynook.com/18_3bodyplanp.jpg , http://sharon-taxonomy2009-p2.wikispaces.com/file/view/nematode.gif/99304909/nematode.gif

  15. Phylum NematodaFeeding in nematodes • carnivores/ detritivores or parasites • complete digestive system • internal digestion, diffusion http://images.tutorvista.com/content/animal-kingdom/roundworm-anatomy.jpeg

  16. Phylum NematodaRespiration, circulation, excretion • diffusion through epidermis and cuticle • with an excretory canal and pore http://images.tutorvista.com/content/animal-kingdom/roundworm-anatomy.jpeg

  17. Phylum NematodaResponse • circular nerve ring  primitive brain • dorsal and ventral nerve cords

  18. Phylum NematodaMovement • muscles • hydrostatic skeleton http://www.baileybio.com/plogger/images/ap_biology/animal_diversity_project_-_must_cite_your_textbook_/nematoda_2.jpg

  19. Phylum NematodaReproduction Sexual: Internal fertilization Asexual: Parthenogenesis unfertilized egg develops into an adult organism without sperm fertilization http://sharonapbio-taxonomy.wikispaces.com/file/view/nematode.jpg/50864359/nematode.jpg, http://www.mansfield.ohio-state.edu/~sabedon/black11_files/image023.jpg

  20. Phylum NematodaReproduction Parasitic Complex life cycles (Trichinellaspiralis) http://siera104.com/images/bio/flatroundrotifers/shistomsoma.jpg

  21. Phylum NematodaReproduction Parasitic Complex life cycles Filarial worms (Brugiamalayi) threadlike blood and lymph vessels of birds and mammals vector: biting insects with symbiotic bacteria Wolbachia

  22. Phylum NematodaReproduction Parasitic Complex life cycles Ascarisspp. causes malnutrition in >1B people http://www.metapathogen.com/IMG/ascaris-life-cycle.png

  23. Phylum NematodaReproduction Parasitic Complex life cycles Hookworms Infects ~1/4 of the world’s population

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