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Explore the concept of political culture, the unique elements of American political beliefs, values, attitudes, and the role of socialization in shaping democratic support. Learn about the influence of elites, socialization agents, and media on political culture dynamics.

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  1. WHAT IS POLITCAL CULTURE? • What is “political culture”? • A formal definition: A people’s predominant values, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes about the political system of their country and their role in it. Per your text, these are the things “citizens” say they will die for. • Why do all states shape their political cultures? Which is to say that governments (any many other institutions) engage in political socialization? As we go through the elements that follow, think about what elements make American political culture unique… • A related concept: The collective memory of the nation • Values (what people hold to be most important) • Beliefs (how people believe things are) • Attitudes (pre-existing judgments about authority, others, and the political system; they “prime”) • Feelings (physical and emotional attachments to ones values, beliefs, and attitudes)

  2. What is America’s political culture: Some “Pew Center” data:

  3. What does American political culture look like with respect to support for democracy… some recent data…. Source of it if you want to consult later:https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/04/09/do-americans-still-believe-in-democracy/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.5acca751a004

  4. Setzler/Yanus research:

  5. Setzler/Yanus research:

  6. Recent Setzler/Yanus research:

  7. Recent Setzler/Yanus research:

  8. HOW MUCH OF A NATION’S POLITICS CAN ITS CULTURE EXPLAIN? • Welzel and Inglehart: Look at Germany’s Weimar Republic: Wonderfully democratic institutions didn’t work; polarization and elections led to HitlerThe American case: Where did the American national culture come from? Louis Hartz argues that “liberalism” (not the tree-hugging kind) defines us because of when and how we broke away. • Sub-political cultures in America… which will soon be majority-minority (Worth noting that distinct regional cultures were very strong until in the US until very recently). • Interpretation of the same cultural attributes is often inconsistent (Indian development at home and abroad) • Core political beliefs are often inconsistent with actions… e.g., equality of opportunity and the structure of public schooling • Elite vs. mass political culture… Think about segregation as an example • Similar cultural attributes, many institutional arrangements?

  9. HOW DOES POLITICAL SCIENCE STUDY “CULTURE” SCIENTIFICALLY? PRIMARLY THORUGH SURVEY DATA (VS. SOC AND ANTH) • The “Civic Culture” (Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba): Citizens vs. clients • Robert Putnam’s Making Democracy Work and Bowling Alone; Francis Fukuyama: The importance of social trust • Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations • Ronald Inglehart’s “post materialism” • Some major findings from these studies: • Can political culture change over time? Within generations? Yes, but it’s path dependent and typically quick change comes with crisis. This is why there is serious concern over growing populism and anti-politics in the advanced industrial democracies. • Can elites make a new culture in a country? India, race/sexism in the US as examples.

  10. WHERE DOES OUR DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CULTURE COME FROM? • The role of other “agents of socialization”: family (usually, the most impt), age, and defining moments • How do groups & status shape your beliefs? Gender (the gender gap), race, religion (esp. “suspect” religions), partisanship (as tribal identity) • How do governments manipulate their citizens, esp. their young? Peer pressure and norms outside of the family, learning civic practices, & schools/college (curricula) • How do the media shape what you believe? Americans now spend >10 hrs daily on-line. • Echo chambers and cognitive dissidence • Americans still have very low political sophistication • Most news is about the politics of the moment and entertainment focused: personality-driven, negativity, & horse-races

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