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BigBOSS is a spectroscopic survey designed to measure dark energy using the BAO "standard ruler". It will map the universe by surveying galaxies, emission line galaxies, and QSOs at different redshifts. With sub-percent accuracies, BigBOSS aims to provide robust measurements of the dark energy equation of state. This groundbreaking project is on schedule to finish mapping the full footprint in June 2014.
BigBOSS Mapping the Universe • BigBOSS designed to measure dark energy from the BAO “standard ruler” • Spectroscopic survey of ~20 million Emission Line Galaxies at 0 < z < 1.7 • Spectroscopic survey of ~3.5 million Luminous Red Galaxies at z < 1.0 • 3. Spectroscopic survey of ~0.6 million QSOs at 1.0 < z < 3.5 • Definitive BAO experiment at 0 < z < 1.5 20X volume of BOSS
Mapping the Universe Our observable Universe Stage IV BAO Volume mapped by SDSS BAO Scale • BAO scale length provides a “standard ruler” whose measurement is limited by the survey volume, sampling, and redshift accuracy • Robust against systematic errors, sub-percent accuracies possible M. Blanton for SDSS Surface of last scattering M.Tegmark Volume to be mapped by SDSS-III (ca. 2015)
Instrument Kitt Peak 4-m (Mayall) at Kitt Peak, Arizona, 5 year survey 5000 fiber positioners on 1-m focal plane, f/4.5 Corrector lenses 3° FOV SDSS-inspired: simple, high-throughput 5000 fibers 10 spectrographs X 3 channels each
Based on BOSS BOSS works! The **preliminary** BOSS signal from 1500 deg2 of the 10,000 deg2 footprint. On schedule to finish the full footprint in June 2014. Errors are as expected. Do not redistribute (embargoed)!!!
BigBOSS Science ReachDETF Figure of Merit [P]: Planck; [gB]: galaxy BAO; [lB]: Ly- BAO; [Rkmax]: redshift space distortion, for k < kmax ; [Akmax]: all galaxy information for k < kmax. Anticipated BigBOSS-NORTH figures of merit when various combinations of measures are used to determine the parameters w0 and wa of the dark energy equation of state, along with the error on w(z) at the best-measured point, wp, and the error on Wk. The coverage is 14k square degrees with dn=dz as predicted for BigBOSS.
BigBOSS Science ReachDistance Scale Accuracy Angular Distance BigBOSS N+S
BigBOSS Science ReachDistance Scale Accuracy Hubble Parameter BigBOSS N+S
Redshift Space Distortions BigBOSS N+S Growth rate times the amplitude of the power spectrum Predicted by an therefore a test of GR
Shot Noise Limit nP(z) distribution
KA13: Dark Energy Projects (C) Scenario C • BigBOSS • Stage IV Dark Energy ground-based project • Substantial immediate support for BigBOSS R&D recommended by PASAG • Recommended in all PASAG scenarios • “Need for a robust 3-probe measurement” • WL: DES HSC LSST • BAO: BOSS (1.5 Mgal) BigBOSS (20 Mgal) • SNe: • Highly rated by Astro2010 • Responded to NOAO call for proposals for Mayall telescope use • Accepted by NOAO • Default NOAO plan operates Mayall 10+ years in flat budget scenario (priorities will be LSST and BigBOSS in last 5yrs). OHEP LBNL Budget Briefing - Physics
PASAG/Astro2010 “BigBOSS is in the early planning stages, but presents a legitimate possibility of achieving a significant fraction of the BAO science goals for JDEM at <$100M cost. Substantial immediate support is recommended for BigBOSS R&D so that ground BAO possibilities are known for timely planning of a coherent ground-space dark energy effort. The ground astronomy agencies (NSF/NOAO) are essential partners in the BigBOSS project and planning. Scenario A: ....”DOE leadership in a large project would require eliminating support for the other 2 projects and a significant delay to push expenses into the following decade. Given the importance of the science, the need for a robust 3-probe measurement, and the technological readiness of all projects, this is highly undesirable. The alternative is to fund BigBOSS for the BAO probe and hope that one or both large projects approach astrophysical limits for the SN and WL probes through the support of other funding agencies with much-reduced DOE participation. 2010 Decadal Survey: “This survey received 29 proposals that would be eligible for competition, with an aggregate construction or fabrication cost of roughly $1.2 billion. The Program Prioritization Panels recommended very highly a subset of these: BigBOSS, …. [one of four listed in the $40-$120M range].”
KA13: Dark Energy Projects (C) • BigBOSS • Strong international collaboration (35 institutions) • Recent meeting 108 attendees, 90 talks • FNAL(Annis, Diehl, Kent, Flaugher), SLAC(Roodman, Reil), Brookhaven(Slosar) • Spanish Participation Group • IAA, Granada; IAC, Tenerife; ICC, Barcelona; IFT, Madrid; U. Valencia • UK Participation Group • Durham, Edinburgh, UC London, Portsmouth • University of California, Berkeley • University of Kansas • University of Michigan • University of Pittsburgh • University of Science and Technology of China • University of California, Santa Cruz/Lick Observatory • University of Utah • Yale University Brookhaven National Laboratory EwhaWomans University, Korea Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory French Participation Group APC, IAP- Paris; CPP, CPT, LAP Marseille; CEA, IRFU – Saclay Johns Hopkins University Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory National Optical Astronomy Observatory New York University The Ohio State University Shanghai Astronomical Observatory SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory OHEP LBNL Budget Briefing - Physics
KA13: Dark Energy Projects (C) BigBOSS MI&E Cost (CD-1 to CD-4) = $43M US + $33M Foreign NOAO response to NSF portfolio review NSF portfolio review
Suggested Plan • Request for FY11 for pre-conceptual design [SWF:$1.9M, M&S:$0.2M] • Key R&D: optical concept, fiber system, spectrograph, cost reduction • Request for FY12 transitions to conceptual design [SWF: $3.5M, M&S:$0.5M] • Key R&D: reduce technical risk, value engineering, conceptual design • CD-0 by 12/2011 allows us to pursue foreign, private, NSF funding • CD-0 would be contingent on NOAO compliant plan for Telescope • Request for FY13 transitions to preliminary design [$6+M] • CD-1 would be contingent on other funding sources, NSF senior review and approval by NSF
BigBOSS Budget Offset items/common-fund, major ( >$1M) acquisitions: • Corrector glass blanks • Spectrograph glass blanks, optical components • Hexapod • Fibers Potential Funding • NSF + NSFC (China) • GBMF, Sloan, Keck, Research Corp. • Private university. BOSS model required participating institutions to provide $900K in better financial times.
Summary • “Stage-IV” dark energy experiment from the ground • “BAO spectrograph” optimized for redshift-finding • 0 < z < 1.0 Luminous Red Galaxies • 0 < z < 1.7 Emission-line galaxies • 1 < z < 2 QSOs • 2 < z < 3.5 QSO LyA forest • Neutrino Mass • Should be able to make a 2-sigma detection of the sum of neutrino masses • Could rule out inverted mass hierarchy • Requires only 4-m telescope time • North: Kitt Peak (4m) • South: CTIO (4m) 50 million in 10 years
4-m class telescopes: KPNO 4-m CTIO 4-m CFHT 3.6-m Calar Alto 3.5-m ARC 3.5-m (Apache Point) WIYN 3.5-m (Kitt Peak) Discovery Channel 4.2-m WHT 4.2-m ESO 3.6-m SOAR 4.2-m UKIRT 3.8-m Galileo 3.58-m ESO NNT 3.58-m VISTA 4-m AAT 3.9-m 3-deg possible 2-deg exists Instrument: Telescope If we don’t do this, someone else will!
Instrument: Telescope Kitt Peak 4-m (Mayall) at Kitt Peak, Arizona 5000 fiber positioners, 0.9m focal plane Corrector Lens + ADC Fiber positioning Camera Fiber run (bare fibers) 10 spectrographs Design by Mike Sholl, SSL
Instrument: Fiber positioners x 5000 Collaboration with USTC in Hefei, China Light from one galaxy enters fiber here Experience building 4000 LAMOST fiber positioners 2 rotation axes, 25.4 mm center-to-center spacing
Instrument: Spectrograph Collaboration with France “QSO Lyα channel” 3400-5400 Å at R~3000 e2v CCDs “galaxy channel” 7600-10,600 Å at R~4200 LBL “Extreme Silicon” “supernova/QSO channel” 5000-8000 Å at R~3000 LBL CCDs • 10 3-arm spectrographs cover 3400-10600Å at medium resolution • Spectrograph design effort led by Eric Prieto, LAM, France • Mechanical / cryogenic systems development led by Stephan Aune, CEA, France
[OII] @ z=1.7 Instrument: LBNL Detectors • Current design calls for 20 LBNL fully-depleted CCDs resulting from high yield CCD development effort (LDRD funded and led by Natalie Roe) • Red spectro channel will use “extreme” 500 m thick silicon CCDs for improved red sensitivity 4k x 4k flat-packaged CCD for BOSS
Targets: Collaboration w/ SN Factory Palomar Transient Factory BigBOSS uses existing imaging surveys to identify galaxy targets. g+r imaging (3 hours exposure) i-band from PTF, PanSTARRS-1