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Eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products Colombia

Explore Colombia's cleaners market, behavior of consumers, and niche opportunities for eco-friendly products. Analyze industry dynamics and unlock innovation strategies. Dive into the local culture and target the younger generation for market entry.

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Eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products Colombia

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  1. russell davies: I like how this looks. Some people will say that doesn’t matter, but it does. Eco-friendly cleaning and laundry products Colombia

  2. After consult the reserchs files, look info about the cleaner products in Colombia, and comibined with my personal experencies in this kind of market – i worked in Young and Rumbican and i have to make a few pitches for regional campaigns- there a short but concisus work about the situation, and the potencial of colombian´s eco friendly cleaners market. More than a study of the stadistics we will present one analysis in brief . We´ll find in this document an analysis about the behavior of the market and the consumers. With many question and few answers to start to work.

  3. An intro. In Colombia the people are very strict with the cleaning theme. Are very sensible about it. In one way conected to health. One important issue in the popular class. But in the eco theme, there are not consiencie or any care about the envoirement. Especially between the older people and the people that lives in poverty. Thats de fisrt barrier.

  4. Otherwise, the cleaners market are one the most powerfull investors in the advertising and another branchs of comunication. Is a great market that moves millons of dollars. The market moves aprox: But, the brands and products compete in a very agrresive way, and steal one point of share is a big succes. But. The most important thing about this market is the nichos. there are some many oportunitties and money in there. And after the analysis of the issues in the market, we find that the innovation is the trigger to get in and conquer a good portion of his market that nobody took before. Colgate Palmolive, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, LLoreda, Tecnoquimicas are weak in our differencial benefit. russell davies: Is there some data missing here? I was hoping for some numbers. Maybe it’s a formating problem. Thats the first good point.

  5. Yes, the race is with this monsters Heavy media buyers With big brands Big Budgets With years in the local market With friends and enemies.

  6. russell davies: I like that you’re telling me stuff about the local culture. That makes sense. Lets talk about the culture. The culture of cleaning in Colombia is a tradition and a heritage. Boy and girls since they are very young kwons how to clean something: dishes, bathrooms…there owns rooms. Now this generation becames into a young adults. Where you have responsabillities, but more freedom. Young Adults with their own money and their own lifes. And the young adults in Colombia are more worry about the envoirment and the earth care. There is a road, because they are of the nineteens generation, And they grow up with this education.

  7. How these people act? When they were “teenegers” learn about a lot f things about life, Colombia is a special place to grow up, in the country the life is very competitive and the people have to do many thing and or too much work to get a good charge or to be successfull. The young adult are a special group of people. Manyo f them came from broken homes, the economic situation of there parents were good but not excellent. They´re people who known very well the value of the thing they have. They know how the life is, they´re very real people. They know what the are the problems an they try to fix them. But sometimes they fell that there´s no way out.

  8. They control their lives, they have adquisitive power. Now they live alone or with theire couple. Some of them have children, but they are still young at heart, teengers at Heart, in the way they think, the way they take life. They can make a conection with your brands. Because they want brands with character. Brands that sells an idea not products, with a different way of thinking, that offers to them more than “is clean!”. A own brand not the brand of their mothers. There is an opportunity.

  9. russell davies: Identifying a relevant target audience / niche - also makes sense. The “mainstreamer”, the main group in Colombia and the heavy users of cleaning products and the obvius target are married with theire brands, brands that are in Colombia since 50 or 70 years. The mainstreamer makes taha mama saids, if she recomend a product or a brand, the son or daugther in law buy these one. Working in a nicho that makes the difference in the market we have more posibilities to win.

  10. We can Start with an a oportunity and take the challenge to get in the young adults mind. This road is a road of seed. In a two years lapse. But your products can make the differenece, the choice is get in the marker to stay there, with a nicho that anybody see before or see what happens and make the homework?

  11. Thanks for your time… when we start to work? russell davies: There’s a good, simple thought in here. That you need to start with the younger generation to make this new category work. I buy that. But you could have told me with that with less words. And then you could have used some examples of other people who had succeeded by doing the same thing. Or tried to work out how many people there are in this niche and how big the opportunity is. Something like that.

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