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Knee Rehabilitation Using Range of Motion Exercise Feedback

Local Server. Receives data. Knee sensors. Analyzes data. Knee Rehabilitation Using Range of Motion Exercise Feedback. Measuring data. Infer results. z. z. z. z. y. y. y. y. x. x. x. x. Receiver (PDA / Smartphone). Display data & info.

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Knee Rehabilitation Using Range of Motion Exercise Feedback

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  1. Local Server Receives data Knee sensors Analyzes data Knee Rehabilitation Using Range of Motion Exercise Feedback Measuring data Infer results z z z z y y y y x x x x Receiver (PDA / Smartphone) Display data & info. • Yeongrak Choi1, Sangwook Bak1, Sungbae Cho1, Changsuk Yoon2, John Strassner1, M. Jamal Deen1 and James Won-KiHong1 • 1Division of IT Convergence Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea • 2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea Communicationwith user • Installation & Implementation • Implemented server-based user-interface • Conclusion • Our system provides better knee rehabilitation – accurate, light weight and cheap • Filtering technique to calibrate the data from different sensors • Future Work • Enhance the accuracy of measuring knee angles • Develop ontologies with rules to augment knowledge • Improve user interface - smart phone application and better server interface • Apply to other joints and new situations • Sensor Experiment • Scenario: Regularly bends and unbends leg for 10 times (30-40˚ to 120˚) • Evaluation: Use of Kalman filter minimizes errors from rapid movement • Importance of Knee Rehabilitation • Difficult to return to its original state after injury or operation • Stable, enduring and customized rehabilitations required • Feedback on the health of knee required • Accuracy of monitored data is essential for customized knee exercise planand to ensure the overall safety of the knee rehabilitation process • Beneficial to both patients and doctors • Knee Joint ROM (Range of Motion) Exercise • Helpful for knee rehabilitation • Criteria for checking the health of knee • Activity sensor using WBAN • Two-axis accelerometer - less accurate • ZigBee used for communication - less popular • AKROD (Active Knee Rehabilitation Orthotic Devices) • Large size and Heavy (3.18kg); no network functionality • Our work • Better accuracy - Uses 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope • Popular technology - Uses Bluetooth to communicate • Light-weight, less than 400g • Knee Rehabilitation Monitoring and Inference System • Monitor the knee ROM exercise • Maximum/minimum angle, period per ROM activity, moving count, # of sets, … • Analyze exercise data • How much exercise per day? • Infer the health of the knee and recommend changes if necessary • Determine if the health of the knee is improving based on measurement data • Is more exercise needed, or is current exercise sufficient? • Sensors - use two Wiimotes • 3-axis MEMS accelerometer (ADXL330) • Measuring magnitude and direction • 2-axis MEMS gyroscope (IDG-600) in MotionPlus • Gyroscope for tracking movement • Inference using Ontologies • Inferring rules • Ability: Evaluating maximum and minimum angles • Intensity: Checking the number of sets • Design Objectives: Portable, User-friendly and Smart! • Sensors installed into knee support Our Design Related Work Conclusion Results Bluetooth (PAN) LAN / WLAN(Socket Programming) g Exercise Guidance (from Dr.) Daily Result Patient Doctor Overview Motivation g Ontology forKnee Rehab. Symptoms Sensor data Sensor Data Monitoring Results / Inference

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