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英语口译教程 Lecture Two : An Overview ( cont’d ). Teaching Objective.
Teaching Objective • By getting students familiar with the theories and background knowledge and the basic skills of interpreting , this course aims to facilitate the students with interpreting procedure and basic skills and strategies ,such as :memory training、note-taking、oral presentation and public speaking skills etc., to arise students’ awareness of current affairs and background knowledge, to cultivate their ability of discourse analysis , logical thinking ,cross-cultural communication and interpretation both from English to Chinese and vise versa .
Interpretation: An Overview • 口译定义:definition • “口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在跨文化、跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。”( 教材P5) • 口译是指“对口头表达的信息及文本进行的口头翻译”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:82)
It is defined as "oral translation of a written text" (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83). • Interpreting is a service activity with a communication function. (Gile) It is usually a face-to-face communicative act.
Differences between interpretation and translation • the difference in the medium • the difference in the time limit • The key skill of a very good translator is the ability to write well,professional translators almost always work in only one direction, translating only into their native language ,using a good library of dictionaries and reference materials, • An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries on the spot.
Types of interpreting • By forms: • 交替口译 ( alternating interpretation ) • 接续口译 ( consecutive interpretation ) • 同声传译 ( simultaneous interpretation ) • 耳语口译 ( whispering interpretation ) • 视阅口译( sight interpretation )
By ways: • 单向口译 ( one-way interpretation ) • 双向口译( two-way interpretation )
By contents: • 导游口译 ( guide interpretation ) • 礼仪口译 (ceremony interpretation ) • 宣传口译 ( information interpretation ) • 会议口译 ( conference interpretation ) • 谈判口译( negotiation interpretation )
口译使用的语体 • 口语语体 • Q: Dear Michael, who taught you how to play golf and do you still use a coach? • A: A lot of people helped teach me—mostly my buddies at the UNC while I was in school.I occasionally use a PRO to advise me on improving --but no one regular. I've come to realize that I'm just a "hack"--so now I am enjoying just playing without a lot of coaching.
问:亲爱的迈克尔,谁教你打高尔夫球,你现在还有教练吗?问:亲爱的迈克尔,谁教你打高尔夫球,你现在还有教练吗? • 答:有许多人教过我—多数是我在北卡罗来纳大学时的老同学.偶尔会请个职业教练帮帮我,但不经常.我已经渐渐认识到我不过是随便玩玩而已.所以现在更不想要教练,就自己玩.
较正式语体 • Q: Women in the United States generally live longer than men. But in recent years that gap has been narrowing a bit. How has that affected the life insurance business? • A: It is not narrowing that much, thank goodness We are still outliving men, we are still. We have quite a gap on them, still about 7-8 years. The only reason it’s narrowing is women are doing things to themselves that they shouldn’t be doing , like smoking ,and all those bad habits that men have had for many years. But it is not narrowing for other reasons.
问:在美国,一般来说妇女比男人更长寿,但是近年来差距在缩小.这对人寿保险业有什么影响?问:在美国,一般来说妇女比男人更长寿,但是近年来差距在缩小.这对人寿保险业有什么影响? • 答:感谢上帝,差距并没有缩小多少.我们还是比男人寿命长.我们和他们的寿命有很大差距,大约仍有七、八年的差距。差距缩小的唯一原因是妇女们做那些不该做的事情,如吸烟以及男人们很久以来就有的一些坏习惯。除此以外没有别的原因。
正式语体 • I wish to thank you,Mr. Premier, for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my colleagues and me, and for honoring Canada with your presence. These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I’m happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.
口语与口译 1.译入语TL口语是口译的基础。 2.口译的规范化,摒弃口语中的亲昵语、方言、俗语、过激语言,口译要“宁缺毋滥”,求实为信、流利为达、动听为雅。 3. 中国目前的口译教学常常被认为是:口头表述的笔译教学
口译证书市场 教育部MOE NAETI 人事部MOP CATTI “长三角”(含本省)上海 DOLLAR-VALUE Listening; Listening and Translation; Reading 北外BFSU 广外GFSU 上外(SHISU)高级翻译学院GITI 浙大翻译学院ITS
口译人员行为准则 Code of Conduct for Public Service Interpreters in Britain 1.INTRODUCTION Public Service Interpreters are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct to which they are signatories. The standards in the Code set a framework for interpreting in the public services, upheld if necessary by professional and impartial disciplinary procedures. The objective of the code of Conduct is to make sure that communication across language and culture is carried out consistently, competently and impartially, and that all those involved in the process are clear about what may be expected from it. This Code of Conduct is registered with the Office of Fair Trading (Registration No. RMS/215 1)
2.COMPETENCE Interpreters admitted to the register are expected to: 2.1have a written and spoken command of both languages, including any specialist terminology, current idioms and dialects; 2.2 understand the relevant procedures of the particular discipline in which they are working; 2.3 maintain and develop their written and spoken command of English and the other language; 2.4 be familiar with the cultural backgrounds of both parties.
3.PROCEDURE Interpreters will 3.1interpret truly and faithfully what is said, without anything being added, omitted or changed; in exceptional circumstances a summary may be given if requested, and consented to by both parties; 3.2disclose any difficulties encountered with dialects or technical terms, and if these cannot be satisfactorily remedied, withdraw from the assignment; 3.3 not enter into the discussion, give advice or express opinions or reactions to any of the parties;
3.4intervene only 3.4.1to ask for clarification 3.4.2to point out that a party may not have understood something 3.4.3to alert the parties to a possible missed cultural inference 3.4.4to ask for accommodation for the interpreting process 3.5not delegate work, nor accept delegated work, without the consent of the client; 3.6be reliable and punctual at all times; 3.7 must state (in a criminal trial) if they have been involved in interpreting at the police station on the same case.
4.ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES Interpreters will 4.1respect confidentially at all times and not seek to take advantage of any information disclosed during their work; 4.2act in an impartial and professional manner; 4.3 not discriminate against parties, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of race, color, ethnic origin, age, nationality, religion, gender or disability;
4.4disclose any information, including any criminal record, which may make them unsuitable in any particular case; 4.5disclose immediately if the interviewee or immediate family is known or related; 4.6 disclose any business, financial, family or other interest which they might have in the matter being handled; 4.7 not accept any form of reward, whether in cash or otherwise, for interpreting work other than payment by the employer.
Qualifications of a good interpreter: • A good interpreter is required to have a high level of linguistic competence, wide general knowledge, sufficient subject-specific knowledge, and necessary cross-cultural awareness as well as a good mastery of interpreting skills, such as note-taking techniques, the ability to abstract and paraphrase, the art of public speaking and a good memory.
Knowledge of the general subject of the speeches that are to be interpreted. • General erudition and intimate familiarity with both cultures. • Extensive vocabulary in both languages. • Ability to express thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages. • A good mastering ofinterpreting skills • A good memory.
A strong sense of responsibility • A solid foundation of two languages • Profound knowledge • Good memory • Quick thinking • Outstanding ability of understanding • Fluent expression of ideas
Interpreter’s knowledge structure • KI=KL+EK+S(P+AP) 译员应该掌握的知识=双语知识+百科知识+技能(职业口译技能+艺术表达技能) • KI=Knowledge Required for an Interpreter • KL=Knowledge for language • EK=Encyclopedic Knowledge • S(P+AP)= Professional Interpreting Skills and Artistic Presentation Skills
Linguistic Theories of Interpretation 达尼卡. 塞莱丝柯维奇(Danica Seleskovitch)教授于20世纪60年代后期创立的释意派理论,首先是一种口译理论,该理论的出发点和角度与传统的语言学派翻译理论完全不同,“其基本要点是严格区分语言与话语的相对独立作用和相互关系,区分翻译过程中的已知内容和未知内容之间的关系”(方梦之,2004:39)。释意派理论认为翻译是解释性的,它强调释意的准确性,而不苛求两种语言符号的对等。塞莱丝柯维奇教授认为“The approach also focuses on the mental and cognitive processes involved in interpreting, which is seen as comprising the three stages of interpretation(理解), de-verbalization(脱离源语外壳) and reformulation(重新表达)”(Seleskovitch,1977)。
另一位法国翻译理论研究家玛丽安娜.勒代雷Marianna Lederer指出,“口语转瞬即逝,含义与有声语言一同消失,但是意义却存留在听话人的记忆中”,所以人在翻译转瞬即逝的口语时,必须经历脱离源语外壳的过程,才能最终把完整的源语意义用目的语表达出来。
linguistic theories of interpretation • Daniel Gile: • C = KL(knowledge for language)+ELK (extra-linguistic knowledge)+A(analysis) 意义 阐述(逻辑分析) 翻译 SL TL 代码转译 • 源语经过大脑一系列活动总结 出意义再转变成目的语
安德逊(J.R. ANDERSON) • (思想)思维构建阶段:把握SL意义,整体理解 • (形式)思维转换阶段:将SL意义转换成TL形式,寻求对应 • (表达)思维外化阶段:将TL形式表现为翻译行为,操控译文
厦大模式:以技巧训练为中心,语言训练、知识习得、跨文化交际能力为辅助厦大模式:以技巧训练为中心,语言训练、知识习得、跨文化交际能力为辅助 A(D+CC) I S+P C(SL+K) R(TL+K)
I = Interpreting • A (D+CC) = Analysis in discourse + Cross-cultural communication,对语篇与跨文化交际成分的分析 • C (SL+K) = Comprehension in source language + knowledge,对源语及源语外知识的理解 • R(TL+K)= Reconstruction in target language +knowledge,对源语的知识与语言进行理解,用口译技巧重组 • S+P = Skills + Professional standard,应用的口译技巧与口译职业准则