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CONAD. Quality Control System Concrete Advice Pty Ltd Melbourne, Australia Web Site : http://www.concreteadvice.com.au. Presented by. Ken W. Day BSc, FIE(Aust), MICE(UK) FACI, FICT(UK) Principal, Concrete Advice Pty. Ltd.). Concrete Advice Pty. Ltd. Where are we? . Perth. Sydney.
CONAD Quality Control System Concrete Advice Pty Ltd Melbourne, Australia Web Site : http://www.concreteadvice.com.au
Presented by Ken W. DayBSc, FIE(Aust), MICE(UK)FACI, FICT(UK)Principal, Concrete Advice Pty. Ltd.)
Concrete Advice Pty. Ltd. Where are we? Perth Sydney Melbourne We are Here
CONAD Quality Control System Concrete Advice Pty Ltd Melbourne, Australia Web Site : http://www.concreteadvice.com.au
ORIGINS OF QUALITY CONTROL • early resistance, considered impractical • current acceptance-seen as profitable • rapid spread - it IS broke, DO fix it! • Japanese used US technology in electronic and automotive fields • you need to be in this for profitability, reputation and sales volume • What do you need? QC? QA? How about Information Technology and Integrated Process Control?
WHERE DO WE GET THE INFORMATION? • the first law is that you do NOT type in any information twice! • much of the information is obtained with the order • batch data comes automatically from ALKON • grading, SG and silt content must be entered • compression test data can be read directly from test m/c to computer and transmitted anywhere • density is important - some clients automate measurement
WHO TESTS YOUR CONCRETE? • In Australia testing used to be done mainly by independent laboratories • the major concrete suppliers all had their own laboratories • with our help, they were able to show that their testing was of higher quality and greater relevance than that of the independents • the Australian Code has now been revised to favor testing by the concrete supplier • in the UK we are just starting this battle along with Pioneer UK on the Canary Wharf Project
SYSTEM SNAPSHOTS • To save time, the initial presentation will use still snapshots taken from the CONAD system - questions will be welcome but some answers may be difficult to illustrate at that time • I will leave time at the end for questions and discussion and in that section of the presentation, the system will be live so that points can be illustrated - so please have some searching questions and discussion ready • however first I want to show you the menu system live, so that you can understand where the stills are coming from
USING YOUR DATA • the G I - G O principle • detecting change: multigrade, multivariable, CUSUM analysis • semi-automatic reporting • monitor the effectiveness of your entire operation
YOU can design and store any number of standard report formats which then compile and print out automatically on entering date range
BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! • errors in batching operation : in individual loads and cumulative over any period • performance of each testing officer • distribution of production by customer, truck, grade of concrete • rate of production
MIX OPTIMISATION • you often hear the term - have you ever seen a system which can do it? • Conad can be given up to eight coarse aggregates and five sands and will choose which ones to use, and in what proportions, to give the most economical mix • it can tell you to a dollar the value to you of any new aggregate or sand you are offered
AA CONCRETE SUPPLIERS • We have discussed what you can do for yourselves using Conad and Alkon • now I want you to consider what Alkon+Conad can do for you • the concept is that of an “ALKON ACCREDITED CONCRETE SUPPLIER” • Someone who: • uses Conad and Alkon • has attended a school • has certificate of approval of QC data
AA CONCRETE SUPPLIERS • Three benefits are seen: • sales benefit of higher prestige • technical assistance with problems • economic benefit from assistance with mix design, materials selection etc
AA CONCRETE SUPPLIERS • A two part “report card” is envisaged • one part for display to clients • one part advice to operator • may be most attractive to smaller operators who cannot justify their own full technical facilities? • We want feedback on this please!
AA CONCRETE SUPPLIERS • you can easily email to us your QC and Mix directories • we can then advise on mix revision and material selection from both technical and economic viewpoints • a major attraction is that of efficiency: • data self-explanatory, advice very accurate and reliable-very different cost and time reqd. to calling in a consultant