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Describing Visual Scenes using Transformed Dirichlet Processes Erik B. Sudderth, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, and Alan S. Willsky. In Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2005 . . Misc-read presentation: Jonathan Huang (jch1@cs.cmu.edu) 4/19/2006. Paper Contributions .
Describing Visual Scenes using Transformed Dirichlet ProcessesErik B. Sudderth, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, and Alan S. Willsky.In Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2005. Misc-read presentation: Jonathan Huang (jch1@cs.cmu.edu) 4/19/2006
Paper Contributions • An extension of the idea of using LDA on a visual bag-of-words by incorporating spatial structure into a generative model • An approach to handling uncertainty about the number of instances of an object class within a scene
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) • In LDA, every document/image is a mixture of topics, where the mixture proportions are drawn from a Dirichlet prior. j ranges over the documents i ranges over the words in each document
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Cow Sky Cow Grass Grass Water
Some Questions • How do we choose the number of topics for LDA? • How can we put spatial structure into this model?
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
Dirichlet Distributions • The Dirichlet Distribution is defined on the K-dimensional simplex: • This can be thought of as a distribution on the space of distributions over random variables which can take K possible values.
Dirichlet Processes (DP) • The Dirichlet Process can be thought of as the infinite dimensional version of the Dirichlet Distribution. It is a distribution on the space of all distributions (a measure over measures if you prefer). • Definition of a Dirichlet Process: • The parameters to a DP are a positive number and a base distribution G0 on some measurable space . • If a distribution G~DP(,G0), then for any partition (A1,…,AK) of , • Intuitively, this means that a draw G from a DP wants to look like the base distribution G0. In fact, the expectation of DP(,G0) is exactly G0, and as increases, it becomes more likely that G looks like G0. • Important fact: samples from a DP are discrete distributions with probability 1.
Dirichlet Processes (DP) • It is easier to think of the distribution we get by sampling from some G which is first sampled from a DP. • The Polya Urn sampling scheme (Blackwell/Macqueen 1973) gives a way to draw from G (where G is never directly specified). Given a sequence 1,2,…,i-1 of i.i.d. previous draws from G, • The Polya Urn scheme: • is important if we want to use MCMC in models with a Dirichlet Process. • Shows the clustering property of DPs
Chinese Restaurant Processes • The Polya urn scheme is closely related to the Chinese Restaurant Process. • Consider a restaurant with infinitely many tables • Customers i enter one at a time, choosing to either sit at a table with other customers, or to start a new table. • A customer starts a new table with probability proportional to , and sits at an old table with probability proportional to the number of people at that table.
DP Mixture Models • Infinite limit of mixture models as the # of mixture components tends to infinity. • Gaussian mixture model example:
DP Mixture Models (Inference) • There are various ways to do inference in these models which generally use MCMC or variational methods. • Inference is much easier when the base distribution G0 and the data model are conjugate to each other. (Plot: DP fits as a function of iterations within a variational inference procedure, figure from Michael Jordan tutorial) (Plot: DP fits as the number of points increases, figure from Michael Jordan tutorial)
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes. • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (HDP) • What happens if we put a prior on a Dirichlet Process? • Why would we want to? • We might have a collection of related documents or images, each of which is a mixture of gaussians
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (HDP) • Chinese Restaurant Franchise • Now consider a franchise with infinitely many restaurants • People come into each restaurant as in the Dirichlet Process, but now: • The first person to sit at a table gets to choose a dish for all further people at that table to share. • All restaurants share the same set of (possibly infinite) dishes • Popular dishes get more popular under this distribution
Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes (HDP) HDP Graphical Model LDA Graphical Model tji represents the ith table of the jth document k_jt represents which dish is at table t for the jth document.
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes. • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
Transformed Dirichlet Processes (TDP) • In the TDP, the global mixture components (the k’s) undergo a set of random transformations for each group (document/image). LDA Graphical Model HDP Graphical Model TDP Graphical Model • This is a twist on the Chinese Restaurant Franchise: • Now, the first customer at a table not only gets to order a dish, but gets to season it in some way.
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes. • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
TDP on Visual Scenes • Groups (Restaurants) correspond to training or test images • O is a fixed number of object categories • Every cluster (object class instantiation) has a “canonical” mean and variance given by k, and is allowed to translate by jt LDA Graphical Model HDP Graphical Model TDP Graphical Model Visual Scene TDP Graphical Model
Transformed Dirichlet Processes (TDP) • Gaussian Mixture example:
Local Image Features • SIFT descriptors are computed over local elliptical regions and vector quantized to form 1800 visual words.
Outline • Review Latent Dirichlet Allocation and application to visual scenes. • Dirichlet Processes • Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes • Transformed Dirichlet Processes • Application to Visual Scenes • Results
Results • Dataset: • 250 training images and 75 test images from the MIT-CSAIL database • Images contain buildings, side-views of cars, roads. • Training is semi-supervised, in the sense that some parts of each training image are labeled. • For Training: 100 rounds of blocked Gibbs-sampling. • For Testing: 50 rounds of blocked Gibbs-sampling with 10 random restarts.
Results • Remarks: • TDP can estimate the number of object instantiations in each scene • TDP “discovered” that buildings are large, and cars are small horizontal things.
Conclusion • As claimed, • This method goes beyond bag-of-words models to use spatial information • And models the multiple instantiations of an object class within an image • The results might be more convincing if more than three object classes were considered?
Thanks! • References: • Erik B. Sudderth, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, and Alan S. Willsky. Describing Visual Scenes using Transformed Dirichlet Processes. In Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2005. • Erik B. Sudderth, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman, and Alan S. Willsky. Depth from Familiar Objects. To appear in CVPR 2006. • Michael Jordan. Dirichlet Processes, Chinese Restaurant Processes and All That. NIPS 2005 tutorial slides.