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Light, Optics and Telescopes

Light, Optics and Telescopes. The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Photons of different energies radiate at different wavelengths or frequencies. wavelength x frequency = velocity of light ( c). l n = c. Atmospheric Windows. Visible and radio. Physical Properties of Light. Refraction.

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Light, Optics and Telescopes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Light, Optics and Telescopes The Electromagnetic Spectrum

  2. Photons of different energies radiate at different wavelengths or frequencies wavelength x frequency = velocity of light ( c) l n = c

  3. Atmospheric Windows Visible and radio

  4. Physical Properties of Light Refraction

  5. Refraction is wavelength dependent Reflection

  6. Formation of an image

  7. Telescopes -- Refractors Yerkes Observatory – Lake Geneva, Williams Bay Wisconsin

  8. 20th Century Large Reflectors Mt Wilson 100-inch – 100 yrs old Palomar 200-inch Cerro Tololo 4 -meter

  9. Modern Observatories Cerro Tololo Interamerican Obs.

  10. Kitt Peak National Obs. Tucson Arizona

  11. Very Large Telescopes Mauna Kea ESO – VLT

  12. MMT on Mt. Hopkins, AZ

  13. Minnesota’s $5M (private) investment in a very large telescope (> $100M) Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Mt. Graham Arizona Design Other partners -- University of Arizona, Germany, Italy, Ohio State University, University of Virginia, Notre Dame

  14. Radio Telescopes

  15. Arecibo Very Large Array – VLA

  16. Telescopes in Space -- other wavelengths – UV, X ray, gamma ray and far-IR

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