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The Rothschilds Slipper Orchid, the Juliet Rose, and the Franklin Tree Flower are all among the most rare flowers in the world. As the jade vine requires bats for pollination, it is one of the world's rarest flowers.Flowers are the most beautiful and amazing gifts from nature to us. Here is the list of 10 Rare & Most Beautiful Flowers In The World May Be ...<br>
Top 15 Rarest Flowers In The World Is there anything else beautiful as flowers in nature? Probably not. It is the finest gift to the mankind which looks spectacular with their pleasing aroma which gives much pleasure to our mind. But you can’t see every beautiful flowers in every garden. As there are many rare flowers which blooms in specific occasions even, they are hard to get found. Below listed are some of the rarest flowers in the world. Kadupul Flower
This flower is to be known as Queen of the Night and flower from the moon. Kadupul’s scientific name isEpiphyllum oxypetalum. This plant found in India, China, sri lanka, Japan and several latin american countries. Due to its cactus roots, each and every Kadupul flower has an extremely short lifespan and is only able to survive the night, before it fades to nothing at dawn. This is a world’s most expensive flowers in the world. It is strange that the flower is a species of Cactus family, an almost impossible thing to believe given its gorgeous beauty. It is also one of the most cultivated species in its genus. Corpse Flower
Amorphophallus Titanum also known as Titan arum. It is a flowering plant with the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world. One of the world's largest and rarest flowering structures, the corpse flower is a pungent plant that blooms rarely and only for a short time.
This cultivated Corpse Flower can be found in Huntington Botanical Garden, California while the original species are found in open grasslands and rainforest of Sumatra. Unlike other flowers, this flower takes 30-40 years to bloom and hence is one of the rare flowers. From outside this flower is green, however, from inside it is dark red. In blooming season, it can reach up to 6 feet with a diameter of 3 feet. Parrot’s Beak Lotus berthelotii or parrot’s beak is known for its ornamental lobster-claw like flowers, which also look like parrot’s beak. It is a vine that flowers. It is also a soft, silver plant that flowers.
The flowering phase is quite short and depends heavily on temperature. It blooms well in cool temperatures and spring. It is one of the most beautiful and rarest flowers. It can go up to the height of either under 6 inches or up to 12 inches. They have soft petals in yellow, orange and red color which naturally brightens up in sunlight.It is a great plant that is low on maintenance and drought-resistant to some extent. Black Bat Flower
Black bat flower also known as Tacca chantrieri. It is an exotic plant with flowers that mimic a bat in flight, deep purple, with ruffled wings and long, hanging filaments. These need the high amount of water as well as humidity to survive, which makes them one of the rare flowers. They also have whiskers like a cat that grows up to 28 inches in length. Be it flora or fauna, nature has its very own unique way of expressing itself. It makes every human discovery, a vain attempt in comparison to the state of art natural phenomena. Ghost Orchid
Ghost orchid plants are also known as white frog orchids, thanks to the frog-like shape of the odd-looking ghost orchid flowers. This flower is known by its scientific name “Dendrophylax lindenii.” Growing ghost orchid flowers at home is nearly impossible, as it’s extremely difficult to provide the plant’s very particular growing requirements. They have cushy white petals and the peculiar shape of this flower gives it this name. Since the flower needs a special fungus to survive it is one of the rarest flowers known in the world. This blooms in late June and August. Youtan poluo
The local name for this rare flower, in China, is Udumbara. Youtan poluo is one of the rarest flower in the world. And has an interesting myth around its growth. It is one of the rarest flowers in the world because it blooms after 3,000 years. It is religiously associated with Buddhist and Indian culture. It is also popularly known as the “Udumbara Flower.” These delicate white flowers are as small as 3 millimeters and can bloom on any surface such as steel, wood or concrete. The fragrant flowers are extremely resilient, as they do not need water or soil, and never wilt. Chocolate cosmos
A chocolate scented flower! Dark red-brown, sometimes almost black, velvety flowers on long, slender, reddish brown stems bloom from early summer to autumn. Chocolate cosmos is a tuberous-rooted, tender perennial native to Mexico that can be overwintered indoors where not hardy. The flowers are a rich deep-brown color and grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter.The flowers are red to maroon brown with a center raised area. The plant has a dark chocolate fragrance that becomes more noticeable as the day wears on. The center of the flower forms in a cluster like appearance and opens into the traditional cosmos shape with velvety petals.
Yellow &Purple Lady Slippers Meet the most fashionable member of Orchid family!It is also popularly known as Lady’s Slipper Orchid or Yellow Lady’s Slipper for its distinct footwear shape. It is widespread in Spain, Northeastern China, Korea, Rebun Island (Japan), Russia, Siberia and in most part of Europe. Scientifically it is known to be a Cypripedium calceolus. Lady’s slipper doesn’t have any nectar formation that pollinators like bees or insects can eat. They have a soft, curved structure which is mostly purple and yellow in color. A unique fungus lives on the plant providing them nourishment and stay until adult leaves have developed enough to provide the needed nourishment to the plant.
Campion White campion is a native Eurasian species which has spread to Finland with imported grain and hayseed and in Russian soldiers’ provisions. Its origins can still be seen in its habitat: it is common only in the eastern part of the southern half of the country and is rarer elsewhere. Campion flower is often found spreading into arable fields from the hedge bottom. It occurs in cereals, grass/clover mixtures and in fallow arable fields. White campion reproduces by seed and possibly by fragmentation of the rootstock. White campion was frequently introduced when sowing grass and clover.
Raffeslia Arnoldi Rafflesia arnoldii is a parasitic plant, without roots or leaves. The main body of the plant resides inside the host plant. The only visible parts are the flowers, which burst through the host plant's bark as compact buds, and later the fruits. The flowers are up to 1 m in diameter, and their flesh is reddish-brown with white spots. Being unisexual in nature it is hard for this flower to pollinate and hence to make it fall in the category one of the most beautiful rare flowers in the world.
It is said that flowers evolved with primary purpose that was to attract to pollinators like birds and insects. These pretty creations of nature do make one feel like a rainbow’s gushed through them. -However, their spectacular appearances with stunning colors did manage to attract another kind of creatures, us humans. Overall, Mother Nature has bestowed upon us some beautiful pieces of her remarkable creativity. So, cherish them because every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. Also Read: Top 10 rare flowers in India