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Research and analysis of CPR market segments to boost enrollment and revenue for American Red Cross. Focus on mandated markets such as educational, corporate, and emergency services. Recommendations for targeted strategies and partnerships.
AGENDA • Project Background • Scope • Objective • Key Tasks • Initial Analysis • High-level Findings by Segment • Conclusions • Refined Scope • Final Analysis • Company Analysis • Survey Findings • Strategic Next Steps
PROJECT BACKGROUND • Scope: • The Washtenaw County Chapter of the American Red Cross has asked for assistance in formulating a marketing plan aimed at increasing enrollment in its CPR/First Aid classes and associated revenues. • Objective: • As part of the marketing plan, the Community Consulting Team researched the current market for CPR/First Aid classes and provide recommendations on which existing and new customer segments to target for increased course enrollments. • Key Tasks: • Research both the mandated and non-mandated markets of people who take CPR classes. • Divide each market into major customer segments and determine the size and potential demand of each segment. Determine the profile of each segment including demographic data and customer needs and wants.
INITIAL ANALYSIS (Mandated) • Educational / Day Care Market • There is a large potential based on market size • Most schools mandate that teachers be certified in CPR • Day care and summer camps are stricter in enforcing certification requirements • Conclusions • Further analysis must be performed to understand the number of teachers already trained and to fully understand OSHA requirements • Critical to “enforce” and push for retraining of teachers • Opportunity to form partnerships with districts • Day care and summer camps can be reached through targeted relationship development
INITIAL ANALYSIS (Mandated) • Corporations • Each corporation is responsible for setting their respective policy on CPR certification • Corporations are the “bread and butter” for revenues • There is a large untapped pool of corporations in Washtenaw county • Conclusions • Corporations provide the biggest bang for the buck • Need to determine ARC current relationships versus potential customers • Require a deeper understanding of the market including corporate interest, key selling points (why they might offer a course), who is responsible for training (contact), etc.
INITIAL ANALYSIS (Mandated) • Doctors / Dentists / Police / Fire / Ambulance • Most doctor’s and dentist’s offices require all employees to be trained in CPR • All police, fire and ambulance organizations require employees to be trained • Most larger organizations provide in-house training provided by an individual qualified to teach CPR • Smaller offices may present an opportunity • Conclusions • Determine if ARC does not compete for this market segment (let Huron Valley take it) • If not, this is an untapped market and particularly enticing because of the motivation of the individuals to be certified in CPR (and re-certified annually) • Another potential market identified is nursing homes / seniors (although not mandated)
REFINED SCOPE • Coming out of the initial meeting we decided that the on-going focus of the project should be on the corporate market segment • Survey corporations to: • Define market potential • Determine corporate needs / requirements and understand motivations • Develop contacts and point-person • Define key selling points • Understand the “real value” of offering a CPR class • Quantify current ARC relationships • Identify opportunities for new relationships • While consensus was that corporations would be the primary focus, the team would also seek to identify opportunities and make recommendations for follow-on projects
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 100 - 249 employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 250 - 499 employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 500 - 999 employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 1000 - 4999 employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 5000 - 9999 employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Businesses with 10,000 or more employees
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Analysis of the businesses (with >100 employees) that the Red Cross has relationships with
COMPANY ANALYSIS • Analysis of the businesses (with >100 employees) that the Red Cross does not have relationships with
SURVEY FINDINGS • Who is responsible for overseeing health and safety issues in your company?
SURVEY FINDINGS • Do you have a budget for health and safety training?
SURVEY FINDINGS • What does/would motivate you to offer health and safety training?
SURVEY FINDINGS • Have you ever offered a class through the Red Cross to your employees?
SURVEY FINDINGS • If you haven’t offered a class ever, or in the past five years, why not?
SURVEY FINDINGS • Have you ever sponsored a class through another organization other than the Red Cross?
SURVEY FINDINGS • With what other organization have you offered classes?
SURVEY FINDINGS • How interested would you be in sponsoring more Red Cross classes at your workplace?
SURVEY FINDINGS Which classes would you be interested in offering to employees?
SURVEY FINDINGS • How would you expect to hear about Red Cross classes?
SURVEY FINDINGS • Would you be interested in receiving information about new classes offered by the Red Cross?
SURVEY FINDINGS • Number of employees of respondents:
SURVEY FINDINGS • Industry breakdown of respondents:
STRATEGIC NEXT STEPS • Act on quick-hit opportunities identified through surveys • Cross-sell services beyond CPR • Incorporate contact info into corporate database • Follow-up with info when requested • Seek to follow-up on incomplete surveys • Generate feedback from non-responses • Continue to develop contact list • Refine analysis as necessary • Act on quick hit opportunities • Develop a corporate targeted marketing campaign • Focus on desired needs (as determined through surveys) • Target companies in Washtenaw county • Define optimum price for services
STRATEGIC NEXT STEPS (cont.) • Seek to develop relationships with “new” corporations • Contact corporations based on saturation analysis • Establish contact and conduct survey • Prioritize list of potential corporations • Build a mechanism to monitor and “enforce” re-certification • Follow-up with reminder/marketing when certification expires (1 year) • Use technology to ease administrative burden • Define corporate liaison position requirements and develop a monthly plan to reach targets • Further explore education and doctor/dentist opportunities • Conduct surveys to further understand market segment • Identify market potential through saturation analysis