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Chapter 3: Stories for the Journey

Chapter 3: Stories for the Journey. Creation, the Fall, & the Founding of a People. Homework. (due Tues., 9/23) Print out OT TEXT: Ch. 3 from NetClassroom Read pp. 60-61 & do both RQ’s and Journal (J) on p. 61 (due Thurs., 9/25) Read Gen. 1-2

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Chapter 3: Stories for the Journey

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  1. Chapter 3:Stories for the Journey Creation, the Fall, & the Founding of a People

  2. Homework (due Tues., 9/23) • Print out OT TEXT: Ch. 3 from NetClassroom • Read pp. 60-61 & do both RQ’s and Journal (J) on p. 61 (due Thurs., 9/25) • Read Gen. 1-2 • List as many details as you can that do not match what we know scientifically about the origins of the world, human beings, and so on.

  3. Homework • (due Thurs., 10/2) Write 1 pg. Reflection on the Creation-Evolution debate, including responses to these questions: • What impression does the Scopes trial give us about Religion and Science? • Which is true about the origins of the world: Bible or Science? Creation or Evolution? • Is it possible that both are true? If so, how?

  4. Homework • (due Mon., 10/6) R&H pp. 61-65; RQs p. 65 • (due Tues., 10/7) • Read Genesis 2:4-3:24 • R&H pp. 65-67; RQs p. 67 • (due Thurs., 10/9) • Read Gen. 6:5-9:17 • R&H pp. 67-70; RQs p. 70

  5. Homework (due Mon., 10/13) • Study for QUIZ on text RQs/terms and WTB sheet (due Tues., 10/14) • Study for TEST REVIEW for Ch. 3 • Text and RQ answers • Notes • WTB sheet (Fri., 10/17) TEST on Ch. 3

  6. Stories in Genesis • In Genesis, • Primeval Stories • Ancestor Stories

  7. In Genesis… Primeval Stories Ancestor Stories • 2 Creation stories • Fall of Adam and Eve • Cain and Abel • Noah and the Flood • Tower of Babel • Abraham • Sarah & Hagar • Isaac & Ishmael • Rebekah • Jacob • Joseph

  8. Genesis stories… • Often myth or folk history • Passed down orally from generation to generation • Not written down until 5th Century B.C., after Babylonian Exile

  9. “Monkey Trial” Players • Scopes (Cates)Defendant in Tennessee Trial • Darrow (Drumond)Defense Attorney • Bryan (Brady)Prosecuting Attorney • Dayton Trial site • Darwin Author, Origin of the Species • ACLU American Civil Liberties Union

  10. Bible interpretation is either… • Literalist >Very Strict Day=24 hours >Less strict Day= era • Contextualist Day= symbol

  11. Creation –Evolution Debate • 3 debates/ 3 topics • “If Evolution is true, the Creation stories must be false.” • Both Science and the Bible are right about our origins.” • “Science is a kind of ‘faith’.”

  12. Creation –Evolution Debate • 3 debates/ 3 topics • Each group= 2 teams, pro & con • Each team= 1 debater with assistants • Each debate= 3 minutes, with • Opening statements • 2 follow-ups/rebuttals • Closing statements

  13. Creation or Evolution…or both? • Theistic evolutionists: God creates through process of evolution • Non-theistic evolutionists: Universe simply “began” with “Big Bang”

  14. Creation or Evolution…or both? • St. Augustine’s theory of creation as “seeds” hints at evolutionary process

  15. If creation took a year... • Jan. 1 Big Bang takes place • May 1 Milky Way galaxy appears • Sept. 1 Earth appears • Dec. 1 Animals appear • Dec. 31 Humans appear • Jan. 1 Space age begins

  16. Ancient Hebrew Cosmology • World of the dead Nether world • World of the living Our world • World of God God’s home

  17. Three Days of Separation • Day 1 God created light & separated it from the darkness • Day 2 God separated the water above(rain) from the water below (ocean) • Day 3 God separated the water below (ocean) from the dry land

  18. Three Days of Population • Day 4 God populated the sky with sun, moon and stars • Day 5 God populated the air with birds and the ocean with fish • Day 6 God populated the land

  19. One Day of Celebration • Day 7 God celebrated, resting from work, blessing creation and setting the day apart from the other days (Shabat, that is Sabbath)

  20. Week Pattern 3 Days of separation light/dark water/water water/land 3 days of population sky sky and ocean land 1 day of celebration rested blessed creation made Sabbath special

  21. 5-fold Pattern for each “Day” • Introduction “God commanded” • Command “Let there be” • Execution “It was done” • Reaction “God was pleased” • Conclusion “Evening passed”

  22. In the contextualist way of thinking, the Truth of the Creation Stories looks something like this...

  23. Creator • Old belief Manygods • New teaching One God • How taught One God creates everything

  24. Act of Creation • Old belief Accidental happening • New teaching Planned event • How taught God creates in an orderly way

  25. Creation itself • Old belief Partly good • New teaching Totally good • How taught God affirms goodness

  26. Days of Creation • Old belief All days are the same • New teaching Seventh day is special • How taught God blessed 7th Day

  27. Story of the Fall • Mostly symbolic/ metaphorical vs. literal • Themes: • Mystery and origin of sin/evil • Consequences of sin • God’s response to man’s sin

  28. Original Sin (Sin’s origin) • Greek myth GODS responsible • Bible story PEOPLE responsible

  29. Original Sin (Sin’s origin) • Symbols > Snake = Satan Eating = Sinful action • Teaching = Evil entered the world through the sin of first couple

  30. Consequences of Sin • From harmony with > alienation from: • God • Self • Other People • Nature (all Creation)

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