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Enhancement of CA Information Services Implementation of ISO 20022. SMPG Global Meeting in Osaka. 5 November, 2012. Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. Current Situation. Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow. Reports on regulation. Issuer.
Enhancement of CA Information Services Implementation of ISO 20022 SMPG Global Meeting in Osaka 5 November, 2012 Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc.
Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow Reports on regulation Issuer Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] (No CA Information Cooperation) TSE JASDEC [TDnet] Listed Companieson domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Target,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information JASDEC Notification TSE Notification Web [PDF,XBRL] Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO15022] Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Editing/Processing Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow Reportson regulation Issuer Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] (No CA Information Cooperation) TSE JASDEC [TDnet] Listed Companies on domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Target,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information JASDEC Notification TSE Notification Web [PDF,XBRL] Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO15022] Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Editing/Processing Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Reports from Issuers • Timely disclosure information • Companies listed on the TSE are obliged to promptly disclose decisions and events that may greatly affect on investors’ decisions in accordance with TSE regulations. • Such information is reported to TSE and released to investors via the TSE’s online disclosure system called “TDnet” (Timely Disclosure Net). • A website is ready for information report. The reports are in PDF format. • XBRL format is available for “Financial Highlights”, the revision of business and dividend forecasts and corporate governance reports.
Reports from Issuers Summary of Timely disclosure information
Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow Issuer Reports on regulation Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] (No CA Information Cooperation) TSE JASDEC [TDnet] Listed Companies on domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Target,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information JASDEC Notification TSE Notification Web [PDF,XBRL] Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO15022] Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Editing/Processing Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Distribution to Investors TSE distributes Corporate Action (CA) information to investors as follows. • Timely disclosure information • The original information is available for the public as soon as listed companies report the information to TDnet. • TSE Notification • TSE Notification is made from Timely disclosure information and inputted manually by TSE operator . • It is distributed on TSE TARGET website 2 business days after TSE receives Timely disclosure information .
Distribution to Investors • TMI (Tokyo Market Information) • TMI is a fee-based data distribution service. • It is made from Timely disclosure information and inputted manually by TSE operator. • There are 2 kinds of service, data feed service and web service. • In data feed service, information of the day is distributed as CSV file at 7 pm every business day. The file compliant with ISO15022 is also available. • In web service, the information is distributed immediately after listed companies input the timely disclosure information in principle. CSV file is also available for downloading.
Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow Issuer Reports on regulation Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] (No CA Information Cooperation) JASDEC TSE [TDnet] Listed Companies on domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Taget,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information JASDEC Notification TSE Notification Web [PDF,XBRL] Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO15022] Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Editing/Processing Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Reports from Issuers • Reports on regulation • Listed companies are obliged to report the following 22 events to JASDEC in accordance with JASDECregulation. • Such events are reported to JASDEC via the JASDEC TARGET website. The reports are in PDF format.
Current Japanese Corporate Actions Data Flow Issuer Reports on regulation Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] (No CA Information Cooperation) TSE JASDEC [TDnet] Listed Companies on domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Tagret,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information JASDEC Notification TSE Notification Web [PDF,XBRL] Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO15022] Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Editing/Processing Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Distribution to Investors • JASDEC distributes CA information to it’s participants and indirect account management institutions as follows. • JASDEC Notification • Reports from issuers are inputted by JASDEC operator to html format. It is distributed on the JASDEC TARGET website. • Download service in CSV format is also available. • The timing of the distribution depends on the items. • As for the items whose record date is set, 12 business days before the record date. • As for the others, the next business day after JASDEC receives its information.
Current efforts Issuer Reports on regulation Timely Disclosure Web [PDF] Web [PDF,XBRL] ・Information Co-op・ISO Support JASDEC TSE [TDnet] Listed Companies on domestic markets [Tokyo Market Information] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. [Target] TSE Listed Companies [JASDECHP, Tagret,etc.] Domestic Listed Companies Corporate Bonds, Investment Trusts, Foreign Stocks, Etc. Timely Disclosure TMI CA Information TSE Notification JASDEC Notification Web, File transfer [CSV, ISO20022,xml] Web [PDF,XBRL] ・Adoption of ISO20022 ・Allow data-download of corporate bond, investment trust, foreign stock, etc. information Web Web Trading Participant, Sub-Custodian Promote change to STP Overseas Securities Company, Global Custodian
Main points of new system • Accommodation to International Standards • Adopting ISO20022 (domestic stock CA information) • seev.031.002.XX CorporateActionNotification • seev.039.002.XX CorporateActionCancellationAdvice • Adding CA unique ID • Reducing time and costs required for input or format conversion • Reducing the risk of misinterpretation • Expansion of contents • Dissemination of CA information handled by JASDEC • Corporate bonds, investment trusts, bonds with subscription warrants, subscription warrants, and foreign stocks • This will facilitate one-stop acquisition of basic information for domestic listed stocks and a diverse range of securities.
ISO20022CA Events Red code : Japanese specific event code
Points of adopting ISO20022 • The creation of event code to notify Japanese specific events • The creation of extensions to notify Japanese specific items • ex) AbbreviatedLocalLanguageSecurityName(all event), ProvisionalDividendFlag DistributionAmountPerShare(DVCA), MergerType
Corporate Action Event GLOBAL GRID JP Definition of TMI Short Description CAEV CAMV CAMV CAOP CAMV CAOP イベント名称CAEV REORDISNGENL CAMV CAOP Date Period Rate Price Repurchase Offer/ Issuer Bid/ Reverse Rights BIDS VOLU VOLU CASHNOAC VOLU CASHNOAC 自社株公開買付 REOR VOLU CASHNOAC PAYD[M] PWAL[M] OFFR[M] CHOS n/a MAND n/a BONU - Bonus Issue/Capitalisation Issue BONU MAND MAND SECU MAND SECU 株式無償割当 DISN MAND SECU EFFD[M]RDTE[M]XDTE[M]PAYD[M] ADEX[M] CHOS CHOS SECULAPS n/a Change CHAN MAND MAND no option MAND no option 商号変更 GENL MAND no option EFFD[M] MAND MAND SECU n/a VOLU n/a Trading Status: Delisted DLST MAND MAND no option MAND no optionNOAC 上場廃止 GENL MAND no option EFFD[M] Cash Dividend DVCA MAND MAND CASH MAND CASHNo option 配当 DISN MAND CASH RDTE[M]XDTE[M]PAYD[M] Points of adopting ISO20022 (continue) • The support of ISITC Japan and SWIFT • The use of a SWIFT tool “Mystandards” for the generation and distribution of XML schema, and for maintenance release analysis • The adaptiation to Japanese market practices
Expansion of contents Current Future TMI (CA information service) ・Domestic stocks (listed) (Additional Information such as Interim record date) ・Domestic stocks (listed) <Information via JASDEC HP/WAN> ・Interim record date ・Corporate bonds ・Investment trusts ・Bonds with subscription warrants ・Subscription warrants ・Foreign stocks ・Corporate bonds (related to JASDEC) ・Investment trusts (public offered) ・Bonds with subscription warrants (deposited in JASDEC) ・Subscription warrants (deposited in JASDEC) ・Foreign stocks (deposited in JASDEC) The real contents and details are to be determined considering needs, costs, etc.