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GE177b . I. Introduction II. Methods in Morphotectonics III. Determining the time evolution of fault slip 1- Techniques to monitor fault slip 2- EQs phenomenology 3- Slow EQs phenomenology 4- Paleoseismology 5- Paleogeodesy Appendix : ‘Elastic Dislocation’ modeling.

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  1. GE177b I. Introduction II. Methods in Morphotectonics III. Determining the time evolution of fault slip 1- Techniques to monitor fault slip 2- EQs phenomenology 3- Slow EQs phenomenology 4- Paleoseismology 5- Paleogeodesy Appendix : ‘Elastic Dislocation’ modeling

  2. III.3-Slow EQs Phenomenology • Linde, A., M. Gladwin, M. Johnson, R. Gwyther and R. Bilham, (1996), A slow earthquake sequence on the San Andreas fault, 383, 65-68.

  3. from Toda & Stein (JGR, 2003)

  4. The Guerrero subduction zone • Guerrero seismic gap • Flat subduction geometry • GPS stations located above the interface Radiguet et al. 2012 Perez-Campos et al., 2009

  5. Slow slip events • Duration 6 months - 1 year • Recurrence ~ 4 years • Surface displacements ~5 cm

  6. Northward ‘elastic’ displacement of the whole region D North EQ If slip is stick-slip due to reccuringEqs we expect : Time Slow EQs along the Mexican subduction zone North Fault is locked in Interseismic Stable aseismic slip (courtesy I. Manighetti)

  7. ‘Static’ Inversion • Direct problem • Interface geometry • Linear inversion (least-square) Tarantola 2005 Controls the weighting of each data in the inversion Correlation between parameters (smoothing)

  8. Static displacements for three SSEs Radiguet et al., 2012 - JGR

  9. Slip distributions for three SSEs Radiguet et al., 2012 - JGR • Important shallow slip (15-25 km)

  10. Spatio-temporal evolution of surface displacements • Variations in the direction of surface displacements with time Vergnolle et al. 2010 - JGR

  11. Inversion of GPS time series • Source parameterization • Simple description of the source • Analysis similar to regular eaqrthquakes with: • longer time constant • quasi-static problem Slip evolution in each subfault Liu et Archuleta 2006 fault plane • Linearized least-square inversion Tarantola & Valette 1982

  12. Time Constraint on the propagation velocity Horizontal GPS displacement with time - direct model - constant Vr

  13. Constraint on the propagation velocity Constraint on the propagation velocity Time Constraint on the propagation velocity 5 km/j Horizontal GPS displacement with time - direct model - constant Vr

  14. Constraint on the propagation velocity Time Constraint on the propagation velocity 1 km/j Horizontal GPS displacement with time - direct model - constant Vr

  15. Constraint on the propagation velocity Time Constraint on the propagation velocity 0.5 km/j Horizontal GPS displacement with time - direct model - constant Vr • Propagation velocity around 1km/day Radiguet et al. 2011 - GJI

  16. Horizontal displacements: data (black) and model (red) data model Time Spatio-temporal evolution of the 2006 SSE Snapshot of the slip propagation (50 days) Radiguet et al. 2011 - GJI

  17. séismes séismes lents Inter-SSE displacements and short-term coupling inter-SSE displacement velocity (mm/yr) Coupling coefficient on the interface • Short-term coupling quasi-homogeneous along-strike • SSEs occur in a region of high short term coupling Radiguet et al., 2012 - JGR

  18. Periodic aseismic slip events on the Cascadiasubduction interface GPS and seismic data showing the occurrence of episodic tremor and slip (ETS) at Victoria, British Columbia. The blue circles show daily changes in the east component of position of the continuous GPS site ALBH relative to Penticton which is considered fixed on the North America plate. The green line represents long-term eastward motion due to steady deformation caused by the locked portion of the plate interface on the Cascadia subduction zone. The red line segments show distinct periods of 14 to 15 months with elevated eastward trends, each punctuated by a 1 to 2-week reversal of motion that has been modelled by slow slip on the deeper plate interface. The black graph at the bottom shows the number of hours within a sliding 10-day window that show distinct, low-frequency, non-impulsive seismic activity that has been called "tremor". The correlation of the periods of slow slip with periods of extended tremor prompted the naming of this phenomena as Episodic Tremor and Slip. (Herb Dragert and Coll.)

  19. “Slow earthquakes” Phenomenology

  20. “Slow earthquakes” Phenomenology (Ide et al, nature, 2007)

  21. References on ‘Slow earthquakes’ • Dragert, H., K. Wang and T.S. James (2001), A silent slip event on the deeper Cascadiasubduction interface, Science, 292, 1525-1528. • Hirose, H., K. Hirahara, F. Kimata, N. Fujii, and S. Miyazaki (1999), A slow thrust slip event following the two 1996 Hyuganada earthquakes beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan, Geophysical Research Letters, 26(21), 3237-3240. • Ide, S., G. C. Beroza, D. R. Shelly, and T. Uchide (2007), A scaling law for slow earthquakes, Nature, 447(7140), 76-79. • Miller, M., T. Melbourne, D.J. Johnson, W. Q. Summer (2002), Periodic slow earthquakes from the Cascadiasubduction zone, Science, 295, 2423. • Rogers, G., and H. Dragert (2003), Episodic tremor and slip on the Cascadiasubduction zone: The chatter of silent slip, Science, 300(5627), 1942-1943. • Wallace, L. M., and J. Beavan (2006), A large slow slip event on the central Hikurangisubduction interface beneath the Manawatu region, North Island, New Zealand, Geophysical Research Letters, 33(11). • Yoshioka, S., T. Mikumo, V. Kostoglodov, K. M. Larson, A. R. Lowry, and S. K. Singh (2004), Interplate coupling and a recent aseismic slow slip event in the Guerrero seismic gap of the Mexican subduction zone, as deduced from GPS data inversion using a Bayesian information criterion, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 146(3-4), 513-530. • Radiguet, M., F. Cotton, M. Vergnolle, M. Campillo, A. Walpersdorf, N. Cotte, and V. Kostoglodov (2012), Slow slip events and strain accumulation in the Guerrero gap, Mexico, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 117.. • Radiguet, M., F. Cotton, M. Vergnolle, M. Campillo, B. Valette, V. Kostoglodov, and N. Cotte (2011), Spatial and temporal evolution of a long term slow slip event: the 2006 Guerrero Slow Slip Event, Geophysical Journal International, 184(2), 816-828.

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